Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz Product Review

I managed to pick these boys up on the week they were released. But with Christmas and Imperialis dropping, they were put on the back burner a little bit until recently. But with my resolution to paint up my remaining Kruleboyz this year, they were the first unit I wanted to tackle.

Monsta-Killaz painted by Peter Holland


Firstly, the amount of detail on these minis is always going to be insane considering it’s a Games Workshop kit. With all the new kits, however, it’s often a case of hunt the part when putting them together as the numbering system on sprues never seem to follow any sort of logic.

You’re able to change the weapon options on the standard boyz, but apart from that, the models are pretty much built as seen on the box with little opportunity to mix and match pieces.

As always, with GW kits, they’re easy to put together compared to other manufacturers, and they look dynamic when finished.

You can pick up your own set of Monsta-Killaz from our affiliate Element Games who are selling them at £29.75, a saving of 15% from the RRP.


I would recommend perhaps painting some of the Grot in the turtle shell before you put it together as the inside of the shell and behind the egg are easy to spot but difficult to access with a brush.

I’ve included a rough guide on how I painted mine below with the colours I used. To finish the base, I used Geek Gaming Scenics Scrubland base ready material.


We reviewed their rules some time ago, and I do feel there is a place for them in some competitive lists. I think they’ll be a lot of fun for Kruleboyz players, but perhaps a little NPE (negative play experience) for your opponent. Mainly because it effects whether your opponent can do things with their own monsters, and I personally feel that army rules should not affect the way an opponents army’s rules work.

I’m looking forward to trying them out, but I’m not sure they’ll be a mainstay of the list.

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