Tag Archives: Oldhammer

Tale of Painters – March 22′

March is out of the way, so it’s time to look at how we’ve all got on at Woehammer with our respective goals and painting pledges this month.

In alphabetical order let’s start with…..

Dave (@hamsfan)

Peter: Dave’s made a rather sinister looking chariot for his Slaves to Darkness. I love the snow bases Dave goes for with pops of static grass and flowers. The colour scheme is great and I can’t wait to see Dave’s army in the flesh.

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
A4Unit of 2+ Models (Warhammer 40K)Heavy Weapons Team
C2Vehicle of Monster (Warhammer 40K)Basilisk
C3Any Model (Any System)Chariot
E3Fortification of Scenery (Age of Sigmar)Temple

So that brings Dave up to 40 points for the year with all four at the Expert Level.

Declan (@declanandeeyore)

Peter: I said you’d been busy last month when you had finished three units, now you’ve gone and smashed that with 9 units this month! That’s an incredible pace and great quality to go with it. It was a shame I never got to use the Kruleboyz you painted up at Burning Skies. The Genestealer pose always makes me think he’s replicating the smart GIF, love it!

You’ve also managed to paint the great pile of horsemeat Kragnos up as well in the same month, that’s a massive boxed ticked for th e Bingo card. Well done, he looks great! I especially love the bronze metal.

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
A1Hero or Character (Warhammer 40K)Broodlord
A2Unit of 5+ Models (Age of Sigmar)Man-Skewer Boltboyz
A4Unit of 2+ Models (Warhammer 40k)Big Stabba
B1Fortification or Scenery (Warhammer 40K)Sector Mechanicus
B2Unit of 2+ Models (Age of Sigmar)Big Stabba
C1Hero or Character (Age of Sigmar)Killaboss with Stab-Grot
C3Any Model (Any System)Warmaster Squigs
C4Unit of 5+ Models (Kill Team)Termagaunts
C5Hero or Character (Age of Sigmar)Murknob with Belcha-Banna
D1Kitbashed Model (Age of Sigmar)Big Stabba
D2Unit of 2+ Models (Age of Sigmar)Man-Skewer Boltboyz
E1Lord of War or Behemoth (AoS)Kragnos

This brings Declan to 120 points and 11 at Expert Level.

Ed (@Dreadmund)

Peter: Ed has been working on some scenery for AoS. I’m in awe of anyone who can sculpt, these nurgle pustules look disgusting, great job!

Peter (@woehammer)

MonthModels Painted/SoldModels Acquired/BoughtMonths Total
Jan638+32 Unpainted
Feb2513-12 Unpainted
Mar10-10 Unpainted

Peter: Not much for me this month as life got in the way of hobby! But I’ve maintained one of my goals this month which is to paint more than I bought!

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
A3Unit of 10+ Models (AoS)Hobgrots
B2Unit of 2+ Models (AoS)Man-Skewer Boltboyz
B4Vehicle or Monster (AoS)Swampboss Skummdrekk
B5Unit of 10+ Models (AoS)Hobgrots
C1Hero or Character (AoS)Swampcalla Shaman
C3Any Model (Any System)Beast-Skewer Killbow
D2Unit of 2+ Models (Underworlds)Rippa’s Snarlfangs
E4Hero or Character (Warhammer 40K)Marneus Calgar

That brings me to 80 points and 8 Expert Level goals completed.

Rhys (@RhysSallabanks)

Peter: Rhys has been cracking on with his flesh-eater courts this month, and don’t they look great! That Ghoul is painted up to an expert standard and considering Rhys has only been painting for a couple of years its incredible, he’s like a miniature painter who’s been painting for 40!


Peter: Ryan has been playing around with LED’s in his scenery this month and I think this only adds to what is already a superbly finished piece.

Steve (@Milford_Steve)

Peter: Steve has been busy once more, tying to get his Crimson Fists company completed. I absolutely love the Space Marine Ancient who is a copy of the space Marine holding an Ork head on the cover of Rogue Trader. Steve, like Declan can power through a pile of models in no time. I’d love to know what both of their back logs look like.


Peter: Tony has finished of the Crimson Court, and they really look the part in that scenery, the skin just screams vampire and the red armour contrasts nicely!

He’s also done some non- metallic gold on his Steelheart’s Champions for underworlds. Look at that sword!

Will (@WillHolley6)

Peter: Will has done a fantastic job of these OBR. I always like Red and cream as a combo and they are set off nicely by their red earth basing. They’ll look great en masse in an army. Will has also started some “Wet Elves”, I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the unit.

Tale of Painters – February 21′

February is out of the way already, so it’s time to look at how we’ve all got on at Woehammer with our respective goals and painting pledges this month.

In alphabetical order let’s start with…..

Dave (@hamsfan)

Peter: Dave’s smashed another one of the harder to get ones with Scenery piece for Age of Sigmar. What a piece, absolutely love the dark stone look with this one. Who doesn’t love some heavy weapons team, Lovely mix of two mortars and an Autocannon here, they look just like they’re in the thick of the action.

Declan: Dave has managed to do what I really struggle with – actually getting paint on Imperial Guard / Astra Miliatarum. These guys look like they’ve been in a fight… until you zoom in and get a suprise! The scenery is lovely and dark with lots of blood included. Dave has managed to walk the tight-rope between scenery that looks good, but won’t overshadow the toy-soldiers.

Dave: Some quick and dirty painting on the Guard, I’ve many to do but I’m pleased to get these done. I’ll definitely be using these in a lot of my lists in one form or another. I had the terrain for ages, it’s painted simply but will be great for AoS games. Happy with my progress so far, I’m working on my Minotaur this month but might do a bit of AoS for a break too.

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
A4Unit of 2+ Models (Warhammer 40K)Heavy Weapons Team
C2Vehicle of Monster (Warhammer 40K)Basilisk
E3Fortification of Scenery (Age of Sigmar)Temple

So that brings Dave up to 30 points for the year with all three at the Expert Level.

Declan (@declanandeeyore)

Peter: You’ve been very busy this month Declan! Three units finished and I love your kitbashed Big Stabbas. Your Termagaunts really stand out and you have got the orange and blue scheme down to perfection now, have you got a hivefleet name for them?

Declan: Cheers for the kind words Peter; I hadn’t considered a Hive Fleet name as they were painted for Kill Team but it’s a great call. I’ll do some reading to get some inspiration. Although I haven’t finished a lot of models this month, I’ve still managed to get three Hobby boxes finished including the ‘Kitbashed’ one which I struggling to think what to do. Fortunately the Big Stabbas for my Big Waaagh came to my rescue. 4 out of 25 in 2 months also puts me roughly on target so looking good although there’s some larger units and even some Behemoths to go… so lots to do still!

March will hopefully see me finishing some Napoleonic British and keeping my hand in on my Tyranid / Genestealer colour scheme. I’ve also got a Warmaster Tournament and I may get some Squigs painted to augment my Goblin army.

Dave: Great to see the Bonesplitterz, they look excellent too. As Pete says, the kitbashed ones are really fun. You’ve timed the Tyranids beautifully if you’re planning on picking up the new 40k codex! 

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
B1Fortification or Scenery (Warhammer 40K)Sector Mechanicus
B2Unit of 2+ Models (Age of Sigmar)Big Stabba
C4Unit of 5+ Models (Kill Team)Termagaunts
D1Kitbashed Model (Age of Sigmar)Big Stabba

This brings Declan to 40 points and all at Expert Level.

Peter (@woehammer)

MonthModels Painted/SoldModels Acquired/BoughtMonths Total
Jan638+32 Unpainted
Feb2513-12 Unpainted

Peter: This is the first month in a while where I’ve managed to paint more than I’ve bought! This includes 10 Necron Warriors that I sold on fleabay this month. I’m over the moon at my progress and have never painted this much in a month before.

Declan: Wow… wow… wow! Peter’s still on fire and whilst he couldn’t get to our small tournament recently he’s definitely on target for the weekend shortly. His Kruleboyz are going to be shooting the enemy to another life. I really like the scheme here – dark and dank models are difficult to do and Peter’s really nailed it. I can’t wait to see the finished Kruleboyz army in the flesh.

Dave: You’ve got loads done! These will look great as you pick them up off the table at Burning Skies  🙂 I’m a pretty slow painter, I’m very impressed with the speed and quality you’ve achieved.

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
A3Unit of 10+ Models (AoS)Hobgrots
B2Unit of 2+ Models (AoS)Man-Skewer Boltboyz
B4Vehicle or Monster (AoS)Swampboss Skummdrekk
C1Hero or Character (AoS)Swampcalla Shaman
C3Any Model (Any System)Beast-Skewer Killbow
D2Unit of 2+ Models (Underworlds)Rippa’s Snarlfangs
E4Hero or Character (Warhammer 40K)Marneus Calgar

That brings me to 70 points and 7 Expert Level goals completed.

Other Members

This month we’ve also included some of the other guys who were willing to of share some of their pictures.


Peter: Steve just joined the crew this last month and has been sharing some of his pictures of his Crimson Fists. He’s building an entire company of them, and they look absolutely awesome!

Declan: How many Weapons does this Impulsor Tank need? It’s got them all and a neat and tidy base to finish it off. The Crimson fists colours obviously work together (I love red & blue armies), and this is no exception. The blue on the Plasma is also nicely done, and something I struggled with last year on the Thermic Generators.

Dave: Almost a great Ultramarine tank but you slipped a bit with the red. Seriously, this is really well done and cleanly painted.


Peter: Like Steve, Tony is a new member of the Woehammer crew and back in January painted these stunning Stormcast flappy birds! The skin on these alone must have taken hours upon hours. True talent on display both with Steve and Tony.

Declan: Dragons… but not the small ones – Tony has gone for the big guys here. Krondys (blue) and Karazai (Red) are looking great in traditional dragon poses. The wings are painted in a more realistic tone than is ususally shown, which matches nicely with the chests and really ties these together – they definitely belong in the same army.

Dave: Skar and Mufasa are both great models and Tony has done a brilliant job on them. Hopefully he and Steve will start bingo cards too!

Tale of Painters – January 21′

The first month of the year is out of the way already, so it’s time to look at how we’ve all got on at Woehammer with our respective goals and painting pledges this month.

In alphabetical order let’s start with…..

Dave (@hamsfan)

It’s because of Dave that both Declan and I are doing the hobby bingo this year. Dave has started out with a large model in the form of a Basilisk for his Renegades & Heretics army.

Peter: I love the webbing on this miniature and the weathering overall. It really looks like its been based near the front for some time now.

Declan: There’s some great work here – first it’s a lovely cleanly painted tank, and with the addition of the netting and the weathering on the barrels this is a great addition to any Astra Militarum army!

Dave: Thanks guys, unfortunately being painted didn’t make it shoot any better in my last game! I’m umming and aahing on my next bingo square so I guess we will see!

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
C2Vehicle or Monster (Warhammer 40k)Basilisk

So that’s 10 points for Dave right off the bat, and one of the larger models/boxes ticked off already!

Declan (@declanandeeyore)

Declan also has managed to get one of the harder boxes out of the way, ticking off his scenery for Warhammer 40k. Declan had a number of other goals he was also hoping to complete this year. How is he doing?

Peter: Declan is one of those hobbyists I’ll always be jealous off! He can crank out painted miniatures at a fantastic rate and they look great when they’re finished! Something like this would have taken me a couple of months to do!

Declan: Cheers to Peter for his kind words… I love this kit and have written a full article on it already! As Peter has aluded to above I have some other Hobby Goals as well. The good news (for me) is that I’ve managed to tick off 50% of one of the aims already – I’ve finished 4-1 in my first tournament of the year. One of my aims was to get two 4-1s so thats a great start. I’ve also got 3 games of Warmaster played… so a great start to the year and the Hobby. I’ll need to get going to get more of the Bingo sheet completed though.

Dave: I’m not sure if this 40k or part of Declan’s homebrew kit but I like it. I’ve just started playing ninth edition so it’s all a bit confusing for me but this looks cool.

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
B1Fortification or Scenery (Warhammer 40K)Sector Mechanicus

Also 10 points and an Expert Level goal ticked off for Declan.

Peter (@woehammer)

I’ve been hard at work this month trying to get my Kruleboyz force painted up in time for Burning Skies on March 26th. So I’ve managed to produce Rippa’s Snarlfangs and the Swampcalla Shaman for that. I also managed to finish off my first Rogue Trader model in the form of Marneus Calgar.

As an added goal this year, I wanted to try and reduce the number of unpainted models in my collection. So my months summary is:

Models Painted/SoldModels Acquired/BoughtMonths Total
638+32 Unpainted

Plus Dave has mentioned that he has some old Dwarfs he’s looking to sell……

Peter: I’m quite proud that I was able to get this lot finished this month, it meant reducing the quality of the Snarlfangs slightly, but I can always revisit them in the future if I need to.

Declan: Peter’s leaving us all in his shadow here with 3 boxes ticked off and the lovely Rogue Trader diamora finished. I’ll take credit for Rippa’s being in his Kruleboyz list and wish Peter luck in finishing off an army. It’ll be great to see it all finished. I think the yellow on the Kruleboyz is a great call and the Shaman and Pot Grot are looking like real killers!

Dave: Pete’s diorama looks excellent and I’m pleased to see him painting the best marines there are, especially as it’s Marneus Calgar – the spiritual liege of all marines everywhere. Rippa and the snarlfangs may sound like an awful college punk band but they look great. I actually disliked the Kruleboyz when they came out but I like what Pete has done with them.

CellExpert Level Goal:Miniature Painted
C1Hero or Character (AoS)Swampcalla Shaman
D2Unit of 2+ Models (Underworlds)Rippa’s Snarlfangs
E4Hero or Character (Warhammer 40K)Marneus Calgar

That brings me to 30 points and 3 Expert Level goals completed.

Hopefully we’ll continue this each month to let you know how we do with our goals.

Oldhammer Collection 26/01/22

Some of the keen eyed amongst you will have already noticed the name change in the series from Rogue Trader Collection to Oldhammer Collection. Why is this? The answer, is fairly simple. I have no self control!

When a friend at the club says “I’ve a load of old eighties Dwarfs I want to sell”. The first words out of my mouth are “How much?!”. Yes, my name’s Peter and I’m a miniature toy soldier addict!

So which Dwarfs have I purchased?

These bad boys.

And these bad boys…..

AND these very bad boys!

So instead of reducing my pile of shame I appear to just be adding to it this month.

That being said, I can knock one model off that list as complete….

Yup, Marneus is finally finished!

Now to start looking at the Rogue Trader Space Marine Squad. I have to add a massive thank you here, as I originally had just eight of the marines from RTB01. But thanks to the legend that is Planet Oldhammer I now have a complete squad, as he very kindly sent me two more figures (the sergeant and another marine) as well as a few missing arms and weapons that I needed!

Also, a few of you on twitter took to the polls to decide which Chapter I should paint any Space Marines for Rogue Trader in, and I’m pleased to tell you the winner is the Crimson Fists. Nothing shouts Rogue Trader like the Crimson Fists! It was a close run thing between them and the Rainbow Warriors.

Rogue Trader Collection – 13/01/22

So the diorama for Marneus is starting to come together. All that’s left to do is perhaps tidying the bear up a little and finishing the marine Guard.

On top of this I’ve ordered from Etsy some mini banners for the 1st and 2nd companies as well as the chapter banner which I’ll hand on the wall behind Marneus.

The chapter banner
The 2nd Company banner
The first company banner

Once these arrive and are placed the model will finally be finished!

Which Space Marine Chapter should I focus on for Rogue Trader? (Poll)

Now that I have a whole squad of marines and a Rhino to paint for Rogue Trader it’s time to think about what chapter they should be.

Therefore I’m putting this up to public vote. I’m limiting the selection to those that appear inside Rogue the following image:

Your votes are greatly appreciated!

WD157 Battle Report – Warhammer Fantasy (The Battle of Osterwald)

This battle report saw Jervis Johnson (Goblins) face off against Robin Dews (Empire).


WD156 Battle Report – Space Marine (Chaos at Kadavah)

This battle report saw Mark Watts (Chaos) face off against Richard Helliwell (Blood Angels).


Rogue Trader Collection – 24/12/21

Just a quick update this week, as I’ve not had a huge amount of time to get things done.

But I’ve fixed up the wall with green stuff ready for painting. I’m still in two minds about the bear rug though…..

So with all the pieces complete it’s just going to be a matter of making some posters and banners to go on the wall and then sticking the whole thing together. It’s only taken two months….

WD155 Battle Report – Warhammer Fantasy (Battle of Red Axe Pass)

This battle report saw Nigel Stillman (Goblins) face off against Alan Perry (High Elves).
