Old World: Tomb Kings of Khemri Deep Dive


Following on from our Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes unit performance posts, I thought it may be interesting to take a deep dive into each faction at 2,000 point events. All of these results are taken from competitive 2k events that included Legacy factions and a minimum of 10 players.

Firstly, from what we can see, most of the forces are constructed using the army composition list inside the Ravening Hordes book rather than the Tomb Kings of Khemri: Arcane Journal.

The Tomb Kings are slightly overpowered externally at 58%. But this could yet fall with the new FAQ and people adjusting to the new edition.

It’ll be no surprise that units such as the Bone Dragon, Necrosphinx, and Casket of Spuls can be found on this list.

The least popular units are mostly those from the Arcane Journal, with the exception of Skeleton Horsemen, Tomb Prince, Khemrian Warsphinx, and SepulchralStalkers.

The above shows the win rates for units with more than 20 game results. With an overall win rate of 58% for the Tomb Kings, the only units currently exceeding this are the Mortuary Priest, Tomb King, Necrolith Bone Dragon, Necrosphinx, Skeleton Chariots and Royal Herald.

There’s a more even distribution among the Tomb Kings magic items. However, Armour of the Ages (Enemies reroll successful to wound rolls against the bearer), Icon of the Sacred Eye (+1 modifier to weapon skill), and Flail of Skulls (S+3, Multiple Wounds (3)) lead the way.

We’ve only included factions where there are more than 10 matches on record. While this is still low data, the trend shows a poor performance against Orc and Goblin Tribes. While appearing to perform well against Kingdom of Bretonnia and Warriors of Chaos.

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