All posts by Peter Holland

WD157 Battle Report – Warhammer Fantasy (The Battle of Osterwald)

This battle report saw Jervis Johnson (Goblins) face off against Robin Dews (Empire).


Writing a Sci-Fi Tabletop Wargame – Part 6

Our past posts:

So the results of last weeks votes are as follows:


Now we’ve got most (if not all) of the basic information in place for our game we can start getting our hands dirty with some of the nitty gritty stuff. Firstly, should we have pre-made ready to go factions or should players have options to construct their own units for their own faction? This would make the game miniature agnostic but it would also require players to take the time to build a faction from the ground up, i.e. this is a leader unit it needs this particular weapon, with this armour and these special rules.

Of course we could always have a mixture of both pre-made and create your own. But what do you think?

Turn Order

This is about how the players determine who goes first. There are many options for this, but I’ve narrowed this down to two or three, but bear 🐻 in mind these can also have vary to some extent. For example, while AoS is a UgoIgo system it also implements the turn priority in terms of a dice roll before each turn.

I Go You Go

This is the first and possibly most common option used. Players use a mechanic to determine who goes first and then play is simply alternated between the players until the end of the game.


Players use coloured dice or chips to represent their individual units on the table e.g. one players units are represented by red dice while the others are blue, when a red dice is drawn the red player chooses a unit to activate. This system will be familiar to those who have played Warlord Games Bolt Action.


This could either be an army wide initiative rating or individual initiative ratings for units to decide what order they act in. For example, elite units may have a much higher initiative than conscripts meaning they’ll always act first.


One of my personal favourites is using bidding systems to determine who acts first. This can take various forms such as rolling a number of orders each side can take on two or three dice then giving up a number of those orders to try and claim the priority that turn.

So which is your favourite? Perhaps there’s one I’ve not even thought of, I’d that’s the case why not add a comment below?

Woehammer Painting Competition

So the deadline has closed and the judges are reviewing the miniatures and giving their scores. We will announce the winner on Friday 7th January where they’ll be asked which Combat Patrol or Start Collecting box they would like as their prize.

This has all been made possible thanks to our amazing sponsor SCN Hobby World, where you can get up to 25% off your miniature orders!

Stay tuned!

Woehammer Facebook Group

Did you know that Woehammer have a Facebook group? Why not head over there and post some pictures of your miniatures, we’ll include them in monthly hobby summary alongside our own.

Woehammer in 2021

I’ve seen a few others post their blog stats and as a massive geek I always find stats interesting. So for those like minded individuals here’s our first few months as stats!

We started posting in July this year with one or two posts, which then picked up in August until we were then getting to the point of posting once a day (sometimes more).

Views by Month

  • July – 74 Views
  • August – 1,378 Views
  • September – 3,021 Views
  • October – 5,907 Views
  • November – 12,049 Views
  • December – 29,767 Views

For me this is staggering, in September I was over the moon with 3k views and had the personal aim of a 6% improvement month on month, however we’ve smashed that by essentially doubling the views we get each month.

I’m fully aware that this will not continue into 2022, but to come off a month where we achieved almost 30,000 views after only being around for a little under 6 months is great!

What’s also pleasing is that when we do get a visit to the site people are more than often viewing another article after their initial visit, with the average visitor viewing 1.65 articles each.

What’s being Read?

By far our most popular posts are the Top Three lists for competitive tournaments. These fill out five of the top right posts. So be assured you’ll see more of these in 2022.

Where are the views coming from?

This is possibly the most interesting part for me as initially a lot of the traffic in the first few months was driven by posts shared on Reddit, Twitter and Facebook. In August our top traffic source was Reddit (144 views) followed by Twitter (47 views), and while these continue to contribute major traffic sources for us, they have now been overtaken by search engines with the WordPress Reader App also contributing a large chunk of traffic.

Traffic Sources for December

This is likely to be due to us posting an article once a day and the various search engines starting to show these more regularly purely due to the amount of content we now have.

Who reads us?

It’s no surprise that we appeal to the English speaking world primarily, though we do have a high readership from many of the other European nations (yes, I consider us to be European despite the catastrophe that is Brexit).

So what next?

Well we already have plans to improve upon our top three lists postings with more in-depth analysis of the lists. We also have numerous tactic articles planned out as well as beginner army suggestions for each faction in AoS and 40k. As well as this I’m hoping to improve the look of the site itself as well as getting one or two more regular writers.

Either way, I wanted to thank all those who have visited us and my fellow Woehammerers Declan, Ed and Dave a Happy New Year, and here’s to an even better 2022!

Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs

About a month ago, the legend that is Dave invited me to play a few games of Warhammer Fantasy with him in the coming year. I jumped at the opportunity, and what better army to play with than my old Dwarfs!

I’ve always had a soft spot for these boys ever since I started in Warhammer way back in 93′.

This would also be the perfect opportunity for me to start rebasing them back on to their proper SQUARE bases as is only right! It also means that by the time Old World gets released I may have a fully painted and functional army from the off!

We’re starting out in Fantasy with the Grudge of Drong as Dave has previously mentioned, and for the first battle in the series I need to muster a small force of 1,500 points.

The first battle takes place in Grudge Pass as an Elven force blocks the road to advancing Dwarfs looking to topple Queen Helga from her throne whom the Elves have allied themselves with.

In this case, Dave is replacing the Elves and using his old Empire army. However, I will be using the Dwarfs. The suggested order of battle is below, but this is a 5th edition campaign box and we’re going be playing with 8th edition rules so I will need to adjust this slightly.

We’re going to be using 8th Edition rules, so my force will look something like this:

  • Dwarf Lord
  • Master Engineer
  • Runesmith
  • Battle Standard Bearer
  • 15 Warriors
  • 10 Warriors
  • 10 Longbeards
  • 10 Thunderers
  • 10 Ironbreakers
  • 10 Miners
  • 10 Miners

This is by no means a competitive army , but then its not meant to be as this is a narrative campaign and we’re playing to act a story out rather than attempting to table our opponent.

Some of these models are already painted, they just need rebasing!

I’ve still a fair whack to get through as well as rebasing the above models!

Hobby Bingo 2022

So @hamsfan @rightangle79 and myself are all going to take part in the White Dwarf Hobby Bingo for the coming year. Hopefully it will help clear some of our backlog!

For those not aware, the hobby bingo card was published in the most recent White Dwarf:

You score points based on each box you complete (10 points) as well as for lines – Horzontal, vertial or diagonal (50 points) and completing the entire grid (150 points).

I’ll be happy if I make it to 50 points! We’ll keep you updated throughout the year on how we’re doing!

WD156 Battle Report – Space Marine (Chaos at Kadavah)

This battle report saw Mark Watts (Chaos) face off against Richard Helliwell (Blood Angels).


Writing a Sci-Fi Tabletop Wargame – Part 5

Our past posts:

So the results of last weeks votes are as follows:

So this gives us some extra direction when it comes to writing the rules, as we know that each element will represent a Battalion strength unit and that the game will be played on a four foot square area. Excellent! If we factor in that we also want the game to last no more than two hours and that all the measurements will be carried out in inches, we only have perhaps two more votes to go before we get into the nitty gritty of the rules themselves.

Base Shape

This may not seem important to some people, but the base shape can define a lot of things in regards to measuring distances as well as movement. For example a rectangular base would mean that you have to take into account that the base is wider than it is deep and so wheeling and turning become a factor in movement. A round base negates that factor as everything can be measured from the base edge without too much concern, though if you want flanking inside the game having round bases makes this difficult. Alternatively, there’s the option to have a square base, which makes turning and wheeling less of an issue, and can include flanks for the various edges IF we want that as a factor in our game.

Base Size

Our playing area is going to be 4 foot square and so this will have a slight impact on base sizing. We can’t have large bases because of fitting enough of them inside the game. But we can’t have too small either as we want enough models on the base to make it look the part.

There we have it! Next week we will start looking at factions and whether we should include the ability to construct our own or write rules for pre-made factions (or both).

Model Showcase – Kruleboyz Gutrippas

So I’ve completed my first unit in prep for the battle of the skies in Northampton on 26th March.

I’ve gone for an off-green skin tone to try and represent an unhealthy living for these greenskins from living in boggy marshes and swamps.


  1. Undercoat Mechanicus Standard Grey
  2. Wash with Carroburg Crimson
  3. Drybrush Fenris Grey
  4. Glaze over highlights with Moot Green.


  1. Base coat with Mechanicus Standard Grey (the whole model was based in this colour).
  2. Paint with Yriel Yellow
  3. Wash with watered down Fire dragon Bright
  4. Recess shade with Agrax Earthshade
  5. Wash the lower half of the shield with Agrax Earthshade.
  6. Wash the last quarter with Nuln Oil (watered down).
  7. Highlight extreme edges with Flash Gitz Yellow.

Next up I’m going to start painting three Boltboyz and the Swampcalla.