Hobby Update – Reaper Bones Giants


3 Reaper Bones Giants painted as statues

After a few weeks of painting terrain I’ve discovered I can paint the scheme I’ve got quickly and with multiple disruptions. This is great and still keeps me painting and doing hobby! A win, win!

Reaper Bones

For those who have not seen them, Reaper are a miniature company in the US who predominately deal in figures for RPGs and painters. As such they can be used for any game system and I’ve definitely seen them in Kings of War armies before where the different base sizes are not too much of a limitation… just put as many as you want to on each unit base.

I picked up these models (1 Storm Giant and 2 Yephima, Cloud Giant) via a Kickstarter. They are nice and large and imposing and the Storm Giant could definitely be a statue of Sigmar on the battlefield. I would guess that Yephima will be a little more of a marmite model (love it, or loathe it), but I think she works well as a large statue to join my ever growing pile from the last few weeks.


How do they play?

So I’ve painted mine as Terrain so I’ll definitely need to combine them to make a table at some point! In the meantime these models could easily be placed on square bases and used for Kings of War.

Woe Points and Hobby Bingo

This also contributes to two of the methods I’m trying to use to reduce the pile of shame or potential! Woe Points is -6 for these group and three squares of Hobby Bingo which I’ll ask Peter to update for me! If you want to be involved in either of these aides to clearing the pile of potential then join us on our Discord Channel.

Paints Used

The painting scheme used is the same as the terrain from the last 2 weeks, repeated here with another sparkly new picture!

Buying a Box

I got mine through Reaper Bones Kickstarter. This is not available anymore and the larger Storm Giant hasn’t made it onto the website yet, but Yephima (the Cloud Giant) is. The good news is that Reaper now sell and ship within the UK both to FLGS and direct from their website!

— Declan and Eeyore

Top Three 40k Lists for Winter Warfest 2023


This is the top three 40k lists for the Winter Warfest that took place in Queensland, Australia on the 29th and 30th of April. It involved 56 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

As we head into 10th edition and beyond we wanted to start providing a source for lists that are being used successfully in tournaments around the world. The size of the 40k community and the sheer number of events means we won’t be commenting.

Before I jump into the Top Three Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three 40k Lists

Subfaction: World Eaters


Lord Invocatus [8 PL, 160pts, -1CP]:
– Road of Eight Bloody Steps
– Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord


Khorne Berserkers [6 PL, 115pts]
Khorne Berserker Champion: Bolt pistol
3x Khorne Berserker w/ chainblade: 3x Berserker chainblade, 3x Bolt pistol
Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator: Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator
Khorne Berserkers [6 PL, 115pts]
Khorne Berserker Champion: Bolt pistol
3x Khorne Berserker w/ chainblade: 3x Berserker chainblade, 3x Bolt pistol
Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator: Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator
Khorne Berserkers [6 PL, 115pts]
Khorne Berserker Champion: Bolt pistol
3x Khorne Berserker w/ chainblade: 3x Berserker chainblade, 3x Bolt pistol
Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator: Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator
Khorne Berserkers [6 PL, 115pts]
Khorne Berserker Champion: Bolt pistol
3x Khorne Berserker w/ chainblade: 3x Berserker chainblade, 3x Bolt pistol
Khorne Berserker w/ eviscerator: Bolt pistol, Khornate eviscerator


Eightbound [12 PL, 200pts]
4x Eightbound: 8x Eightbound eviscerator
Eightbound Champion: Lacerators
Eightbound [12 PL, 200pts]
4x Eightbound: 8x Eightbound eviscerator
Eightbound Champion: Lacerators
Eightbound [6 PL, 120pts]
2x Eightbound: 4x Eightbound eviscerator
Eightbound Champion: Lacerators
Exalted Eightbound [7 PL, 135pts]
2x Exalted Eightbound: 2x Eightbound chainfist, 2x Eightbound eviscerator
Exalted Eightbound Champion
Two Eightbound chainfists
Exalted Eightbound [7 PL, 135pts]
2x Exalted Eightbound: 2x Eightbound chainfist, 2x Eightbound eviscerator
Exalted Eightbound Champion
Two Eightbound chainfists
World Eaters Terminator Squad [9 PL, 195pts]
World Eaters Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power fist
World Eaters Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power fist
World Eaters Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power fist
World Eaters Terminator: Accursed weapon, Combi-bolter
World Eaters Terminator Champion: Chainfist, Combi-bolter

Fast Attack

Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 25pts]: Chaos Spawn
Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 25pts]:
Chaos Spawn
Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 25pts]:
Chaos Spawn

Heavy Support

Chaos Rapier Carrier [5 PL, 75pts]: Quad heavy bolter
Chaos Rapier Carrier [5 PL, 75pts]:
Quad heavy bolter
Chaos Rapier Carrier [5 PL, 75pts]:
Quad heavy bolter

Dedicated Transport

Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 90pts]: Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher

Total: [107 PL, 5CP, 1,995pts]


AOO Detachment Death Guard


Death Guard Daemon Prince, Hellforged Sword, Foetid Wings 185pts
– Spell – Miasma of Pestilence
– Relic – Supperating Plate (-1CP)
– WL Trait – Revoltingly Resilient (-1CP)


10 x Poxwalkers 50pts
5 x Plague Marines, Flail, Cleaver, Blight Launcher, Plasma Rifle
Plague Champion – Plasma Rifle and Power Fist 95pts
5 x Plague Marines, Flail, Cleaver, Blight Launcher, Plasma Rifle
Plague Champion – Plasma Rifle and Power Fist 95pts
5 x Plague Marines, Flail, Cleaver, Blight Launcher, Melta Gun
Plague Champion – Plasma Rifle and Power Fist 95pts
Plague Champion Relic – Plague Skull of Glothila (-1CP)


Floetid Bloat-Drone, Fleshmower 115pts
Floetid Bloat-Drone, Fleshmower 115pts
Floetid Bloat-Drone, Fleshmower 115pts


Plague Burst Crawler, Entropy Cannons, Rothhail Volley Gun 145pts
Plague Burst Crawler, Entropy Cannons, Rothhail Volley Gun 145pts
Plague Burst Crawler, Entropy Cannons, Rothhail Volley Gun 145pts

Nurgle Daemon Patrol


Mamon Transfigured 130pts


3 x Nurglings 60pts
10 x Plague Bearers, Icon, Instrument 130pts


Soul Grinder, Warp Sword, Mark of Nurgle  190pts
Soul Grinder, Warp Claw, Mark of Nurgle 190pts

Tacticus Tuesdays – Resources


A mobile game based on Warhammer 40k

We are continuing our look at Warhammer 40k Tacticus, a turn based strategy game that I’ve been recently playing on mobile.

You can check out our Introduction and Character articles or just dive into the resources!


Mobile games thrive on multiple resources and Tacticus is no exception have no fewer than 5 core resources, and many additional items and equipment that we’ll review in future articles. For now let’s take a look at the five you’ll be using most times you play!

Coins; Raid Tickets; Energy; & Blackstone

That’s four, but to get to the fifth you’ll need to click on the Shop… and right at the top there’s requisition:

Requisition – also repeated below the big picture of drop pods.

But how do you get these resources and what are they used for?


Gained from everywhere (battles, raids, chests etc…) you’ll gain loads of these and there’s not a lot of spend large amounts on. You’ll need it all the time though so don’t spend it all in the shop on the daily deals section. It’s needed for giving upgrades to characters, upgrading abilities (along with badges), and upgrading items.

I’ve never found it to be limiting and, even though you can buy coins for real money, you won’t need to do that for much of the game.

Raid Tokens

Gained from chests, once again you’ll get loads of these but they are only spent in one place. Once you have completed a campaign battle with 3 stars you can Raid it which gives you some coins and a possibility of an item or a character shard. It’s a quick way of farming for what you may need but be careful – raiding also uses energy – so it’s not the only resource limiting raiding. As with coins I have never come close to running our of Raid Tokens.


This is the key resource and one you’ll want more of than you’ve got. Each Campaign battle or Raid uses an amount of energy (normally 5 or 6). It regenerates at 1 point in 5 minutes (even when not logged in). This means that you can play a game every 30 minutes (or so).

There is a maximum you can reach as well to encourage the player to return to the game regularly (this is increases as your ‘power level’ increases. As the most important resource for actually playing the game, you can get 50 more of them for watching an advert (only once per day) and then buying them with Blackstone – but unless you desperate to fight this is an expensive method – I prefer to just wait.


This in the first of the two premium resources and it can cost a lot to buy. It is used for getting items and upgrades from the shop and can be used to gain additional energy if required. I tend to save mine for when requisition is available in the shop (300 Blackstone).

Blackstone can by purchased with real world money, by opening chests or by completing achievements. You’ll definitely run out of this if you spend it on everything offered so be careful! It is possible to slowly build it up though.

As a bonus for using a referral code you and your friend also pick up some additional Blackstone (our referral code is LIT-20-RAP).


Requisition is how you can get drop pods to support your fighting. In practice this means you’ll get new characters, character shards or orbs.

Requisition can be seen in the shop (it replaces the ‘slot’ of the Raid tokens). You spend them in the shop and you can spend 1 at a time, but you’re going to want to wait for 10 of them (or 3,000 Blackstone). This is because you get a guaranteed character if you pay in 10 at once. (If you already have the character you’ll the shards for them based on their starting rarity, so it’s not quite as good as it first seems).

You’ll pick up loads of these at the beginning of the game as the tutorial guides you through the start, but pretty soon they start drying up. However you’ll get one when you get 45 medals in a Campaign section, increase your Power Level or from completing Battle Tactics. Once you get started there’s enough of these being awarded to keep you gaining characters or improving them.

Keep an eye out for when you finish a campaign subsection of 15 missions – these often spawn time limited aims to gain a Requisition. Make sure to do them within the time limit. There is no second way to get the Requisition if you miss it here.

Woehammer Articles

I’ll be bringing you regular articles on the game as I progress and learn more; with the first articles being about some of the concepts of the game including the large number of resources available. I hope you’ll join me; and let us know if there’s anything in particular you would like me to cover.

I may even be joined by Woehammer Peter as he also plays so expect the occasional second opinion.

Linking up

If you think this game may interest you, follow along this series of articles. I have been playing for a while already so some of it will based on what I know from further down the process. Woehammer isn’t receiving any sponsorship for this article (it’s just Declan and Eeyore – and Peter – having fun), but if you want to support me on my Tacticus exploration then please use my referral code: LIT-20-RAP

See you all next week!

— Declan and Eeyore

Top Three AoS Lists for HAST 2: Who Let the Dogs Out?


This is the top three AoS lists for HAST 2: Who Let the Dogs Out? that took place in Australia on the 29th and 30th of April. It involved 11 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

As this event had less than 20 players attending, there won’t be any list comments here as the guys will be concentrating on the larger events of the week.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
– Enclave: Mor’Phann
– Mortal Realm: Ghyran
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Indomitable

Akhelian King (250)*
– Bladed Polearm
– Command Trait: Unstoppable Fury
– Mount Trait: Voidchill Darkness
Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers (110)*
Akhelian Thrallmaster (110)***
– Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
– Lore of the Deeps: None
Isharann Soulrender (120)*
– Artefact: Rune of the Surging Gloomtide
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master

10 x Namarti Reavers (170)**
10 x Namarti Reavers (170)**
20 x Namarti Thralls (260)***
Reinforced x 1
20 x Namarti Thralls (260)**
Reinforced x 1

3 x Aetherwings (70)*

Akhelian Leviadon (460)
– Mount Trait: Reverberating Carapace

Core Battalions
**Galletian Sharpshooters
***Galletian Command

Additional Enhancements

Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 70 / 400
Wounds: 104
Drops: 10


Army Faction: Flesh-eater Courts

Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (450)
Mount Traits: Gruesome Bite
– Spells: Blood Feast
Abhorrant Archregent (240)*
Artefacts of Power: The Dermal Robe
– Spells: Deranged Transformation
– Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (430)*
Spells: Flaming Weapon
Crypt Haunter Courtier (110)*
– Command Traits: Dark Acolyte
– Spells: Spectral Host

Crypt Ghouls (80)*
Crypt Horrors (330)**
Crypt Horrors (330)**

1 x Cadaverous Barricade (20)

1 x Charnel Throne (0)

*Battle Regiment
**Galletian Veterans

TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000


Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers
Legion: Null Myriad
– Mortal Realm: Shyish
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (340)**
Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis (430)
Mortisan Boneshaper (110)*
– Artefact: Artisan’s Key
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master

20 x Mortek Guard (280)*
Nadirite Blade and Shield
– 2 x Soulcleaver Greatblades
10 x Mortek Guard (140)**
Nadirite Blade and Shield
– 1 x Soulcleaver Greatblades
10 x Mortek Guard (140)**
Nadirite Blade and Shield
– 1 x Soulcleaver Greatblades

Gothizzar Harvester (200)**
– Weapon: Soulcrusher Bludgeons
Gothizzar Harvester (200)
– Weapon: Soulcrusher Bludgeons

Bone-tithe Shrieker (50)

*Galletian Command
**Battle Regiment

TOTAL: 1890/2000


Final Tournament Placings

Top Three 40k Lists for Rataclysm 2023


This is the top three 40k lists for the Rataclysm 2023 that took place in Ballarat, Australia, on the 22nd and 23rd of April. It involved 88 players vying to be crowned champion in a 6-game tournament.

As we head into 10th edition and beyond we wanted to start providing a source for lists that are being used successfully in tournaments around the world. The size of the 40k community and the sheer number of events means we won’t be commenting.

Before I jump into the Top Three Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three 40k Lists

Matt Morosoli (Boba Boyz)

Arks of Omen Detachment (Chaos – Daemons) [105 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts]
Chaos Allegiance: Chaos Undivided


Bloodthirster [18 PL, -1CP, 360pts]:
A’rgath, the King of Blades
Brazen Hide
– Great axe of Khorne
– Indomitable Onslaught
– Relics of the Brass Citadel
– Warlord
Fateskimmer [7 PL, 155pts]:

– Bolt of Change
– Infernal Gateway
– Retinue of Horrors
– Ritual dagger
Skarbrand [17 PL, 330pts]
Tranceweaver [4 PL, 70pts]:

Delightful Agonies


Daemonettes [6 PL, 120pts]
9x Daemonette: 9x Piercing claws
Daemonettes [6 PL, 120pts]
9x Daemonette: 9x Piercing claws
Daemonettes [6 PL, 120pts]
9x Daemonette: 9x Piercing claws
Nurglings [3 PL, 60pts]
3x Nurgling Swarms: 3x Diseased claws and teeth
Pink Horrors [7 PL, 140pts]
9x Pink Horror: 9x Coruscating flames

Fiends [10 PL, 150pts]:
4x Fiend: 4x Barbed tail, 4x Dissecting claws
Flamers [3 PL, 75pts]:

2x Flamer: 2x Flickering flames
Flamers [3 PL, 75pts]:

2x Flamer: 2x Flickering flames

Fast Attack  

Flesh Hounds [5 PL, 75pts]:
Gore Hound
4x Flesh Hound: 4x Gore-drenched fangs

Flesh Hounds [5 PL, 75pts]:
Gore Hound
4x Flesh Hound: 4x Gore-drenched fangs

Flesh Hounds [5 PL, 75pts]:
Gore Hound
4x Flesh Hound: 4x Gore-drenched fangs

Total: [105 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts]   


Arks of Omen Detachment (Tyranids – Genestealer Cults) [102 PL, 2CP, 1,996pts]
Cult Creed
Myriad Cult: Agile Guerrillas (2), Industrial Affinity (1), War Convoy (1)


Patriarch [7 PL, -1CP, 140pts]:
Power: Psionic Blast,
Power: Psychic Stimulus
Psychic Familiar
Stratagem: Warlord Trait,
Warlord Trait: Preternatural Speed
Primus [4 PL, 70pts]


Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 50pts]
3x Acolyte Hybrid: 3x Autopistol, 3x Blasting Charges, 3x Cult Claws and Knife, 3x Frag Grenades
Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): 2x Demolition Charge
Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 50pts]
3x Acolyte Hybrid: 3x Autopistol, 3x Blasting Charges, 3x Cult Claws and Knife, 3x Frag Grenades
Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): 2x Demolition Charge
Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 50pts]
3x Acolyte Hybrid: 3x Autopistol, 3x Blasting Charges, 3x Cult Claws and Knife, 3x Frag Grenades
Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): 2x Demolition Charge
Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 50pts]
3x Acolyte Hybrid: 3x Autopistol, 3x Blasting Charges, 3x Cult Claws and Knife, 3x Frag Grenades
Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): 2x Demolition Charge
Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Acolyte Hybrids [3 PL, 50pts]
3x Acolyte Hybrid: 3x Autopistol, 3x Blasting Charges, 3x Cult Claws and Knife, 3x Frag Grenades
Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon): 2x Demolition Charge
Acolyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Claws and Knife

Neophyte Hybrids [9 PL, 200pts]:
Proficient Planning: They Came From Below
Neophyte Hybrid (Icon): Autogun, Cult Icon
4x Neophyte Hybrid (Seismic): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x
Frag Grenades, 4x Seismic Cannon
10x Neophyte Hybrid (Shotgun): 10x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges,
10x Cult Shotgun, 10x Frag Grenades
4x Neophyte Hybrid (Webber): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Frag Grenades, 4x Webber
Neophyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Shotgun

Neophyte Hybrids [9 PL, 200pts]:
Proficient Planning: They Came From Below
Neophyte Hybrid (Icon): Autogun, Cult Icon
4x Neophyte Hybrid (Seismic): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x
Frag Grenades, 4x Seismic Cannon
10x Neophyte Hybrid (Shotgun): 10x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges,
10x Cult Shotgun, 10x Frag Grenades
4x Neophyte Hybrid (Webber): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Frag Grenades, 4x Webber
Neophyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Shotgun

Neophyte Hybrids [9 PL, 200pts]:
Proficient Planning: They Came From Below
Neophyte Hybrid (Icon): Autogun, Cult Icon
4x Neophyte Hybrid (Seismic): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x
Frag Grenades, 4x Seismic Cannon
10x Neophyte Hybrid (Shotgun): 10x Autopistol, 10x Blasting Charges,
10x Cult Shotgun, 10x Frag Grenades
4x Neophyte Hybrid (Webber): 4x Autopistol, 4x Blasting Charges, 4x Frag Grenades, 4x Webber
Neophyte Leader: Autopistol, Cult Shotgun


Kelermorph [3 PL, -1CP, 80pts]:
Relic: Wyrmtooth Rounds, Stratagem: Gene-sire’s Gifts
Nexos [3 PL, -1CP, 50pts]:
Relic: Cranial Inlay, Stratagem: Gene-sire’s Gifts
Purestrain Genestealers [8 PL, 141pts]:
Proficient Planning: Our Time is Nigh
9x Purestrain Genestealer: 9x Cult Claws and Talons
Reductus Saboteur [4 PL, -1CP, 70pts]:
Relic: Oppressor’s Bane, Stratagem: Relic
Sanctus [3 PL, 70pts]:
Cult Sniper Rifle

Heavy Support

Goliath Rockgrinder [6 PL, 110pts]:
Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

Goliath Rockgrinder [6 PL, 110pts]:
Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

Goliath Rockgrinder [6 PL, 110pts]:
Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

Dedicated Transport

Goliath Truck [5 PL, 90pts]:
Cache of Demolition Charges
Goliath Truck [5 PL, 90pts]:
Cache of Demolition Charges

Total: [102 PL, 2CP, 1,996pts]