Writing a Sci-fi Tabletop Wargame – Part 16

It is 400 years since man first set foot on the moon, and 300 since man found out the Galaxy is a dangerous place….

As with everything I would like this to be community driven, so if you see any typo’s or think paragraphs need rephrasing or moving then please let me know in the form at the end of this article.

Last Weeks Poll Results for Orders

Here are the results from last weeks polls.

Based on these results, the following wording will be added to our living rules:

All land and air combat units begin the game with a Confident MORALE STATUS. As unsaved hits are suffered by the unit this degrades, as it degrades the unit becomes harder to order and can eventually flee the battlefield. There are five morale levels starting with Confident then degrading through Steady, Nervous, Wavering and finally Broken.

Instead of having a MORALE STATUS, SPACECRAFT will suffer damage to their systems from successful hits made against them. Shooting in SPACE COMBAT is carried out in the same fashion as the other theatres of war.


This week I want to focus a little more on the damage to Spacecraft and how it may be allocated.


Name Suggestions?

Do you have a name suggestion for the game or do you have any rules suggestions, or a topic you would like us to focus on next. Or perhaps you would like us to reword something in the main document. Anything you want, let us know below.

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