Tag Archives: Warmaster

Top Three AoS Lists for Warmaster


This is the top three AoS lists for Warmaster took place in Australia on the 24th and 25th of November. It saw 24 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Allegiance: Khorne
– Slaughterhost: The Goretide
– Grand Strategy: The Blood Legions March

Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (330)**
– General
– Command Trait: Firebrand
– Artefact: A’rgath the King of Blades
– Prayer: Killer Instinct
– Prayer: Bloodbind
Dromm, Wounder of Worlds (180)**
– Prayer: Blood Sacrifice
– Prayer: Unholy Flames
Slaughterpriest (110)****
– Prayer: Bronzed Flesh
– Prayer: Killer Instinct
Bloodsecrator (120)***
Skarr Bloodwrath (110)**
Magister – The Coven of Thryx (320)*
– Allies

10 x Blood Warriors (190)**
– Goreaxes
– 1x Goreglaives
8 x Claws of Karanak (100)***
10 x Bloodreavers (80)***
– Meatripper Axes
10 x Bloodreavers (80)****
– Meatripper Axes

10 x Skullreapers (380)****
– Goreslick Blades
– Reinforced x 1
2 x Gorechosen of Dromm (0)****
10 x Horrors of Tzeentch – The Coven of Thryx (0)*
– Allies

Endless Spells & Invocations
Burning Sigil of Tzeentch – The Coven of Thryx (0)
Daemonic Simulacrum – The Coven of Thryx (0)
Tome of Eyes – The Coven of Thryx (0)

Core Battalions
*Regiment of Renown

Additional Enhancements

Total: 2000 / 2000

Roland Rivera: This list is a spicy morsel – it has taken the standard Khorne Mortals framework, and added spellcasting to the mix as an added dimension on both defense (hello, Mystic Shield!) and offense, as the mortal wound endless spells can provide damage at range. Another interesting inclusion is Dromm, which brings some beefy melee bodyguards and another source of mortal wounds at range thanks to his prayer.

As you’d expect, the frontline for these lists is rock solid – Blood Warriors for holding the middle, Skullreapers for damage, Claws of Karanak and Bloodreavers for utility and objective pressure, Skarr Bloodrwath as a reusable source of Blood Tithe. The Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury also looms large as a Hero Monster that can provide both defense or offense as needed. Don’t sleep on the Pink Horrors as a screen, either – especially since they bite back when they die.

In summary, the Coven’s spellcasting combined with the typical Khorne Mortal beef is a potent combination that Jordan used to great effect, and as this is not the first time that a Khorne list featuring the Coven has achieved notable results, expect to see it more often going forward.


Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
– Gittish Horde: Jaws of Mork
– Mortal Realm: Chamon
– Grand Strategy: Chasing the Moon
– Triumphs: Indomitable

Skragrott, The Loonking (230)**
Squigboss with Gnasha-squig (110)*
– General
– Command Trait: The Clammy Hand
– Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
Webspinner Shaman (65)*
– Lore of Primal Frost: Hoarfrost

10 x Boingrot Bounderz (300)*
– Reinforced x 1
40 x Moonclan Shootas (240)*
– Reinforced x 1
5 x Boingrot Bounderz (150)**
5 x Boingrot Bounderz (150)**
36 x Squig Herd (420)*
– Reinforced x 2

5 x Gobbapalooza (170)*
5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (110)**

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment

Total: 1945 / 2000

Lodivicus: Another variation of Jaws of Mork core podiums again! Skragrott, a Squigboss, Squig Herd, Boingrot Bounderz, Gobbapalooza and the Bad Moon Loonshrine all make an appearance from the core. In this list, Rob flexes out of the more common Madcap Shaman (with Moonface Mommet and Hoarfrost) for a Webspinner Shaman (with Hoarfrost and native 5+ ward). The highly popular Sneaky Snufflers also hit the chopping block to free up points.

So what’s the change? What are the points used for? Forty Moonclan Shootas and five Loonsmashas Fanatics. We haven’t talked about these two units much in previous commentaries, so let’s dive in!

Moonclan Shootas have two 20” ranged attacks each (when they have 10 or more models) plus one for the Champion for a wild 81 attacks per turn at full strength. While they don’t have a particularly efficient attack profile, with AoA, their high volume should end up doing about 9 damage into a 4+ save. That’s pretty solid for clearing screens for the Squigs to get in and at a far enough distance they can still blanket an objective while doing so. If the opponent gets within charge range, you can pop out the Loonsmashas for protection (assuming they were hidden here and not in the Gobbapalooza).

The whirling dervishes, the Loonsmasha Fanatics, can reveal themselves at the start of the charge phase. With their strike-first effect and d6 rend -2 damage d3 attacks each, they can function as anything from a speed bump to a weapon of mass destruction depending on the high variability of the rolls. Either way, whether they protect your grots or get launched offensively into the enemy on your turn, they are an effective and fun ‘casino type’ piece.

Congrats to Rob on his 2nd place finish (only losing in Round 3 to Big Waaagh). Keep those Loonsmashas drinking their Fungus Brew!


Army Faction: Kharadron Overlords
– Subfaction: Barak-Nar
– Grand Strategy: Rule the Skies
– Triumph: Inspired
– Stick To The Code (Amendments): Always Take What You Are Owed
– Stick To The Code (Artycles): Honour is Everything
– Stick To The Code (Footnotes): Without Our Ships, We Are Naught

Aetheric Navigator (100)*
– Artefacts of Power: Voidstone Orb
Arkanaut Admiral (140)*
– General
– Command Traits: Stormcaller
– Nullstone Adornments: Hand-carved Nullstone Icon
Aether-Khemist (100)*
Brokk Grungsson (220)**

Arkanaut Company (90)*
– Company Captain
– Light Skyhook and Gun Butt
– Skypike
– Volley Pistol
– Aethermatic Volley Gun and Gun Butt
Grundstok Thunderers (320)*
– Gunnery Sergeant
– 2 x Honour Bearer
– 2 x Aethercannon
– 2 x Aetheric Fumigator
– 2 x Decksweeper
Arkanaut Company (90)**
– Company Captain
– Light Skyhook and Gun Butt
– Skypike
– Volley Pistol
– Aethermatic Volley Gun and Gun Butt

Arkanaut Ironclad (500)*
– Great Sky Cannon
– Great Endrinworks: The Last Word
– The Admiral’s Flagship: The Admiral’s Flagship
Arkanaut Frigate (300)**
– Heavy Sky Cannon

Endrinriggers (120)**

*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000

Carl Stokes: Another spectacular showing by KO, this time with Barak Nar! This is a faction I haven’t explored in great detail personally, but this list has some very interesting synergies that really elevate it to the next level. Barak Nar is all about command points and having an enormous amount of them. By making thunderers battleline as part of their subfaction abilities, the general can now take stormcaller as a command trait to maximize the value provided by the navigator.

Bee also took the Lord-Magnate of Barak Nar, Brokk Grungsson, who is truly living up to his full potential in that subfaction. Brokk is shockingly tanky at 8w and a 3+ native save, while also being incredibly fast and weirdly good at close combat. Oh and he also shoots ridiculously hard and buffs skyfarers around him if they charge. For example, let’s say a frigate charges a target while carrying Brokk and 3 Endrinriggers.

The resulting combat phase might look a little something like this…

Frigate impact hits for about 4 MW.
Brokk and endrinriggers pile out.
Then the Endrinriggers (who are always striking first) hit with 10 attacks at (probably) 2/3/-2/d3 with Brokk (also striking first) hitting with 5 attacks at 3/2/-2/d3. The frigate also probably does some stuff, but that’s not quite as relevant. In short, Brokk and the endrinriggers fight way better than one might expect, and with the Frigate acting as a reliable combat delivery system, they’re a ruthless combo that can certainly catch opponents off-guard.

And of course they’re backed up by the traditional Ironclad + Khemist + Thunderers combo of ridiculous mobility and shooting neatly packaged into 2 drops with 20 arkanauts providing both screening and home objective control. A Navigator and Admiral pair serve as both an anti-magic nexus, as well as a (fairly) consistent way to prevent the enemy Big Bad from touching your precious boats.
Overall, this list is a very tidy and efficient way to bring a combined arms approach to the KO style of play and it clearly paid off for Bee! Congratulations!


Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords
– Army Type: Vyrkos
– Grand Strategy: Lust for Domination

Belladamma Volga (220)*
– Artefacts of Power: Standard of the Ulfenwatch
– Spells: Soulpike
Radukar the Beast (290)**
Vampire Lord (150)**
– General
– Command Traits: Driven by Deathstench
– Spells: Hoarfrost
Wight King (150)**
– Artefacts of Power: Ulfenkarni Phylactery

Dire Wolves (150)*
– Doom Wolf
Dire Wolves (150)*
– Doom Wolf
Dire Wolves (150)*
– Doom Wolf
Deathrattle Skeletons (330)*
– Skeleton Champion
– 3 x Standard Bearer

vrykos blood born (90)
Grave Guard (320)*
– Seneschal
– Wight Blade great wight blade- 2 x Standard Bearer
– 2 x Hornblower

*Battle Regiment
**Command Entourage
– Magnificent

TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

Danny Wadeson: Vampires and their doggos are a winning formula, and this list in particular cleaves close to my own preferred list, centred around the King and Queen of Vyrkos. Belladamma still brings a huge amount of utility thanks to her exploding 6s aura spell – and Radukar who is fast, killy (especially with, you guessed it, excploding 6s!), and difficult to pin down thanks to his being -1 to hit.

MSU Dire Wolves as battleline also just never go out of fashion, and their ability to bodyguard Bella means she’s super survivable – remembering of course that Vyrkos have unique heroic actions to both bring wolves back and, once per game, summon another unit of 10 for some serious board control. A blob of 30 Deathrattle with their ability to return models at the start of ANY combat phase are going absolutely nowhere.

Finish off with the obligatory Grave Guard as the main hammer and a personal favourite in Blood Born for a cheeky 10″ pre-game move – and they’re no slouch in combat either – and you have an excellent board control list with some nicely distirbuted threats. Such a fun list and it’s good to see that it’s no longer overwhelming.


Final Tournament Placings

To view all of the results for the tournament please follow the link below to Best Coast Pairings


Hobby Update – Warmaster Dire Wolves


8 units of Warmaster Dire Wolves (3 bases per unit)

Warmaster is the game of Kings, and it has been kept going by a dedicated group of people as Warmaster Revolution. It’s a great square based, unit game where you can have cavalry sweeping around flanks and infantry bravely holding woods and towns.

I have an Empire army and a Goblin army but as like many wargamers I have a few other armies on the go as well – in various stages of painting (read… none!)

Vampire Counts

Vampire Counts are an interesting army in that they can’t use initiative to charge. This means that things can get a little difficult when the enemy gets within 20cm, as the enemy can auto-charge and the Vampire Counts can’t. But there are two big compensating factors available for the budding general – no -1 command if within 20cm effectively meaning that the Vampires are as good at Command as Dwarfs when the battles get close and combat is joined. The second factor is the ‘Raise Dead’ spell which can generate new skeleton units directly into combat… a real game winner if used welll – just roll 6s!

Vampire Count Dire Wolves

In common with all units in Warmaster the Dire Wolves have an easy attribute line: 2/3/- (2 attacks per base, 3 hits per base, no save). But they also get an additional +1 attack when they attack in the open – so although they have no save they can hit like a tonne of bricks all for 40 points a unit. It is no surprise they are limited to 4 units per 1,000 points.


How do they play?

As above, they are very good! I think they are essential in the army although when you start losing them you will risk your break point. Remember to run them away if you need to!

Woe Points and Hobby Bingo

This also contributes to two of the methods I’m trying to use to reduce the pile of shame or potential! Woe Points is -24 for these group and three squares of Hobby Bingo which I’ll ask Peter to update for me! If you want to be involved in either of these aides to clearing the pile of potential then join us on our Discord Channel.

Buying a Box

I bought mine from Printing in Detail but they have since stopped trading. But good news – the sculptor is Forest Dragon and there are some resellers available (who have bought retail pledges from Forest Dragon to allow them to print for resale)

— Declan and Eeyore

Hobby Update – Warmaster Dwarf Warriors


Here’s my first completed unit this month, and my second from Warmaster this year.

These boys couldn’t be easier to paint!

Step 1) Base coat all the strips in Iron Warriors.

Step 2) Pick out the helmet strip and face plates in Retributor Armour

Step 3) use Stormcast silver to highlight the tops of the helmets

Step 4) use either Karak Stone, Mournfang Brown or Abaddon Black to paint the beards.

Step 5) Use Castellan Green to paint the shields, cloaks and banner

Step 6) Abaddon Black to paint their gloves and axe hafts.

You’re done!

Dwarf Warriors
The army so far

Hobby Update – Warmaster Trollslayers


Sonny first unit is completed that I bought from Excellent Miniatures last year.

I basically painted these up over the course of the day and they were pretty easy to paint. Looking forward to painting more Warmaster stuff now.


These boys hit like a tonne of bricks in game with 5 attack and a another if fighting a monster! They can also take 4 hits but have no save.

Warmaster Gordrakk


I’ve been having a debate (mainly with myself – as everyone else is just plain disagreeing) recently about Gordrakk being included in a Kruleboyz or Savage Orruk list.

Hear me out!

I have two pieces of evidence at present that say he can.

1) AoS App

When I was playing with budding Kruleboyz lists on Saturday I toyed with the notion of including Chadnos. So, I selected the filter and made sure Warmasters were selected. Sure enough Kraggy appears, but, who else should I see but Gordrakk riding his cabbage! That’s strange I think, so for S&G’s I decide to put him down and fill out the rest of the list.

Army Faction: Orruk Warclans
Army Type: Kruleboyz
Subfaction: Big Yellers
Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
Triumph: Inspired

Gordrakk (540)
Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot (105)*
Spells: Da Black Pit
Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast (315)*
– Command Traits: Supa Sneaky
– Artefacts of Power: Eye-biter Ash

Man-skewer Boltboyz (360)*
Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)*
Gutrippaz (180)*
Wicked Stikka

Beast-skewer Killbow (130)*

Hobgrot Slittaz (80)*

– *Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1950/2000

And to top it off once the list was complete I just checked the indicator at the bottom:

From the Age of Sigmar App

I know, before you say it. This list isn’t competitive. But I wanted to see if Gordrakk would be ok by the app. Weirdly however, when you attempt to build the same list on Warscroll Builder it’s not possible.

2) His Warwcroll

My second piece of evidence points to his Warscroll and specifically his Warmaster rule.

What’s interesting to me here is that the Warscroll says:

If this unit is included in an Orruk Warclans army….

Games Workshop Age of Sigmar App

Orruk Warclans, NOT Ironjawz. But just to be certain I checked the Warscroll out in the physical book. Yes, it says the same thing.

But I’m still on the fence as to whether this is a thing so I’ve emailed Games Workshop and just asked them directly. Hopefully they’ll get back to me later today.

But what do you think? Am I barking up the wrong tree?

Hobby Goals 2022 – April Update!


Somehow we’re three months through 2022, and British Summer Time is already upon us. This tends to mean that I try to spend a little more time outside – reading, painting and walking. And so Hobby switches a little to other priorities, but Toy Soldiers is always on the agenda.

In January I wrote an article on some Hobby Goals for 2022 in an attempt to get some progress made and complete some projects.

So – how am I getting on?

1) General – Hobby Bingo

Peter has been keeping us honest with our Hobby Bingo and I completed 4 items up to end Feb, but I’ve had a bit of a painting catch-up in March with some Kruleboyz which I painted to help Peter with his army requirements! So whilst I am not at the 25 required (yet) I am still on course to complete it!

2) Painting – Finish a Trogg Army

Not so much progress made here – which is to say none. When I put this as a Hobby Goal I was anticipating that the Gloompsite Gitz would get a new book soon as one of the worst performing factions in Age of Sigmar three – having been hit with a number of rules changes which adversely impacted their playstyle. But alas Gitz are not on the release schedule and with no White Dwarf article in sight I’m feeling a little deflated.

I have at least finished Kragnos, so I can bring him in if needed, but I want Gitz to be able to compete on their own!

Kragnos is the only model I’ve painted for ‘Gitz’ in 2022!

3) Gaming – Get two 4-1 results in 2022

If the Troggs is a story of disappointed, this is one of celebration. I got a 4-1 at March to War (Purple Sparkly Unicorns) in January with Big Waaagh which was a great start to the year and this aim, but that was over-shadowed by a 5-0 at Dazmaul tournament a few weekends ago also with Big Waaagh! So a big tick against this one – and it’s only April!

4) Painting – A Full Vampire Counts army for Warmaster

There’s always going to be some aims with less success than others, and this is like the Troggs – not quite got started! I have painted a little Warmaster – but Squigs. So this one still needs work this year.

They’re 10mm, but not Vampire Counts!

5) Gaming – Play more Warmaster

Having played only 8 games in 2021, I have played in 8 in 2022 in the first 3 months, helped by the Tri-Wiz event and a regular monthly meet up at a local gaming store – Battlefield Hobbies, Daventry. If you’re in the Midlands and want more Warmaster give me a yell and I’ll get you on the WhatsApp Group.

I’m still using my Goblins and enjoying all the games with them – the horde definitely has potential in Warmaster and I’m learning all the time. Great fun!

6) Painting – Astra Militarum Force

Less success here, but I have found some models I painted in the past… will need to get Apothecary White on them to bring them back to the right standard, but it’s nice to know I have some infantry partially painted.

7) Painting – Snotling team

No progress to report… sorry Gitz!

8) Painting – Necromunda Van Saar

No progress to report… sorry lads!

9) Gaming – Non Competitive

With RAW announcing recently that they are hanging up their organising gloves, I’ve signed up to narrative event with Warhammer Witney, which I am really looking forward to. Do need to do prep, but definitely taking my Squigs with me for a bit of fun!

10) Clear the Pile of Potential

Not necessarily helped by some prizes from recent tournaments, but I’ve not bought any toys for Warhammer since December, and have painted 3 of the 6 squig herds for Warmaster I got. So, Pile of Potential has reduced!

11) Get my terrain on bases for use in games

I’ve found out others use a jigsaw for this, but I must admit I’m a bit wary as I’m not the most practical person. Am considering if there are other options available but still definitely on the ‘want to do’.

12) Writing – maintain the blog.

I think it’s fair to say that this one is going well. Peter will be updating you all on the progress of the Blog in April but needless to say that we are both amazed and very happy with the number of visitors we are getting for all our content from Hobby, painting & collecting, all the way to tournament results and our popular ‘Top Three’ series.

Overall a great start, with a superb result for my gaming goal. Still can’t believe I won a tournament 5-0 since playing for 20 years in tournaments of various types! Definitely a highlight.

It would be great to know how your Hobby Goals are doing for 2022.

— Declan

Hobby Update – Warmaster Squigs


With a Warmaster tournament last weekend (12th March), I decided to change some of my Goblins to Squigs which are better on the charge than the goblins (as they are 3/3/0 instead of 2-1/3/0 for Goblins). I really enjoyed using my 6 units at the London GT last year and some small games since, and was eager to include some more models.

With the recent explosion of 10mm sculpting there are some great sculpts available. Following my purchase of a Pump Wagon on Etsy (designed by Green Skin Miniatures) I went straight to the source and picked up these:

The Squigs from Green Skin Miniatures (from Gumroad)

I don’t have a resin printer myself, but fortunately a fellow Warmaster was looking to test his out, so I bought the files and sent them over to him for the price of the resin. He made 6 units for me; and I’ve painted 3!

3 Goblin Squig Herds for Warmaster
A close up of some of the models – the Squig Herders are a great touch

So, overall they are really nice models, and – I have it on good authority – easy to print if you have your own resin printer – if you don’t then they will be available from those who have a merchant license from Green Skin Miniatures.

Tournament Preparation – Tri-Wiz (One Day – Warmaster)


There are a few more Warmaster tournaments being run in the UK at the moment, with resin armies being a great way for players to get back into Warmaster (or to play it for the first time).

Saffron Walden (just south of Cambridge) is a long-running tournament ran by Janners and Jim the Gent and had been growing before COVID interupted the world. Well it was back on Saturday and I planned to take along my Goblins. But what to take…?

From the Tri-Wiz Facebook page

For me Goblins need to be a horde army, and Warmaster delivers this option in spades. I’d also recently got some new squigs and painted them up for the tournament (more on those in a future Hobby Update) and so came up with this.

Created by the Warmaster Army Builder webpage


The army is led by nine (9!) characters because Goblins fail command rolls a lot… and I mean a lot! So I’ve got a general (only command 8), 4 Heroes (2 riding Wyverns) and 4 Shamans (1 with a Scroll of Dispelling). The Wyverns are really the force multipliers here; being able to add 3 attacks to a combat and potentially reduce your opponent’s attacks due to terror is great – and with 100cm move they can wiz from one side of the battle line to the other reasonably easy.

The shamans bring a number of spells not available in most armies (most are limited to 2 wizards) and the fantasic Gerroff (move opponent’s units backwards) and Waaagh (extra attacks for Goblins and characters) can bring some unexpected punch or annoyance for the army.

Units – Goblins and Squig Herds

Warmaster games at Tri-Wiz would be timed or break point only, so I needed to ensure I could afford to lose units – to this end I brought 10 Goblins and 9 Squigs. For 30 points each these are a great way to get the break point to a good high level, and they can do some damage in combat – the Squigs especially are great value although the lack of armour can mean that an opponent rolling well will beat you in combats. Trust to the dice!

Units – Trolls

Although very expensive in a horde army and with -1 command in an army with shockingly low command the Trolls a much needed punch unit. With 5 attacks, 5+ save and a small regeneration ability they will cause a lot of mayhem and still only count as one break point. I’ve learnt with Trolls to only expect them to charge on initative though, so you are often limited in what you can charge – but when you succeeed with an order they will often steam roller anything in the game.

Units – Wolf Riders

I find 6 units of Wolf Riders to be the perfect number – they can harrass and their abilty to evade in any direction and set up more shooting is great – however the recent changes to fast cavalry rules mean that they can now be pursued by other cavalry, and so I would need to be more careful with them than previously.

Units – Pump Wagon

These little terrors don’t count towards break but at 50 points they are expensive… so I take one to cause people to think – Some goblins players take lots of them and do multiple charges into the same unit; however with D6 attacks (+2 for charge in open) they are the epitomy of dice; and I don’t always roll well – 1 is fun though and very Goblin themed.

Units – Spear Chukkas

The Goblin army is also allowed 4 units of Spear Chukkas but I think this is too many for the points, and so I just take 2. This is enough to cause significant damage to units in column (12 attacks) with no armour save allowed and can even scare off cavalry (8 attacks), with a good range (40cm). They suffer that if an opponent can kill my 2; they can easily kill another 2, which is a lot of easy break.

I’ll let you know how I got on later in the week! Happy Warmastering.

— Declan

Getting Started in Warmaster



Warmaster is a set of fantasy miniatures wargame rules developed by the same company as produced Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and Lord of the Rings miniatures rules.

It has been given a rating of 7.2 on BoardGameGeek from 450+ ratings.

I was going to write an article about Warmaster and how to get started, but Iain has done such a great job on YouTube I’ve decided to steal link to all his shows!

For those who don’t know, Warmaster is a 10mm fantasy game (with an ancients version) which is commonly played on a 6′ x 4′ board to points values of 2,000 points. It was written by Rick Priestley and is going through something of a renaissance thanks to a number of 10mm designers releasing models for resin printing – either home printing or through a retailers like Excellent Miniatures.

The original… now changed slightly in Warmaster Revolution

Iain Standing has produced 10 videos explaining Warmaster Revolution (a version of Warmaster maintained by a committee).

1. Getting Started

2. Moving Forwards

3. Hitting Your Targets

4. Getting Stuck In

5. Up Close & Personal

6. Winners and Losers

7. Confusion

8. Characters & Flyers

9. Magic

10. End Game

Iain also has loads of great videos on most of the armies you can play.

If you’re interested in getting into Warmaster (or returning to it!) I can’t suggest you start anywhere else but these excellent collection of videos.

Cheers Iain!!

— Declan & Eeyore

Hobby Goals 2022


It’s 2022 and that can only mean one thing for a Wargaming blogger… it’s Hobby Goal time!

With the situation in the world at the moment I’ve tried to keep my aims reasonable… but I may not succeed.

1) General – Hobby Bingo

Peter has already announced that we will be trying to complete bits of the Hobby Bingo card from the last White Dwarf. I’m not planning on getting all the boxes – 25 different things to paint is a lot – but I’m hoping to get a reasonable score and of course there’s always the Woehammer competition and the honour of leading the pack! No doubt I’ll be third now.

2) Painting – Finish a Trogg Army

I have a small Trogg army collected for my Paths to Glory campaign. It consists of 1 Dankhold Troggboss, 6 Fellwaters, 9 Rockguts so I’ve got a good start. There have also been 9 Rockguts on my painting table for some time waiting for inspiration and my #hohohobbyvices presents included another Dankhold… so it may not be the most competitive but I plan to get something done

9 of my Rockguts… in various stages of red!

3) Gaming – Get two 4-1 results in 2022

I was fortunate to get a 4-1 in 2021 (at the superb Leicester GT) in a 20-0 system. I would like to push to try to get 2 in 2022. If I take my Gargants or Ironjawz I think this is possible although I do struggle against the top armies & players due to lack of exposure playing them.

4) Painting – A Full Vampire Counts army for Warmaster

Having finished 4th at the Warmaster Worlds in London in 2021 I was fortunate enough to win a starter army from Printing in Detail. I added on a ‘few’ extras and got a full army in 10mm resin from them… but have not looked at it in detail yet. In 2021 I completed a Goblin army, so this should be a similar amount of work – with the Skeletons being mostly contrast I think!

Zombies from Printing in Detail

5) Gaming – Play more Warmaster

I only played 8 games of Warmaster in 2021, and I love it… so I need to play more! Lots more! Hopefully the pandemic relents enough to let that happen. There is a vibrant scene in the UK of Warmaster with 4-5 tournaments a year (mostly one-dayers), and everyone is very welcoming to new (and old!) players alike.

6) Painting – Astra Militarum Force

I’ve been painting and collecting Astra Militarum since they were the Imperial Guard, but never managed to get a full 2,000 point force completed. I have models in various states of painting and dis-repair. They are meant to be the PDF of Baal Secundus, so I’ll need to come up with unit numbering and marking as well! Quite a bit of thought required here.

This will be my option for #NewYearNewArmy as well!

A part painted Chimera… should really finish these.

7) Painting – Snotling team

Finish my Blood Bowl Snotling team. I got two boxes of these to have enough generic linesmen and painted up two Trolls to go with them, but assembling  the pump wagons broke me. I don’t have a lot of do, but it would be great to have a finished team, so I can start finishing bottom of Stunty leagues all across Northamptonshire. Would be great to pick up a game or two as well.

Most of the Team already done

8) Painting – Necromunda Van Saar

I painted my Necromunda Van Saar in a rush with contrast paints a few years ago in order to get them ready to meet mates in Warhammer World. They were great fun and we all had a laugh playing on the great boards with my Van Saar in their old school green… but I’m not happy with the paint scheme I’ve gone with (Contrast Ork Flesh)

Just not happy with them…

9) Gaming – Non Competitive

Get some non competitive games in. Whilst I’ve had fun with the cutting edge (…!) of the UK scene it is great fun to play different games… like a 3 person Warmaster game, Realms of War, Kill Team or Necromunda. It’s also a great excuse to catch up with friends without having to worry about getting everything right as well.

10) Clear the Pile of Potential

I made the decision in 2021 to only paint and collect Destruction for AoS because the releases are just too quick (in a good way), but I have lots of boxes of ideas that I need to pass to new homes. This doesn’t mean that I won’t paint outside Destruction… just that I’m unlikely to paint an army for them.

11) Get my terrain on bases for use in games

During the last 2 years, I’ve significantly increased my terrain collection as it’s great fun to paint when I’m not in the mood for adding too much detail. Although I do tend to use edge highlighting too often!

I now have lots of smaller pieces of terrain that would be better but on bases to make themed tables for gaming. Whilst most tournaments in the UK provide terrain now, it’s great to have some available for club nights.

Just a small selection of the terrain I’ve painted over the last few years.

12) Writing – maintain the blog.

As Peter said we have been overwhelmed with the initial response to the blog from the huge  number of people wanting to view the Blackout lists to the occasional visitor looking for their next book it’s been one hell of a ride… and fun!

I’ll also have more non Warhammer content including Board Games so keep tuned.

So there you have it… 12 goals for 2022.

I’ve gone for so many to give me wiggle room and no doubt fail a few but I’ll keep you all up to date – I’m also likely to change my mind throughout the year!

What are your Hobby Goals in 2022?

— Declan