Category Archives: Authors

Interview with a Wargamer – Woehammer Dave


Last week I interviewed Woehammer Ben from the channel, which you can read here. This week we’re moving onto Woehammer Dave, also known as our very own Chaos Dave.

When did you first get into wargaming?

My first year of senior school.

And what game was it that first drew you in?

A friend had been given the Epic Space Marine starter box for their birthday. We played a few games together and I got hooked.

But you hate Space Marines!

I don’t hate space marines, I dislike Primaris. Also, back then it was Space Marines or nothing as that was all that you got in the box.

So your first game was epic? What games do you play now?

Currently AoS, 40K and Kill Team are the ones I’m actively working on. With a bit of interest in a few others but not the time. Historically, I played Epic, Adeptus Titanicus, Necromunda, Battletech, Warhammer Fantasy and 40K.

I’d consider non-GW games but there aren’t active gaming communities I’m aware of.

You’re big chaos player, has that always been the way?

Not really. I started out in Epic with Salamanders, I painted my marines dark green because that’s the paint I had. I flitted around with armies in fantasy for a while, between orcs and goblins and high elves (good starter set) before settling on Undead for a long time. When I started 40k my first army was Orks, then I collected Space Wolves.I had a break from the hobby and when I started again I collected Dark Eldar (from the starter set) and then later Word Bearers. In Fantasy I collected Skaven and Empire and in 8th edition Beastmen and mixed chaos.

I started playing Ultramarines later on after another hobby hiatus.

No! Not the Smurfs!

That was one of the reasons I started them. They’re cool and don’t deserve the hate.

When I started Epic the poster boy armies were Ultramarines and Thousand Sons. I would have done ultramarines then if I a. Had the paint and b. My mate hadn’t got dibs

I prefer the twilight marines….. So what was your last game and against who?

Age of Sigmar against @dreadmund (Ed). Slaves to Darkness versus Lumineth.

How did that go?

My take a bit of everything list did not do too well against Ed’s tournament list.

What are you working on at the minute, and do you have any pictures?

Ossiarch Bonereapers for Age of Sigmar. I got an eBay ‘rescue’ army for cheap. I’m aiming to have them finished for end of 3rd October.

Dave’s first OBR model
Rear of the year?

This is the one I’ve finished. No pressure!

What’s happening on the 3rd?

Nothing. It’s just the deadline I’ve set myself.

Love that paint job.

Thank you. I might add some pigments to the base because it feels a little bit flat.

What’s your most memorable gaming moment?

The first Warhammer Fantasy campaign I took part in ended in a big four way battle, which was another first for me. My High Elves and my friend’s Imperial Dwarves versus a combined Wood Elf and Empire army. It was the first time I’d used Wardancers and I remember charging them into a unit of trash human infantry and just blending them. They just kept blending and blending these infantry units which kind of suited our opponents but I was having a wonderful time. It kind of defined how I tended to like to play the game from then on. Sometimes I’ll charge even if it’s a bad idea, just for the blood and glory!

So what do find you get out of the hobby?

I find the painting to be relaxing and a good stress reducer. Also enjoy the banter. Playing the game is obviously challenging to some extent at the moment but I enjoy the spectacle of the games.

Quiz time! Name five GW games that aren’t AoS or 40k.

Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Horus Heresy. Dark Future. Trolls in the Pantry. Gorkamorka.

Magnus did nothing wrong! Yes or No?

Everybody has ‘done things wrong’, especially in 40k. I think his initial motivations and intentions were largely good but also self-serving and hubristic.

If you were to fall to chaos which power would you devote yourself to?

The Lore Nerd answer is all Gods are Chaos Gods. So my answer would probably be Tyrion for AoS as he doesn’t seem, unusually, to be actively shit to his followers. Cegorach for 40k for similar (though less strong) reasons.

If you’re going to hold me to the ‘big four’ though…. my answer is Tzeentch. Or is it?

Ultramarines are…..?

A Legion or Chapter of loyalist Space Marines.

You can follow Dave on Twitter here.

I’ve included some shots of other models below that Dave has painted since I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him.

Alessio Cavatore – A Life in Wargames


Following on from the success of my article on Jervis Johnson. I thought I would continue this into a series with another great games designer, Alessio Cavatore.

Alessio who hails from the City of Turin in Italy moved to the UK in 1995 and joined Games Workshop in the same year as a translator.

A year later and Alessio was made a games developer and was set to work writing several supplements for Warhammer Fantasy Battles before heading up the Lord of the Rings Strategy Game.

2004 was the year that saw Alessio made responsible for all the rules published for Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warhammer 40k and Lord of the Rings. Two years later and he would write the rules for the 7th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

As well as writing the rules for Mordheim alongside Rick Priestley and Tuomas Pirinen, Alessio has been involved in games for both Warlord Games and Mantic Games. With Bolt Action (Warlord Games) and Kings of War (Mantic) all receiving input from this talented writer.

In 2010 Alessio founded River Horse Games to allow him to publish his own games and work as a consultant for other publishers such as Para-Bellum, where he worked on Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings.

Out of the 73 games and add-ons that Alessio has worked on to date, that number includes;

  • Mordheim (Games Workshop)
  • Warhammer Fantasy Battles – 7th Edition (Games Workshop)
  • Kings of War (Mantic)
  • Bolt Action (Warlord Games)
  • The Lord of the Rings: Strategy Battle Game (Games Workshop)
  • Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings (Para-Bellum)
  • Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition (Games Workshop)

As a side note, Alessio, Brian Nelson and the Perry Twins all had cameo appearances in The Return of the King film as Rohirrim at the Battle of Pelennor Fields. They can be seen near the Mumakil when Pippin goes searching for Merry after the battle. conducted an excellent interview with Alessio back in 2010, if you would like to learn more about Alessio and his rules writing you can find the 1st part of the interview here.

Like Jervis, the wargames community owes a lot to Alessio for his contribution to the industry and for what he continues to contribute.

I’m also hoping that articles like this will show that many of the rules sets you may dismiss out of hand have often been worked on by a writer you know and love that has worked for Games Workshop at one time or another.

Why don’t you let us know in the comments below which of Alessio’s games is your favourite, and why not suggest someone to focus a future article on.

Path to Glory – August Results


So with August over its time to review the Path to Glory campaign.

Three games took place this month. Two between Ben and Declan which you can read here, and another between Aron and his friend Rick.

Declan managed to take two wins against the forces of Chaos and he advanced further north-east on the map, building a small settlement around a realmgate. To the south-east of his settlement he discovered Wild Lands which are currently under the control of the Undead (Aron).

Meanwhile Aron’s forces led by the Vengorian Lord Shana, the Flame of the Heavens successfully repelled a chaos incursion into their lands, utterly defeating the force leaving no one alive to tell the tale.

After the battle his scouts returned advising him of a Troggoth settlement that had sprang up to the north just beyond the wild lands around what they had assumed to be a ruined realmgate.

Shana had to plan their next steps carefully.

Aron’s Undead Forces

We haven’t yet covered Aron’s forces in the campaign. Aron has 2,000 points of Soul light Gravelords.

Led by Shana, Flame of the Heavens a Vengorian Lord the forces include two heroes Wilhelmina Carmel a vampire lord in the thrall of Shana and Machtrohl the Unbroken, Shana’s iron fist.

Aron’s forces includes the following units;

  • Deathrattle Skeletons (Bone Legion)
  • Dire Wolves (Alpha)
  • Zombie Dragon (Deadarire, Bringer of the Dead)
  • Vargheist (Primus)
  • Blood Knights (Lord Vahl’s Riders)
  • Deathrattle Skeletons (Ossius Legion)
  • Grave Guard (Order of Merihim)
  • Black Knights (Knights Noir)

As Aron has a 2,000 point list he was able to claim three territories at the start of the campaign. He chose a Settlement, Arcane Waypoint and some Wild Lands.

No games for Rhys, Dave, Ed or myself yet. But watch this space. I have a feeling Nurgle and Chaos may be rumbling soon…..

This Weekends Releases 11th September 2021


This weekend sees the release of two Battletomes (Orruk Warclans & Stormcast Eternals) along with a selection of miniatures for both ranges.

The battletomes will come in both a limited edition format and the usual hardback format. You’ll also be able to pick up the warscroll cards for both factions.

The miniatures being released by Games Workshop are, as always second to none in their quality and looks with very few companies being able to match their standard.

The below releases are all listed as September release with no exact dates.

All of the miniatures below are for use in Warlord Games‘ Warlords of Erehwon: Mythic Americas ruleset. After Games Workshop it can be argued that Warlord Games are the second largest company in the wargaming industry with rulesets for Sci-fi, Fantasy and Historical wargames.

Wargames Atlantic provide alternatives for miniatures which can be used in other games systems. This weekend sees the release of three different boxed sets:

The first is French Infantry which can be used for World War 1 enthusiasts, and at £25 for a box of 35 models is a great bargain. If you buy more than one set you also have a bulk purchase discount.

The next is Cannon Fodder, which can be used for a variety of Sci-Fi Games. These would make a great alternative for either Cadians and at £25 for a box of 30, they make a far cheaper alternative giving you three squads of troops!

The final offering from Wargames Atlantic is the Goblin Warband, again with 30 miniatures for £25.

Just the one offering from Mantic Games this week in the form of their Halfling Engineer for Kings of War. £10 direct from their website.

Orruk Warclans – New Book


Wish Listing for the Weekend

I am at heart a Destruction player, having played them at most of the tournaments I’ve been to since AOS was launched. My main army is definitely the Gloomspite Gitz, but they have been in a bad place for some time and so I switched to Orruk Warclans at the end of AOS2. This wasn’t my first time with them as I did play with a lot of Ardboyz in AOS1 under ‘MoComp’ before points were released by GW.

So, as I’ve got a little experience with them I’ve decided to do a bit of wishlisting for the new release of the Orruk Warclan book which goes on pre-order this weekend (11th & 12th September 2021). I don’t have any insider knowledge, so all this is bound to be wrong, but it’ll be interesting (to me at least!) to see how wrong.

Overall Book

We already know that the book includes the new forces of the Kruleboyz and that it still includes the Ironjawz and Bonesplitters. There have also been releases about the Kruleboyz with the Dominion box and over on Warhammer Community in the last few months. So I’ll try to incorporate what we’ve learnt below.


I hope we keep the allegiances with Ironjaws, Bonesplitters and Kruleboyz and that we retain a Big Waaagh! version.

I’d like to mostly retain the Waaagh points, especially the extra ‘+’ to cast. It would be good if it were a true allegiance with their own artefacts, magic etc… but I don’t see that happening as it could get too confusing.

Hopefully we’ll also keep some of the sub-allegiances although now would be a great time to remove the Realmgate requirement for the Bloodtoofs!


The Ironjawz are good, and doing reasonably well in AOS3 with the Maw Krushas doing a lot of the heavy lifting, so I don’t think much needs to be changed. However if I’m wish listing the following could do with attention:

  • Gordrakk to be on a level with some of the other God characters, and at least as good as the Megaboss on MawKrusha. Ability to take mount trait for BigTeef (his MawKrusha); or a significant point reduction
  • Megaboss on MawKrusha looks like they may lose their 3+ armour save which if there isn’t a way to get back to 3+ will need a points reduction. Command Ability needs to be replaced as it another +1 to hit. Charge mortal wounds back to 4+
  • Megaboss – new command ability
  • Warchanter – Magic Items & PRIEST keyword
  • Shaman – Green Puke to be 5+ to cast
  • Orruk Brutes – simplify weapons, 2″ reach for everything, fewer points. Bravery increase
  • Orruk Ardboyz – they currently have same function as the Brutes. Turn them into Brutes light, with worse attacks and lower bravery. To be used for objective holding whilst Brutes go forward.
  • Gore-Gruntas – 2″ reach


Bonesplitters did well at Nashcon with two army lists, but haven’t shown up in many other tournaments. Perhaps the old list of ‘Kunning Rukk’ which shot people off left a bad taste in the mouth, but with LRL now on the board and lots of Sons of Behemat there may be play with the Bonesplitters now.

  • Wurrgog Prophet – A good scroll
  • Savage Big Boss – Command Ability to work with shooting as well
  • Maniak Weirdnob – Spell replicates above command ability. Would be good to have a difference
  • Wardokk – A scroll prayer
  • Savage Orruks / Savage Orruk Moarboyz – combine these warscrolls
  • Savage Boarboyz / Savage Boarboy Maniaks – combine these warscrolls
  • Savage Big Stabbas – help with survivability (maybe -1 to hit with shooting if near Savage Orruks, not closest to enemy)
  • Savage Orruk Arrowboyz – Swap the Loadsa Arrows ability for something that doesn’t add dice (more low quality shots!!)


We only know what we’ve been told about these so I’m bound to miss some units. They rely on poison to do their damage, and unlike the other Orruks have ranged attacks.

  • Allegiance abilities to help with the poison (ie double down!)
  • Hobgrots Battleline if and get Orruk benefits for a build or Allegiance
  • Monsters to be playable to fairly pointed
  • Shooting to be able to affect the meta, by outdistancing LRL, and being able to hurt monsters
  • Some of the fun traps which were written about in the Dominion novel.


The elephant in the room. Hopefully he’ll be good enough to see play in some competitive builds, and will be given a mortal wound after save. Whilst he is a 2+ save there is so much that can avoid this at times he feels like he’s wearing paper… which to be fair, he’s not wearing a lot.

I would also like to see GW giving a different point value for Kragnos with the other Destruction forces (particularly Gloomspite Gitz)


Orruk Warclans are a Destruction book that definitely has options and can compete for 4-1 in the hands of an experienced player, so my primary hope is that the book doesn’t become bad with the new release. All the parts are there, and hopefully the Kruleboyz won’t be a third wheel and break the book.

And I suppose another one – hopefully the Kruleboyz are playable on their own without the other Warclans Orruks being necessary.

What do you think? What are you hoping for? How wrong am I?

Let us know in the comments below!

Tournament Preparation – Facehammer 2021


Orange Ben and @rightangle79 (Declan) are both off to the Facehammer Grand Tournament this weekend (11th & 12th September 2021). I thought it would be a great time to interview them about their tournament lists and their past glories…..

Ok. So you’ve both been to tournaments before, what do you enjoy the most about them?

Ben: For me it’s mainly seeing friends and looking at cool armies. But mainly this:

Declan: Seeing friends, having a beer and chatting about Warhammer. It also means I have a deadline for painting toys… which I almost always need. For most tournaments I include something new to paint.

So which armies are you taking to Facehammer this year? Care to share your lists?

Ben’s Kharadron Overlords (Ghostlords)

Declan’s List

  • Loonboss – Clammy Hand
  • Fungoid Cave Shaman – Hand of Gork
  • Madcap Shaman – Hand of Gork & Moonface Mommet
  • Webspinner on Arachnarok Spider – Curse of da Spider God & Amulet of Destiny
  • 60 Shootas
  • 20 Shootas
  • 40 Stabbas
  • 2 x 20 Stabbas
  • 2 x Sneaky Snufflers
  • Rippa’s Snarlfangs
  • Scuttletide
  • Scrapskuttle’s Arachacauldron
  • Emerald Lifeswarm
  • 2120 points; 214 wounds; Warlord; Hunters of the Heartlands; Vanguard

This is my favourite at the moment. Other option is full squigs.

Do you have battle plans or tactics in mind for when you make it to the tournaments?

Ben: To a certain extent, you know you need to claim objectives so you need units that can do that.

Declan: Gloomspite outside Troggs can struggle to kill things so I need to play like Gargants – get on objectives early and start scoring. Hand of Gork (movement spell) is critical in the list as it means people can’t leave objectives unguarded. I have the Spider to get Monstrous Takeover early and get the option of broken ranks with him. Although I need to protect him or lose him on my turn to prevent him giving 1 point away. 2nd turn is normally Ferocious Advance with Loonboss and both Fungoids (who spend most of their time hiding behind the Loonshrine). Finally I don’t mind losing units because I want as many opportunities as possible to get them back – hence Clammy Hand (Roll twice for reinforcements from Loonshrine).

Ben’s Ghostrek

Ben, I notice you have the dreaded Gotrek! Facehammer have slightly adjusted rules for him now, how do you think he’ll do?

Ben: He is still super smashy, he is there to kill gargants!

Declan, Sounds like a thorough plan. I love the Arachnarok unit, I’ve seen people include more than one, you weren’t tempted to do this?

Declan: I want to try a horde army because its my normal playstyle and is against the meta with reinforcement points and no horde discount. Unfortunately points are too high normally, but with an extra 150 it’s worth a go. I also want GW to see that people will take armies which are rubbish if they get small boosts. GG effectively have c8% reaction in points at facehammer which is what they need before the book. Unfortunately 60 Grots went from 360 to 450 which is criminal for a low power level book.

Have you ever crossed swords with each other in a tournament, if so how did that go?

Declan: I think we played Ogor v GG didn’t we? On the way in people were complaining about your list being too good and I said it was fine… then gummed you up with Grots?

Ben: Yeah it was the cows Throwing snowball list, I told everybody it was rubbish but no one believed me and then I got grotted!

Declan: Ah yes… you forgot the Stonehorns!! I did have 180 Grots in your defense.

Ben: 2+ I do six mortal wounds, cool, there are 54 left.

Declan: Yeah… no where near enough damage.

Whats your most memorable moment at a tournament?

Ben: Played a chap called Laurie who Declan will know, with a shooty stormcast list, and turn one took off his archaon off turn one, was crazy good.

Declan: I was playing GG with allied Gitmob grots at Sheffield Slaughter against Nurgle with their first book. It was against a GW employee who I won’t name as they get enough grief! His Great Unclean One had a -1 to hit within 12″ bubble. My shaman cast a spell on 60 Gitmob archers, who walked into the 12″ range, fired at the GUO and took it off! He was a little shocked but took it very well!

Ben’s Ghostlords Army

For someone looking to go to their first tournament, what advice would you give?

Declan: Definitely take the plunge. Let the TO and your opponents know it’s your first tournament. Take an army you know (don’t go for LRL net-list). Limit your warscrolls where possible. If you can bring 6 or fewer it gives you a chance of remembering the rules. Play the objectives!

Ben: Agreed

Looking at each others list, how would you try and defeat them?

Ben: You can’t ask us that we might play each other! But the short answer is throw Gotrek at him and shoot him a lot.

Declan: I think I probably have the advantage due to numbers here. If I can get on the objectives early it’s difficult to get me off them. Especially as Ben’s units flying in the boats don’t count as on the objective. I also just played Will with his KO and the grots can actually damage the units with shooting, and in combat. That said no doubt we’ll play now and Ben will rightly beat me!

Thanks for your time, good luck at Facehammer!

Warhammer TV – Week 3


With Warhammer+ launched a few weeks ago and with our review of Week 1 and Week 2, we return again. As with the previous reviews this is a spoiler free zone for the current episodes. However as Angels of Death is episodic, I may give away some things from previous episodes. If you haven’t seen them, go away now and watch them.

Before I delve into the new content – there’s only 2 things this week – there is still nothing for Age of Sigmar. It is very difficult to see how this is value for money at the moment if you have no interest in 40k, and I understand that AoS is the smaller sibling, but it still needs some content. Fingers crossed for next week.

Loremaster – Abaddon the Despoiler

Anyone with any knowledge of Warhammer 40k has probably heard of Abaddon the Despoiler… but if you’re new to the setting or haven’t been interested in Chaos Space Marines of the past then this is for you.

Presented by Wade Pryce (and I assume written by a Black Library Author), this is a great start to the Loremaster series charting Abaddon’s first appearance in Warhammer 40k, through to the end of the Horus Heresy and his Black Crusades against the Imperium of Man.

Wade does a great job of being front man for this and the extensive use of the GW back catalogue of images was great to see as well. I found myself trying to identify where I first saw them all… and some are old as you might expect!

This bodes well for the series if they are all up that standard – hopefully we’ll have a new one soon!

Angels of Death – Episode 3 Blood and Duty

The Blood Angels and their fleet continue to investigate the populace of the planet they find themselves trapped on as the flagship – commanded by a very well written & drawn Ship-Mistress – is trapped by docking claws and being boarded and attacked from space. Meanwhile the Blood Angels on the planet must discover where the Genestealer hybrids are coming from.

A good series, getting better. Once again great use of red as a spot colour to the black & white included not using it for some effects I thought they would – and much better for breaking that expectation. This is their ‘flagship’ programme on WarhammerTV / Warhammer+ and it is definitely good.


Another good week, but with only 2 releases and still nothing for AoS I’m concerned they may be slowing down and getting through their pre-made / pre-recorded things a little too quickly. Sure there’s the 40k app, but still no sign of the AOS app, or any WarCom article about it.

I’m still happy to have the subscription, but my liking what’s on offer has a lot to do with the Blood Angels appearing each week.

— Declan

The Best Fantasy Wargames (50th – 46th)


Following my article last week on five alternatives to Age of Sigmar, I thought I would do some research and find out what the 50 greatest Fantasy games (skirmish & Massed Battles) of all time are.

This will come with some caveats; the ratings are taken from and I have only included games which have more than 50 votes against their name.  This may mean that some of the more recent rules are missed off the list (Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, being one).

The listed is sorted by the highest rated to the lowest, with games of equal ratings being split by the number of votes (the more votes, the higher their placing).

Some of the popular games you know and loved also didn’t quite make it into the top 50. These include Warhammer Fantasy Battles (1st Edition) 1983 (Ranked 52nd), Battle Masters 1992 (Ranked 61st) and Cadwallon: City of Thieves 2010 (Ranked 62nd).

So without further ado, let’s jump into numbers 50-46:

50. Warhammer Age of Sigmar (1st Edition) (2015) – Games Workshop

The Age of Sigmar 1st Edition Boxed Set

This was Games Workshops’ attempt to reignite the passion for Fantasy in their fan base. However the initial release saw a lot of backlash from the loyal Fantasy fans who had been playing Warhammer Fantasy since the 80’s.  This included videos of some fans burning their Warhammer Fantasy army.  A lot of outrage was due to the change in base sizes and the “squatting” of many factions such as Tomb Kings and Bretonnia.

The move to Age of sigmar, also saw many rules pop up for “Rank and Flank” games as a result. Games such as Kings of War and the Ninth Age came about mainly because of the removal of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

6.7 rating (603 Votes)

49. Rise of the Kage (2015) – GCT Studios

Ever fancied being a Ninja?

Rise of the Kage started life as a Kickstarter on 6th September 2014 and was funded only five days later. It also met all of its stretch goals by the 5th of October after raising £105,000.

The boxed set is all you need to play and all the miniatures are included with no further purchases necessary.

Rise of the Kage is a fast paced, tense and thrilling board game for two to four players. The game is set in the world of the Jwar Isles, and requires one or more players to control the stealthy ninja, and one player to control the stalwart guards.

GCT Studios

6.8 rating (131 Votes)

48. Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms (2019) – Modiphius

“Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?”

The Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms is a skirmish level wargame that has two modes, either solo utilising the rules for ‘Delve Mode’, or you can go head to head with other players in ‘Battle Mode’. Both play styles can quickly be picked up from the scenarios listed within the quest book, although you are able to easily create your own.

“It is the time of the Dragonborn. Battle rages across the forests, plains and mountains of Skyrim as Imperials and Stormcloaks fight for supremacy. In ancient barrows, the restless dead rise from their sleep. Skeletons and fearsome Draugr jealously guard their treasures from bands of delving adventures. The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms is an adventure wargame set in the world of Tamriel. Gather your heroes and venture into Draugr haunted tombs and ruins, searching for treasure and glory. Or, fight the Civil War as the Stormcloaks and Imperials battle for the future of Skyrim.”


7.0 rating (74 Votes)

47. Battle of Five Armies (2005) – Games Workshop

The contents of the Battle of Five Armies

In 2005 Games Workshop released a boxed game called Great Battles of Middle Earth: The Battle of Five Armies based on the battle from the book “The Hobbit”. The rules are heavily based on the Warmaster ruleset, and it uses the same miniature scale. The boxed set contains rules, 10 mm plastic miniatures, and scenery (plastic hills, ruins and a cardboard river).

Additional miniatures for this game were cast in white metal. While detailed in the box set rule book, these extra miniatures were sold separately. They were discontinued shortly after being released. The box set remained in print for a long while before being removed shortly before the launch of the 28 mm line based on the movie “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”.

7.0 rating (122 Votes)

46. Battleground (2005) – Your Move Games

It looks like a dodgy 90’s computer game

Battleground is advertised as a miniatures game without the miniatures. Players are given cards representing the bases of the various units with the artwork on top. However, there is nothing stopping you substituting these for actual miniatures from your favourite manufacturer.

Battleground is still for sale today through Your Move Games‘ website.

“Armies of stalwart Men defend their homelands against the Undead tide. Battle tested strike forces of High Elves ambush the Orc horde. Regiments of indomitable Dwarves fend off Dark Elven raids. Marshal your forces and command them to victory, but take caution: you cannot be everywhere on the battlefield at once. Your troops will follow your orders completely, and the general who triumphs is the one not just with the best strategy but who can also adapt to changing circumstances.”

Your Move Games

7.0 rating (909 Votes)

Interview with a Wargamer – Woehammer Ben


Ben is one of the founding members of the Woehammer crew and also plays the character Grymar on the Curse of Strahd D&D playthrough.

I talked to him about how he got into the hobby and why he loves the Raptors so much.

Ben, top right as Grymar in Dunces & Dragons

Ok first question, when did you first get into wargaming?

I first got into wargaming when I was 12/13, so around 1998. It was after visiting the GW store on Oxford Street (London) for a friends birthday.

Did you get your parents to buy your first army while you were there then?

No, my first model was a Leman Russ tank for my birthday that year. After that it was Imperial Guard all the way.

Leman Russ tank! That’s an awesome first model! Do you still have the Guard army?

Unfortunately my older brother like Abaddon decided that Cadia must fall. He burnt all my minis and gaming board.

Wow! You never went back to them after that. Is that when you moved on to Marines? Also I hope your brother made up for that!

I had started to move away from warhammer at that point and wouldn’t return until 2019. He has since made up for destroying my minis by buying me copious amounts of paint so I’d call it even.

Good man! We all have that gap away from the hobby at some point. What brought you back?

My wife started to sell GW products in her shop around 2018. I was helping her with learning about the 40K side of things. After really getting into all the new lore I had missed I decided to start painting up a Deathwatch army so I could play again.

Ben’s Beautiful Bel’akor

And what made you interested in the raptors?

My Deathwatch army was made entirely of non primaris units. I wanted to keep the feel of the Deathwatch being an elite veteran chapter. While I was building and painting my Deathwatch army I would watch lore videos. That’s where I came across the Raptors, or as they’re also known, the Reasonable Marines.

I began to read more into the Raptors. They’re a successor chapter of the Raven Guard. The Raptors are know for being stealthy, using geurilla warfare and hit and run tactics. They are also prized marksmen. I felt this fit well into Phobos primaris units like infiltrators and Eliminators.

Some of Ben’s Raptors

What was the last game you played and against who?

The last game I played was a path to glory game of AoS against fellow Woehammerer Declan Waters. You can read his excellent write up on here.

Declan the baby faced assassin

What’s your most memorable gaming moment?

Haha, that has to be when my Chaos Lord on Karkadrak was down to his last wound and ended up killing my opponents Lord Kroak in one turn.

Was this against Orange Ben?

Yes it was. I should probably stop bringing it up…

No! You need to make the most of these memories.

Makes up for the battering I took from Declan.

The baby faced assassin!

Will be interesting to see what happens if him and orange Ben have a game.

What do you find the hobby gives you?

It’s surprised me how much I get out of the hobby. I really enjoy building and kit bashing models. I’ve found the painting to be massively therapeutic and has kept me reasonably sane through long stints of lockdown. It’s also an amazingly social hobby too. Not just the gaming element, but also chats over zoom while hobbying and meeting up for days out.

So apart from 40k what other games do you play?

During the first lockdown I started to build and paint a Slaves to Darkness army for AoS. Coming out of lockdown AoS has been the predominant game I’ve been playing.
Ive also got into playing Dungeons and Dragons recently.

Ben’s Slaves to Darkness army

And hopefully we’ll be adventuring together again in the future! Ok time for a bit of a quiz. Name five GW games that aren’t AoS or 40k.

Necromunda, killteam, warcry, blood bowl, and trolling customers.

Magnus did nothing wrong. Yes or no?

It’s all his fault…

If you were to fall to chaos which power would you devote yourself to?

Blood for the blood god!!! Khorne all the way.

And the last one…. Ultramarines are…..?


Thanks to Ben for agreeing to be my first ‘subject’ in this series.

You can find Ben on Instagram here. Next week I’ll be talking to our very own Chaos Dave…

Kill Team – Genestealers


The beginning of a journey into an unknown

I am fortunate to have met many friends through wargaming and boardgaming, and sometimes these two groups even collide in a gloriously fun way! Kill Team is one of the rulesets that I can play with those more interested in boardgaming, or not interested in buying & painting a 2,000 point army.

So when one of these friends asked if I was playing Kill Team at a holiday we have soon, I immediately said yes… and started thinking about what I could take. I didn’t want to buy new toys… pile of shame is far too large anyway… so I was limited to Imperial Guard, Blood Angels, Orks and Tyranids. Looking at what others were planning on bringing (Tau, Guard or Orks; Sisters of Battle; Iron Warriors; Necrons) I decided to bring something very different – so Tyranids it was.

The Kill Team

Tyranids have a number of options for their Kill Teams consisting of 2 fire teams from: Tyranid Warriors, Genestealers, Tyranid Swarms (Hormagaunt / Termagaunt). I had loads of all these available, but Genestealers looked to be very different from the other armies being taken, so I picked two Genestealer Fire Teams with Rending Claws & Scything Talons.

The first Fire Team, with the Feeder Tendrils being the Genestealer Leader

I grabbed a few models, some new (see above), and some old (see below) to make the individual Fire Teams clearly different. To add a little variety I found a ‘Stealer with Feeder Tendrils… he was different enough to be my Leader.

Needless to say none of the extras that are on the models are included in Kill Team, so it didn’t matter that some of them have mutations on them. Perfect for adding a bit of variety.

2nd Fire Team is more old school!

The second unit was the gorgeous monopose sculpts from the Space Hulk era. I grew up with these guys, so it was great to get them painted.


I wanted a scheme I could do quickly, and I’d just picked up Talassar Blue (GW Contrast Paint), so I decided to start with this. The ‘Stealer models have lots of detail on them, and the contrast worked wonderfully, giving great coverage over a simple zenithal highlight (Chaos Black & Grey Seer spray paint). It’s such a vibrant colour and may become my favourite contrast paint!

After a quick Teclis Blue drybrush to show some highlights, I checked my colour wheel, and it suggested orange as a contrast colour… perfect! I picked out the teeth, talons and nails and I had the units finished in a little over a day.

Fortunately, I have a bunch of Sector Imperialis bases already painted, so a quick snip of the bases and reglue and the unit was finished.

Hope you like them, and I’ll let you know how I get on later this month!

The Kill Team core book is available from SCN Hobbies in Corby; or – most likely – from your FLGS!

— Declan