Top Three AoS Lists for FLG Outlaw GT

This is the top three AoS lists for the FLG Outlaw GT that took place in the USA on the 22nd and 23rd of July. It involved 46 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

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The Top Three AoS Lists

Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords
Army Type: Vyrkos
– Grand Strategy: Empire of Corpses
– Indomitable

1 x Torgillius the Chamberlain (150)*
– Spells: Fading Vigour
1 x Belladamma Volga (200)**
Spells: Spirit Gale
1 x Vampire Lord (140)**
Spells: blizzard
1 x Gorslav the Gravekeeper (120)**
– Command Traits: Spoor Trackers
– Artefacts: Ulfenkarni Phylactery

40 x Deadwalker Zombies (240)*
40 x Deadwalker Zombies (240)*
20 x Deadwalker Zombies (120)*
20 x Deadwalker Zombies (120)*
10 x Dire Wolves (140)**
Doom Wolf
40 x Deadwalker Zombies (240)**
20 x Deadwalker Zombies (120)**

1 x Corpse Cart (80)*
Corpse Goad
– Unholy Lodestone
1 x Corpse Cart (80)**
Corpse Goad
– Unholy Lodestone

*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (1990/2000)

Soulblight continue their inevitable shamble towards victory with a Vyrkos list that proves why it’s the sub-faction of choice since the (entirely justified) LoB tweaks in the last battlescroll. Not that Vyrkos came off unscathed either, but it was probably a light touch – chances are, given the win-rates, lists like this get touched a little more in the near future…

But until then – zombies! A key sub-faction ability here is the ability to add d3 models back to a unit in the hero phase on top of the existing recursion, plus a once per game summon of 10 dogs – which combos savagely with the 5+++ bubble projected by Torgillius, and the slightly smaller 5+++ bubble of the Ulfenkarni Phylactery (try saying that 10 times fast) on Gorslav. This, obviously, makes the task of killing *quick maths* a FUCK TONNE of zombies, and 40 (factoring in the summon) wounds of DIre Wolf fairly arduous. The corpse cart – excuse me – carts equip the zombies with a nasty MW on 6s to wound in addition to their MW rolls on dying, equating to a hyper-nasty attrition game with insane board control – helped by the command trait on Gorslav, allowing deadwalkers to make a small hero phase move.

I don’t envy the man for having to push all those models around but with that weight of bodies, you can probably afford to be less than forensic with your positioning. Taking down a range of opponents who mostly have very respectable output and tricks of their own, Guan here proves that simply roleplaying a George Romero movie will get the job done.


Army Faction: Sons of Behemat
Army Type: Breaker Tribe
– Grand Strategy: Make the Land Tremble!
– Triumphs: Inspired
– Fierce Loathings: Idiots with Flags

1 x Gatebreaker (500)*
– Command Traits: Monstrously Tough
– Artefacts: Amulet of Destiny
1 x Gatebreaker (500)*
Artefacts: Glowy Shield of Protectiness
1 x Warstomper (450)*
1 x Rabble-Rowza (Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz) (500)**

5 x Gobbapalooza (Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz) (500)**
12 x Squig Herd (Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz) (500)**
10 x Squig Hoppers (Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz) (500)**

*Bosses of the Stomp
**Regiment of Renown

TOTAL POINTS: (1950/2000)

We’ve managed to nab him again! This list was so good I knew Pete would be interested in taking it on. Thanks again to Pete from PlasticCraic for helping us out!

It’s something that made SOB aficionados the world over issue a collective “Hmmm….”. What if we took the new Squigs Regiment of Renown, and added our three favourite Mega Gargants? A lot of people mentally went straight to the adrenaline-rush option of Trip Gatebreakers plus the Regiment for 2k on the nose and stopped there, filing the whole thing away as a thought experiment. But not Christopher Schelling – he backed himself in and put it on the table with glorious results. Chris earned this 4-1 the hard way, heading onto top tables in the final round with a 4-0 behind him, with wins against SBGL and Seraphon, meaning this was no bunny run.

Why does the regiment work well in Sons?

Screens! By default, your big boys will usually hold any objectives they’re near, and if you can hold them for 3 turns, you usually win the game. So, being able to protect the Megas from combat output for a turn gives you a 1-0 headstart in a race to 3. In that context, it doesn’t really matter that the screens themselves are not super-efficient.
Because the Regiment starts off the board, it’s easy to position the Rabble Rowsa where you can run towards him; and since your whole army is Monsters, they can all do the run and charge thing.

It gives you a few scrappy units to work towards Battle Tactics (such as Surround and Destroy) and your Grand Strat (run or charge with a unit every turn). That latter can be tricky when your Megas get bogged down or you get swamped and tabled – just scattering a bunch of different bits and pieces to the 4 winds makes it much more likely to be achieved.

Couple of Unbinds from the Gobbapalooza? Don’t mind if I do. Their Warscroll spells are dope too, and because they’re both debuff spells, they benefit Sons despite having no direct keyword synergy – they don’t need it. Plus, ya know, Mystic Shield.

So this is a group that synergises extremely well with the Megas – it really is their natural home, and it works in so well with your gameplan that it overcomes any natural inefficiencies from not being reinforced. Big fan.

Chris’s chosen direction was two Breakers and a Stomper, which leaves room for a strong Triumph bid in a 2-drop package. The Gatebreakers are still great fun, with their 4D6 smash bypassing a lot of anti-combat bullshit since it’s not an attack, just an ability. Sons players will be all too familiar with those combat phases where your 500-point combat unit does zero damage, even if you don’t choose the smash – and I wish I was exaggerating here – so the Wartsomper’s greater volume of dice should give you some kind of semi-reliable output when you aren’t desperate to spike, but just really to do something.

Because you’ve got the upside and inherent brutality of the twin Gate Breakers, Chris has consolidated with his Enhancements, taking a full package of defensive tech. 40 wounds CT on his General plus a 6++ ward puts him on 46.7 effective wounds and the Glowy Shield ignores rend -1 specifically (as opposed to reducing rend by 1). As a Sons player myself, that’s something I’d love to see addressed in a future Battlescroll, because it feels slightly outdated in a world of rampant rend creep – there is still a fair amount of rend -1 in the game though, so it’s still a decent enough pick, especially with the dopamine hit when you spike the bounceback mortals that it also brings.

The list can win games passively or proactively, and while it may still struggle on Battle Tactics, the list choices here take a positive step to address that. All in all this army has a really refined feel, and it’s something I’d be happy to take to an event myself.


Army Faction: Ossiarch Bonereapers
Subfaction: Null Myriad
– Grand Strategy: Overshadow
– Triumph: Inspired

Katakros (460)
Arkhan the Black (380)*
Mortisan Boneshaper (140)*
– Command Traits: Aura of Sterility
– Artefacts of Power: Artisan’s Key
– Spells: Hoarfrost

Kavalos Deathriders (180)*
– Mortek Hekatos
– Nadirite Blade
Immortis Guard (220)*
Necropolis Stalkers (440)*
– 2 x Dread Falchions
Mortek Guard (150)*

1 x Malevolent Maelstrom (30)

1 x Bone-tithe Nexus (0)

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

Walter Brock: Going down the list we start with the sub faction choice of Null myriad. Allowing 2+ spell ignores for units wholly within 9” of Arkhan or the Boneshaper. Important to note that Katakros cannot benefit from this because he is still having the keyword for his own legion.

Overshadow is a different choice from the classic Savant grand strategy we usually see used. Overshadow means you would need to destroy all enemy battleline units while keeping one of your own alive. It’s a strong choice and unlike Spellcasting savant. You don’t have to focus on keeping one model alive and can spread out a bit more if the moment arises.

Starting off with the heroes. Katakros and Arkhan are a Dream team together. Katakros buffs the army to kingdom come with his command ability while also crippling the enemy with a few of his abilities. He may be slow but if he gets into combat with a hero nearby, he can hit incredibly hard. Arkhan on the other hand is the opposite of Katakros. Arkhan is fast, very fast, He doesn’t hit as hard as Katakros. Having three casts and denies at +2 lets him help stop important spells and cast important spells. They compliment each other very well and the synergies are endless.

The bone shaper rounds out the heroes. Taking Aura of sterility to cripple enemy shooting with -1 to hit and -1 to wound for friendly unit wholly within 12”. With Null Myriad and Aura of sterility this list is very resilient to heavy magic and shooting. Artisan’s keys let the Boneshaper potentially double down on is healing by letting it heal a second time on a 3+. This player opted to go with Hoarfrost since Arkhan already knows all the Ossiarch spells.

The Deathriders can do a couple of things. They can screen. They come with a relatively easy to use battle tactic. Because of their decent bulk they could also be used to block an opponent’s movement and stay in the way. These guys have a lot of uses.

This player has opted to go for a Unit of three Immortis guard and a unit six Stalkers. Stalkers being very fast with their hunt and kill command. Which plays well into the grand strat of trying to kill enemy batteline and supports an aggressive gameplan. The three Immortis guards are around for a few reasons. They can hit decently hard, bodyguard characters, and Unlock a Battle tactic in the form of Sculptures Entourage with the Boneshaper.

Lastly this player has made an interesting choice of using a unit of 10 Mortek Guard. We don’t see these little guys too often since the Harvester change. They have a few jobs that not a lot of other OBR units can do. They are the best points for the number of attacks in the book. At a nice 21 attacks for 150 where the Deathriders are 180 for the same number, and half of theirs don’t even have rend. They have a Unique command ability that basically gives them Ethereal at their 4+ save, letting them stand up to a few things that other units might not be able to. They are also the most Model counts for their points. So, 10 Mortek guards can run onto a point and have better chances of taking a point away from an opponent. A very cool choice with a lot of potential.

Finishing it out is the Maelstrom Endless spell. For 30 points this thing is a steal. The crazy thing about it is its damage is always going to happen. When it goes away it blows up so its guaranteed damage, and with Arkhan’s spell range increase it will reach a lot of places. All of this except for Katakros sitting inside of a Battle Regiment. Often this list will decide who goes first. With their score this player has done a good job at showing how they can make their choice effective. Well done to this player.


Army Faction: Fyreslayers
Army Subfaction: Greyfyrd
– Grand Strategy: Masters of the Forge

1 x Auric Flamekeeper (90)*
1 x Auric Flamekeeper (90)*
1 x Grimhold Exile (140)*
Nullstone Adornments: Pouch of Nulldust
1 x Auric Runemaster (130)**
– Command Traits: Avatar of Vulcatrix
– Prayers: Curse
1 x Battlesmith (160)**
Artefacts: Nulsidian Icon
1 x Auric Runefather (120)**
Artefacts: Axe of Grimnir

10 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (160)*
– 2 x Hornblower of Grimnir
10 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (150)*
– 2 x Hornblower of Grimnir
– Fyresteel War-pick and Bladed Slingshield
10 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (150)*
– 2 x Hornblower of Grimnir
– Fyresteel War-pick and Bladed Slingshield
10 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (160)**
– 2 x Hornblower of Grimnir

1 x Runic Fyrewall (60)

1 x Magmic Battleforge (0)

10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (320)*
– Flamestrike Poleaxe
5 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (160)**
– Berzerker Broadaxe
1 x Grimwrath Berzerker (110)**
Artefacts: Draught of Magmalt Ale

*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000)

Kevin Lathers: Bringing out the new hero from the Regiments of Renown, the Grimhold Exile, Noe has put him in a list that is all about board control.

With only a single priest with Wrath of Vulcatrix (to secure the Grand Strat), this list foregoes the usual inclusion of a Runesmiter as well as any Magmadroths. Instead it relies on the Runemaster’s Ember Storm prayer and the new hero’s once per game 6″ bubble of Run + Charge to add any speed it needs. Further, the Grimwrath Berserker can be given Run + Charge as an oath or stick near the Grimhold to soak up the buff and take a different Oath. This makes the list surprisingly quick, albeit only one time.

With all these vulkites and Hearthguard Berserkers, the list can certainly sit on objectives and hold them, relying on the Flamekeeper buffs, Counterstrike, and Fight on Death to hold any charging waves of opponents to very poor trades.

And then, if opponents do trade into the Fyreslayers, the flamekeepers will often maintain their buffs for a counter charge on the next turn with devastating 3 damage attacks.

With wins against Slaanesh Blissbarbs, Ogors, SCE, and IDK, the list would certainly prove its tanky enough to take a punch and throw it right back. The 4++ ward saves on the HGB can prove a potent vanguard and objective holder. This is backed up by a Runefather that can swing with -2 rend 4 damage attacks on a 3″ reach which is nothing to sneeze at.

Overall this list is going to be a tough nut for many armies to crack. Opponents will need to choose their battles carefully, especially if the flamekeepers are ready to pop their buff.

Final Tournament Placings

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