Seraphon Faction Breakdown – December 2023


Overall, disregarding the unknown lists (lists which didn’t specify which subfaction they were) Fangs of Sotek appears to be the most subfaction at GTs with a win rate of 58%, while in RTT & Casual settings Dracothion’s Tail appears to have the run of the tables with a win rate 60%. Both however shake out at 55% across the formats and outperform the other subfactions by a fair bit.

Thunder Lizard and Koatl’s Claw both appear to struggle regardless of the format and neither can break into the 45-55% win zone that most people see as the ideal win rates.

Despite their lacklustre performance on the tables, Koatl’s Claw appears to be the go-to subfaction for most players. While Fangs of Sotek takes the 2nd spot.

Ramon Silva: I think they’re honestly one of the most solid written books because they hold a magical castle very well with good summoning and good spells

And then they also have the dinosaurs to play more of a timy type game. But that can also be successful in its own way.

Here we can see how the subfaction players generally perform at GTs. The grey bar shows how many players achieve 0 to 2 wins at a GT, if this is less than 50%, then that faction has a positive win rate, as shown in the yellow bar (those players who achieve 3 or more wins), the blue segment shows those who achieve 4 or more wins, and finally the green segment shows the percentage of players who go on to win all 5 games.

This chart can show a lack of balance via results. If all factions were perfectly balanced (along with player skills), then the opposing bars (i.e. 5-0 and 0-5, 3-2 and 2-3) would be the same length.


Note that these stats are across all game formats.

Slaves to Darkness appears to be the easiest faction for Seraphon player with a 66% win rate against the spikey boys. This is closely followed (probably unsurprisingly by Kruleboyz at 65% win rate, and Sylvaneth at 63%. Factions shown in the lighter green are favourable towards Seraphon with a win rate of between 55-60%. The yellow factions are ideally balanced against Seraphon, falling between the 45-55% bracket. Those in orange are between 40-45% win rate. Those in red and the factions that Seraphon struggles the most against with a win rate of less than 40%.

Ramon Silva: Obviously, an army wide five up spell ignore does wonders...

Michelle Anderson: On the stinky spectrum of 1-10, one being not stinky and ten being maximum stink aura of fifteen feet…..

Seraphon are def a solid 7 stinky.

Fabien Barbusse: We need to separate Coalesced stinky and Starborne stinky.

Ramon Silva: Yeah, like that’s the thing, too. I was thinking about after I said it’s a clear counter…

It’s only to half because to Big Lizzy’s, I don’t know how korne does so well…

But I theorize they trade better because they get to pick the fights better.

Peter Holland: I think we have to remember the matchup stats are skewed towards Koatl’s Claw and Fangs of Sotek.


At the beginning of a GT, the game could go either way for Seraphon and with the pairings being completely random (in most cases) its down to the luck of the draw who the players may come up against.

Following the 1st round tie, the 2nd round appears to fall slightly more in Seraphon’s favour with a win rate in this round of 54%. This falls back again to essentially a coin toss in rounds 3 and 4 followed by a favourable matchup for Seraphon in Round 5.


This chart shows the win rates of lists which include the warscroll (in Blue) compared to those that don’t (in Orange).

The Ripperdactyl Riders and Chief appear to have a good effect on win rates for Seraphon, with lists that include these touching around the 58-59% win rate mark – however bear in mind looking at the next chart, that these warscrolls only appear in very few lists and so could need more data before this claim is substantiated.

Ramon Silva: I feel so bad for the engine lovers.

Peter Holland: But (and a big one), it only appears in 1% of the lists.

Lodivicus: I’d love to see the Starborne data and coalesced data split (as mentioned above). The one thing that I’d be most interested in is how Tzeentch is beating Seraphon more than OBR? That’s not something I expected, and I think it is noteworthy.

Ramon Silva: I mean, they also get bonuses from spellcasts going off, so….


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One thought on “Seraphon Faction Breakdown – December 2023”

  1. i have been saying it since the book came out.

    kroak troupe is sligthy OP ( not so much) and starborn mortal spam ability could be toned down).

    but…. none can deny that every scroll do absurdly low dmg with absurded high point cost.

    per example compare saurus warrior to chaos warriors… both using his ability one in koatls, and other in khorne charging.

    both has exactly same scroll, but chaos one has 1 more armor and ward vs mortals where saurus only has a 4+1, chaos one do exactly double the dmg saurus do….. if we ignore the bites( and we can ignore them untill GW fix them to work like every other ability, like melusais or fireslayers one working with full unit while 1 model be in 1″, rigth now it is totally useless since only 5 of 10 or 10-15 of every 30 can use it).
    and saurus has -1 to his dmg.

    anyone knowing any math could say those scroll cant ever have same point cost. chaos one should have stayed in 200 and saurus one should go down to 160.

    and could go on for every scroll in book.
    and lot of abulitys 99% useless like agradons ones, spawn of chotek, kroxigors, engine of gods etc etc

    always hope to gw nerf kroak and starborn while fixing coalesced bites and cutting down points in every non kroak troupe.

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