Chat with the Champs: What do you want to see Changed for 4th Edition?

Peter Holland: What changes would you all like to see made for Age of Sigmar in 4th Edition this year?

Aida Paul: Terrain. As in actual rules for terrain.

Peter: Obscuring? 😉

Aida: Don’t vex me this morning 😜  Terrain is by far the weakest part of aos, it’s a leaflet of absolute mess and the onoly reason it functions is because tons of TOs made up a lot of rules and schemas, limits, common sense applications.

Tavendale (No Rerolls): The rules are tokenistic at best.

Peter: Does anyone use the mystic terrain rules?

Aida: outside of the uk, everyone. This and playing defender wrong are the main UK quirks with AoS (by rules defender FULLY sets up the terrain, and yes, can do it unfairly, that’s the point).

in the UK mystic is… Sometimes, you can not really say no if someone wants to play them at an event, but rarely people do.

The funny thing with them is that people who do not play them go “oh they do nothing, well, maybe arcane…” and then you talk them through the rest and find that almost all have impact on games 😜

Noel Fundora: A more impactful mysterious terrain table would go nicely with proper terrain rules (please make climbing and spidermaning go away).

Hanna Leppänen: More focus on objectives of the scenario instead of BT/GS.

Patrick German: 4+ rallies can burn in hell. They could change nothing else, and I would be happy if 4+ went away.

Carson Whitlock: Generalization of common abilities. i.e Bodyguard, impact mortals, buffs/debuffs, deep strike/reserves.

If you’re very in the know on the current rules of the game it isn’t so much of an issue, but when your opponent is not and you’re at a loud tournament, god help you.

Also (assuming we can pick two things!), melee weapon reach being determined in inches. 99% of the time, somebody is hovering a widget 4 inches above a bunch of models at an angle and goes, “Looks like it’s in to me dude”. Just make it determined by the base touching an enemy base and use ranks as a measurement over inches.

Jon Anderson: Death of the Battle Regiment

One thought on “Chat with the Champs: What do you want to see Changed for 4th Edition?”

  1. Yeah, I have to agree that the Battle Regiment, and frankly the going first to whoever drops the least, is lame. Should just be a plain roll off like 40k (or at least the old 40k I used to play). Actually all the Battalions should go. I liked the old system of just paying 50 points for an extra artefact, which could be changed to an extra enhancement of whatever sort, limited to 2 extras at most.

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