WordPress Advertising

A few bloggers on WordPress have recently had the news that their free plan is having its storage reduced from 3GB to 500mb. On top of this it will only allow them 10k visitors per month.

If you are achieving 10k views a month I wanted to share some information with you that may help.

When we started with WordPress back in July, we immediately joined on the Premium plan ($8 per month). In this plan you are able to activate as revenue.

In our early months we had very few visitors and so were seeing little return on our initial investment. That changed once we reached 10k views.

November of 2021 was our first profitable month. We saw 12k views hit our site which converted into revenue of $11.89.

This covered not only our premium plan costs for the month but also our hosting cost for the website itself which combined comes to $9.50.

Since then we’ve improved our views but our weekly viewing figures are similar to that of the monthly cap on the free version of WordPress.

For the week beginning March 14th this year we received 10,735 views and for that we received ad revenue of $12.10. This is more than enough to cover our site costs for the month.

I agree this may not be the solution for everyone, but if you are nearing that 10k view limit each month then the likelihood is you could turn a profit by moving to the Premium plan.

With the Premium plan you’ll also get 13gb of storage.

Hopefully this post will help someone!

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