Broken Realms and Minis for War GT Preview

It’s going to be the biggest tournament ever held in Scotland. So big, that Games Workshop are offering the winner a golden ticket to the Atlanta Open! 72 Players are registered to fight it out this weekend as Scotland’s top dog.

We’ve been kindly given a run down of all the lists for this years events (of those submitted anyway), and we can now start going through them and comparing this to the Meta. We’ll also look at the players and their performances over the last year to try and get an idea who’ll finish top dog.

Broken Realms have also shared some of their own stats!

Six Lumineth Lists with four containing Teccy! Two players feeling particularly confident there! Alongside Teccy, across five of the six lists, there are a total of 180 Sentinels. Yes, someone didn’t take Sentinels and has gone heavy on the Angus!

Three Daughters of Khaine players and only one Morathi among them? What’s going on?!

Four Gloomspite Gitz lists with two of those going for the Cream of Mushroom Soup – Jaws of Mork. Three of these lists also contain Skaggy.

Faction Popularity

The Broken Realms player split, doesn’t at all follow the current worldwide meta trend. Slaves to Darkness are the most popular faction still, but this is followed by Lumineth Realm-Lords and Fyreslayers rather than Stormcast Eternals or Ogor Mawtribes.

Seraphon also have a large representation of 5 armies, where when using the worldwide trend, we’d have only expected 1 army.

Grand Strategies

Most players chose either a Strategy from their factions Battletome or Take What’s Theirs (More units than the opponent, inside opponent’s territory).

And, understandably, no one went for Tame the Land (control all the objectives on the battlefield wholly outside your territory).


Players that have lists with 1,980 points or less are more likely to be able to use their triumph


The average amount of drops for an army at Broken Realms is 5.7. If you’re attending and you have less than this, you’re more likely to have the choice of priority in turn 1.

Player Rankings

Here is our full run down of everyone’s stats that is attending since July 2022, and has previously attended at least one GT (that we’re aware of), sorted by their win rates,

So, JJ (Stormcast) is probably the odds on favourite with a huge win rate of 83% this year that can’t be ignored. Trev Moffat (Big Waaagh!) and Hogg Euan (Bonereapers) are close behind with 80% but have only attended a single GT each this year, I also think Boneboyz will struggle in a larger GT. My pick for 2nd would go to David Jack (Lumineth), another seasoned veteran with a win rate of 79% and a meta leading faction as his army choice. Nathan Watson (Gloomspite) – vice captain of the Scottish AoS Team is my choice for third, who also has the experience and another meta leading faction choice to possibly see him though to four or five wins.

Exciting event, I’m looking forward to seeing the results and talking to the top three about their lists. Good luck to everyone taking part a

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