All posts by Declan and Eeyore

Orruk Warclans – Ironjawz First Outing


5 Tournament games at Carnage – Element Games

A few weekends ago I went to Carnage at Element Games run by the superb Alex Jones. He has run some superb post-COVID events in the UK the first of which I took Sons of Behemat to. However for this one I was able to unpack an existing army with a new book… and that meant Orruk Warclans!

The book in all it’s Glory. Available from Games Workshop, online stockists or your favourite & friendly local gaming store

The thoughts behind my list can be seen in my Carnage Prep article, and is repeated below:

Allegiance: Ironjawz
– Warclan: Ironsunz
– Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
– Triumphs: Inspired

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)***
 Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist
 Command Trait: Mega Bossy
 Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
 Mount Trait: Smelly ‘Un
Orruk Megaboss (140)***
 Artefact: Destroyer
Orruk Megaboss (140)***
 Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
 Lore of the Weird: Bash ‘Em Ladz
Orruk Warchanter (115)****
 Warbeat: Fixin’ Beat
Orruk Warchanter (115)****
 Warbeat: Get ‘Em Beat
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (90)****
 Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork

10 x Orruk Brutes (320)*
 Jagged Gore-hackas
 2x Gore Choppas
 Reinforced x 1
5 x Orruk Brutes (160)*
 Jagged Gore-hackas
 1x Gore Choppas
10 x Orruk Ardboys (170)**
 2x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
 Reinforced x 1
5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)**
 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)***
 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers

3 x Rippa’s Snarlfangs (70) ****

Core Battalions
*Hunters of the Heartlands
**Ironjawz Fist

Additional Enhancements


Total: 1970 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 138
Drops: 12

I went 12 drop, because I don’t often mind whether I have the choice, and I like to have lots of units to play with and get in the way. I also chose to avoid the double Maw-Krusha list because I like the new Brutes and wanted to play with them to see if the theory for them worked on the table.

Game 1 The Vice v Ironjawz

An Ironjawz army with double MawKrusha (MK) but the Vice meant that neither of us wanted to advance at the speed we might normally use. My opponent went first and selected Broken Ranks on a unit of Ardboyz, and advanced on them with an MK, and managed to get within 6″. A sneaky redeploy meant he failed the charge after I rolled well which gave me an early lead.

My turn was very cagey, with my Hand of Gork being successful and putting a unit of 10 Ardboyz behind the lines and capturing one of the objectives getting me a point for holding more.

The second turn saw us looking at each other whilst my opponent advanced his MK a little further and killed 5 Ardboyz, whilst I played conquer to get an objective back by numbers – leaving the MK uninjured. My MK was safely hidden behind my Brutes now, but with the Ironjawz counter charge ability my opponent didn’t want to charge. Equally nor did I!

Turn three the ‘Fast Un’ MK charged my cage and killed some Ardboyz, but my MK countercharged, and killed the MK on my third turn, getting a ton of extra points (+1 for monster slain, +2 for Bring it Down, +1 for doing it with a monster). This put me at 15-12 up.

Turn 4 we again watched each other with my opponent getting Savage Spearhead, and me picking up the easy Monstrous takeover. In Turn 5 I eventually won a priority, barrelled into the centre and killed the second MK with my Brutes… game over! Win for me 27-16

Game 2 Feral Foray v Slaves to Darkness – Host of Everchosen

This was an Archaon build with the ability to roll for priority in his turn. He gave me first turn, but had left only on Varanguard on one of his home objectives, so Rippa’s Snarlfangs sped forward, using command point for 6 to run, and placed 3 paws on the objective, staying outside of 9″. A cheeky point gained (for more) and conquer finished early. His first turn was conservative, so I guessed that I was going first in turn 2… and indeed I did.

I ran in a circle with my troops and left a gap in front of my Maw Krusha to tempt Archaon to charge if he got the first turn. One of my foot Megabosses had also charged into the middle to slow down the big fella turn 2. The Megaboss promptly died, but killed some Varanguard in revenge and Archaon came forward… seemed like I was going second!

Turn 3 and Archaon advanced on the exposed Maw Krusha… so I called Redeploy and closed the gap, ensuring Archaon would be within 3″ of the MK if he charged. And charge he did, his first attack killing the Ardboyz, and his second getting to the Maw Krusha… a slight moment of concern but with the -1 to hit his Slayer of Kings failed and the MK fought back with some Brute assistance doing 12 wounds. He also made a mistake on my right by not killing a single Ardboy which was his battle tactic (they were fighting Brutes as well).

Turn 4 and the MK failed to kill Archaon meaning another nervous moment… and into the sword I went! Fortunately the Brutes piled in and finished him off – phew! and that was pretty much it. He gained a cheeky Monstrous Takeover with the Sphinx in his turn 4, but I killed it turn 5 for a bonus point and I came away with a 26-21 win

Game 3 Apex Predators – Helon LRL

I was on table 4 at this stage and played Helon LRL with 2 wind spirits, Severith and their friends… ouch! I deployed on the line in the hope he wouldn’t kill enough and he failed to kill the MK but I couldn’t charge the foxes as they could outdistance me and I had insufficient wounds left to survive unleash hell. Unfortunately I failed my Mighty Destroyers charges into the Sentinels and then the Brutes failed by one wound to kill the fox they were fighting, (it saved 8 of 9 5+ ward saves!) which meant no Smashing and Bashing and the other fox and Wind Chargers ran away!

Unfortunately that was the game with a huge loss, but I did stop my opponent getting his secondary by charging in my Warchanter and dying. Lost 3-25!! (Ouch; again!)

Game 4 Savage Gains (I think!) vs Stormcast

I was meant to play Fyreslayers but some drop-outs meant a redraw and I played the new Stormcast. It was a great fun game, but his two Ballistas failed to kill (or indeed hit) and MK over the first two turns.

He sacrificed a unit of Liberators to slow down the Maw Krusha (putting them within 12″ to stop the Mighty Destroyers and picked up Ferocious Advance, and I responded with a Conquer and killing the Liberators. They came back though, so after turn 1 neither of us had done much and it was 7-7!

He won the second turn, chose Aggressive Expansion, but failed to knock my Ardboyz and some Brutes off a central objective despite charging. In this turn he also moved the returned Liberators to slow me down again, but losing the two points and failing to get either of the central objectives hurt the point collection – only 1 point gained! In response I chucked the army into combat, and started killing Stormcast. Picking up the full 7 points.

My opponent won the priority turn 3 but gave it to me as I was trapped in combat and he wanted to remove an objective… unfortunately my combat power was too much with the Ballistas being rubbish and I took the game. Win 41 -8

Game 5 vs Seraphon

Back on table 4 as a reasonable scoring 3-1 army I was playing against a Kroak Seraphon army. I was given the first turn, used Mighty Destroyers to get the Brutes and 10x Ardboyz forward and flew the MK into the centre as I got Mystic Shield off. Now I needed to survive!

His turn 1 was shooting with a world of Salamanders (2×2 in his starting list, and 1 summoned) and killed half the Brutes and put significant damage on the MK… but I had survived. Now if I could get the priority I could charge and be in them!

Unfortunately he won priority, took the priority and took off the remaining Brutes… he made a mistake by doing magic mortal wounds whilst I had Amulet of Destiny until Kroak remembered he could destroy it… spell was cast… dice was rolled… Amulet of Destiny was gone… oh dear! The Salamanders continued to do amazing damage and charged the MK to finish him off. Fortunately for me he rolled no 6s and I made my saves and killed a unit of 2.

Having survived I had a chance, so one of my Footbosses charged another unit of 2 Sallys in order to stop Unleash Hell on the MK. The MK charged a small unit of 1 Sally and the Troglodon… who was also pinned by the unit of Ardboyz. The Sallys killed the Megaboss, who (with destroyer) swung back and killed them all, but the MK failed to kill either the Salamander in front of him or the Troglodon (which came back on a 4+!). I was ahead though and once again priority would be key.

And I lost it again, but my opponent decided now was the time to go after the support characters and they all died leaving the MK alive but alone. A unit of Skinks teleported behind the MK to capture the central objective gaining Conquer. In response the MK finally killed the Troglodon and picked up a 7 point turn. I was ahead on point (15-9) but had little left. I needed the MK to go into a Skink unit or something… so priority again!

And lost… oh dear! MK died, one Salamader was rallied back and I couldn’t achieve any objectives. I had three units left so retreated the Rippas, and ran my 2 x 5 Ardboyz who had been holding my home objectives. If I lost priority again it would definitely be over…

But I won it! I did Ferocious Advance with the 3 units I had left and I was 21-14 with 20 wounds for my opponent to kill my battleline. Kroak was mostly out of range, so cast comet chipping some wounds on the Ardboyz and killed Rippa. He then rallied a second Salamander into a unit and teleported them to 9″ away… and fired! He killed a full unit with shooting (despite the shields), and then went for a charge… and 11″ (getting his secondary), made the charge and then went mad on the attacks again. I had lost by 1 point in the last turn and missed out on a 4-1… LOST 21-22


A great fun army and definitely got some legs… I’m taking them again this weekend to War in the Heartlands, so hopefully I’ll see some of you there.

Book Review – The Lost and the Damned


Book 2 The Siege of Terra by Guy Hayley

Guy Hayley returns to the Horus Heresy in the second book from the Siege of Terra. This is the follow on series from Black Library and was made as a great ‘drop in’ point for those who lost track of the Horus Heresy series. I previously reviewed book 1, which can be found here.

From the book:

With the solar defences overcome through the devastating strength of the Traitor armada and the power of the warp, Horus launches his assault on the Throneworld in earnest. After withstanding a ferocious barrage of ordnance, an immense ground war commences outside the Palace with every inch gained paid for in the lives of billions.

On the thirteenth day of Secundus, the bombardment of Terra began… With the solar defences overcome through the devastating strength of the Traitor armada and the power of the warp, Horus launches his assault on the Throneworld in earnest. After withstanding a ferocious barrage of ordnance, an immense ground war commences outside the Palace with every inch gained paid for in the lives of billions. The front lines are beyond horrific and the very air is reduced to poison and blood. Bodies are thrown into the meatgrinder but the outer redoubts cannot possibly hold for long, even with the loyal primarchs to reinforce them. For Horus has his own generals to call upon… Between the plague weapons of Mortarion and the fury of Angron, the defenders face a losing battle. 

The Lost and the Damned includes the three Primarchs defending Terra from Horus and the attacks from Mortarion and Angron. Guy Hayley continues to tie together the threads of the battle, and as this book is based on Terra it is much easier to follow than Book 1 (which concentrated on the battle for the Sol system).

Sanguinius also makes his first appearance at the Siege, ignoring his brother Dorn’s instructions to stay behind the Wall, and going out to take the fight to the Heretics. His presence rallies the defenders and brings them hope that victory may be achieved… his appearance is great from a personal point of view, as I collect Blood Angels!

And similarly to much of the Horus Heresy series there are stories of ordinary defenders either from Astra Militarum regiments or from local PDFs.

A really good second book in the series – and definitely leaving me wanting to read the rest!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

— Declan

Book Review – Beast Arises Books 2-4


Predator, Prey by Rob Sanders; The Emperor Expects by Gav Thorpe; The Last Wall by David Annandale

As mentioned in my previous book review on I Am Slaughter by Dan Abnett, The Beast Arises series is now available in compilation E-books. The first of these – Beast Arises Volume 1 – contains the first four books. If you missed that review it can be found here…

There are some spoilers for later in the series included below… you have been warned!!

If you’re keen to hear my opinion on books 2 – 4 just read on:

Predator, Prey by Rob Sanders

This is a great fun, quick to read addition to the story. The Orks are starting to threaten the security and survivability of the Imperium and the Lords of Terra are starting to believe that this may be a threat they need to engage. It’s unashamedly pulp-fiction but it’s fun pulp!

The Emperor Expects by Gav Thorpe

The Beast Ork invasion is ongoing and threatening the Imperium whilst the High Lords of Terra are being taken over by the Navy… who really need to be killing Orks.

More characters are being introduced, and some expansion on the power, prestige, and inertia of the High Lords of Terra continues to add interesting twists to the story. This is still very much about the Imperium though, and whilst the Orks are the greatest threat since the Horus Heresy, there is little included about them.

A great, fast paced addition to the Beast / Ork Invasion series.

The Last Wall by David Annandale

An Ork moon sits over Terra and the Space Marines designated to guard Holy Terra are destroyed… what’s worse, the Black Templars and other successor chapters of the Imperial Fists are too far away to make it back in time.

The High Lords call on volunteers and the Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) to assault the Ork Attack Moon. With the help of the Imperial Navy, and their transport vessels can they make it through and destroy the Moon?

The fourth in the series – another short novella lengths story – they continue to be interesting stories from the 31st Millenium, but do lack for any overarching peril in the story telling. Whilst people and ships can die, we know that the Imperium eventually overcomes the threat.

Some interesting ideas, and fun set pieces – the first four books are an fun light read.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

— Declan

Book Review – I Am Slaughter


Beast Arises – Book 1

With Orktober well and truly upon us, it’s time for an Ork special of our irregular ‘Book Review’ series. One series has screamed ORK(!) in the last years and that is ‘Beast Arises’.

This is a multi-author series over 12 books released in quick succession in 2015 & 2016. It is similar to the Horus Heresy books and set in the 32nd millennium 1,000 years after the events portrayed during the Heresy series. However, the Beast Arises is different in that it is a new story (or nearly new, I don’t know enough about Imperial Fists), which means that the authors can tell their own story… however as the Imperium does reach the 41st Millenium, they can’t rip it apart or destroy it.

Within these limitations, the first book is written by Dan Abnett, who launches many of the series and is (I assume) one of the top selling authors within the Black Library group of regulars.

‘I Am Slaughter’ is the usual top draw sci-fi pulp fiction from Abnett. The Imperial Fists are responding to an invasion of ‘Chromes’. But, as they lose Space Marines, and the fleet is damaged by gravity distortions it begins to be clear that the Chromes aren’t the real problem.

Of course, as this is Orktober, the lurking horror may be obvious to a reader 6 years and 12 books later, but the introduction of them, and the attack of the Imperial Fists includes some great fight scenes, heroism, and some cameos from the Mechanicum of Mars.

It’s a great set-up novel and well worth picking up to see if you would like the series. It’s available from your local book shop, Black Library or Amazon.

As the series was published several years ago, you can also pick up the first four books in one compilation. If you’re interested in the Orks or Imperial Fists, it’s worth grabbing.

All four books in a great value compilation

A series with promise, featuring an Xenos fan favourite .

Rating: 4 out of 5.

— Declan

Tournament Preparation – Carnage


Ironjawz Warclans

For those who have read my recent post about the new Orruk Warclans Brute warscroll, it will come as no surprise that I am going to be taking them to Carnage and Element Games this weekend. This is the second event run by Alex (@AjGhostArm) since we were allowed to meet again and play toy soldiers. I took Sons of Behemat last time and finished 3-2 having lost to Toby Meadows & Greg – but had great fun.

With the release of the Orruk Warclans book though, I’m back to my second army and with an extra 5 Brutes painted last weekend I have an army ready to go:

Allegiance: Ironjawz
– Warclan: Ironsunz
– Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
– Triumphs: Inspired

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (480)***
 Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist
 Command Trait: Mega Bossy
 Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)
 Mount Trait: Smelly ‘Un
Orruk Megaboss (140)***
 Artefact: Destroyer
Orruk Megaboss (140)***
 Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
 Lore of the Weird: Bash ‘Em Ladz
Orruk Warchanter (115)****
 Warbeat: Fixin’ Beat
Orruk Warchanter (115)****
 Warbeat: Get ‘Em Beat
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (90)****
 Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork

10 x Orruk Brutes (320)*
 Jagged Gore-hackas
 2x Gore Choppas
 Reinforced x 1
5 x Orruk Brutes (160)*
 Jagged Gore-hackas
 1x Gore Choppas
10 x Orruk Ardboys (170)**
 2x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
 Reinforced x 1
5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)**
 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
5 x Orruk Ardboys (85)***
 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers

3 x Rippa’s Snarlfangs (70) ****

Core Battalions
*Hunters of the Heartlands
**Ironjawz Fist

Additional Enhancements


Total: 1970 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 138
Drops: 12

The idea behind this list is relatively simple and relies on the Ironsunz command ability – which allows me to charge in the enemy charge phase. This will allow the Ardboyz to take difficult charges, and then have the Maw Krusha counter charge, along with 2 other units – hopefully a unit of Brutes or Megaboss. Of course the opponent can still fight first, but won’t be able to kill everything.

I’ll need to be careful of other Ironjawz armies with 2 Maw Krushas, but I’m hopeful the other Ardboyz will be able to get me ahead of the objectives. And for other armies, I have the Maw Krusha for a turn one charge if I get given the first turn — and I’ll never have a choice.

My main aim is to win 2 and learn how the army works, as I will be taking Ironjawz to War in the Heartlands a couple of weeks later.

The Carnage events always have some secondary scoring as well, and this is no exception… I haven’t really planned for these, as they seem difficult to achieve but I’m sure I can do one or two throughout the tournament and will aim to stop my opponent’s getting theirs for an extra 5 TPs. Having said that I did well on these last time, so maybe I can pick up a few extra TPs for finishing higher in my braket!

From Mancunian Carnage event pack (@AjGhostArm)

Alex has also put the list and players through ‘science’ to see who will win. The results can be found on his twitter account, but I can reveal that my odds are 16/1 – not bad, but the new army may be doing some heavy, heavy lifting to get me there! A great little addition to the build up of a tournament – cheers Alex.

— Declan

Orruk Warclans – Brutes


Are the Brutes back again

When Ironjawz were released as one of the first new armies in Age of Sigmar the Brutes, Gore Gruntas and Maw Krusha were lovely models which went straight into my collection.

Unfortunately the rules always meant that my Big Waaagh and Ironjawz army kept coming back to Ardboyz, with minimal Brutes. I loved the models, but only had 10 painted, and the rules didn’t encourage me to buy any more.

However, that’s all changed and the new rules have prompted me to have a 50% increase on Brutes for Mancunian Carnage 2021.

5 Brutes with Jagged Gore-Hackas for Bloodfists!

What has made me change my mind… well the warscroll has said an upgrade, points are similar and Ardboyz have now become support / objective holders. Also, Big Waaagh! doesn’t care about number of troops anymore. In case you’ve missed the warscroll – especially as they’ve disappeared from GW website (!) here it is:

Loads of options!

My Brutes all have Jagged Gore-Hackas, which is fortunate given the above. They have 2″ reach so can deploy in two ‘ranks’ on the table and still hit the enemy, and the additional pip of rend over and above the Brute Choppas more than makes up for the slight reduction in attacks. Especially as we’re hitting big things on a 2+ without a command point – Smashing!

Finally, they also have a great new special rule You Messin’ which means that models with a wounds characteristic of 1 can’t contest objectives. Sure, most things with 1 wounds within 3″ of this unit should be dead, but if a few Skeletons or Zombies survive this rule gives the Brutes the edge. Kunnin!

Sure they are slow on paper, but we’ve got lots of Mighty Destroyers available (free movement), and most scenarios start much closer to each other now. I’m taking my 15 to Carnage, and have 10 more on order for War in the Heartlands later in the month.

I’ll let you know how I get on, and how I find using the new & improved Brutes and their successes. Bashin’

— Declan

Orruk Warclans – New Book


Wish Listing for the Weekend

I am at heart a Destruction player, having played them at most of the tournaments I’ve been to since AOS was launched. My main army is definitely the Gloomspite Gitz, but they have been in a bad place for some time and so I switched to Orruk Warclans at the end of AOS2. This wasn’t my first time with them as I did play with a lot of Ardboyz in AOS1 under ‘MoComp’ before points were released by GW.

So, as I’ve got a little experience with them I’ve decided to do a bit of wishlisting for the new release of the Orruk Warclan book which goes on pre-order this weekend (11th & 12th September 2021). I don’t have any insider knowledge, so all this is bound to be wrong, but it’ll be interesting (to me at least!) to see how wrong.

Overall Book

We already know that the book includes the new forces of the Kruleboyz and that it still includes the Ironjawz and Bonesplitters. There have also been releases about the Kruleboyz with the Dominion box and over on Warhammer Community in the last few months. So I’ll try to incorporate what we’ve learnt below.


I hope we keep the allegiances with Ironjaws, Bonesplitters and Kruleboyz and that we retain a Big Waaagh! version.

I’d like to mostly retain the Waaagh points, especially the extra ‘+’ to cast. It would be good if it were a true allegiance with their own artefacts, magic etc… but I don’t see that happening as it could get too confusing.

Hopefully we’ll also keep some of the sub-allegiances although now would be a great time to remove the Realmgate requirement for the Bloodtoofs!


The Ironjawz are good, and doing reasonably well in AOS3 with the Maw Krushas doing a lot of the heavy lifting, so I don’t think much needs to be changed. However if I’m wish listing the following could do with attention:

  • Gordrakk to be on a level with some of the other God characters, and at least as good as the Megaboss on MawKrusha. Ability to take mount trait for BigTeef (his MawKrusha); or a significant point reduction
  • Megaboss on MawKrusha looks like they may lose their 3+ armour save which if there isn’t a way to get back to 3+ will need a points reduction. Command Ability needs to be replaced as it another +1 to hit. Charge mortal wounds back to 4+
  • Megaboss – new command ability
  • Warchanter – Magic Items & PRIEST keyword
  • Shaman – Green Puke to be 5+ to cast
  • Orruk Brutes – simplify weapons, 2″ reach for everything, fewer points. Bravery increase
  • Orruk Ardboyz – they currently have same function as the Brutes. Turn them into Brutes light, with worse attacks and lower bravery. To be used for objective holding whilst Brutes go forward.
  • Gore-Gruntas – 2″ reach


Bonesplitters did well at Nashcon with two army lists, but haven’t shown up in many other tournaments. Perhaps the old list of ‘Kunning Rukk’ which shot people off left a bad taste in the mouth, but with LRL now on the board and lots of Sons of Behemat there may be play with the Bonesplitters now.

  • Wurrgog Prophet – A good scroll
  • Savage Big Boss – Command Ability to work with shooting as well
  • Maniak Weirdnob – Spell replicates above command ability. Would be good to have a difference
  • Wardokk – A scroll prayer
  • Savage Orruks / Savage Orruk Moarboyz – combine these warscrolls
  • Savage Boarboyz / Savage Boarboy Maniaks – combine these warscrolls
  • Savage Big Stabbas – help with survivability (maybe -1 to hit with shooting if near Savage Orruks, not closest to enemy)
  • Savage Orruk Arrowboyz – Swap the Loadsa Arrows ability for something that doesn’t add dice (more low quality shots!!)


We only know what we’ve been told about these so I’m bound to miss some units. They rely on poison to do their damage, and unlike the other Orruks have ranged attacks.

  • Allegiance abilities to help with the poison (ie double down!)
  • Hobgrots Battleline if and get Orruk benefits for a build or Allegiance
  • Monsters to be playable to fairly pointed
  • Shooting to be able to affect the meta, by outdistancing LRL, and being able to hurt monsters
  • Some of the fun traps which were written about in the Dominion novel.


The elephant in the room. Hopefully he’ll be good enough to see play in some competitive builds, and will be given a mortal wound after save. Whilst he is a 2+ save there is so much that can avoid this at times he feels like he’s wearing paper… which to be fair, he’s not wearing a lot.

I would also like to see GW giving a different point value for Kragnos with the other Destruction forces (particularly Gloomspite Gitz)


Orruk Warclans are a Destruction book that definitely has options and can compete for 4-1 in the hands of an experienced player, so my primary hope is that the book doesn’t become bad with the new release. All the parts are there, and hopefully the Kruleboyz won’t be a third wheel and break the book.

And I suppose another one – hopefully the Kruleboyz are playable on their own without the other Warclans Orruks being necessary.

What do you think? What are you hoping for? How wrong am I?

Let us know in the comments below!

Warhammer TV – Week 3


With Warhammer+ launched a few weeks ago and with our review of Week 1 and Week 2, we return again. As with the previous reviews this is a spoiler free zone for the current episodes. However as Angels of Death is episodic, I may give away some things from previous episodes. If you haven’t seen them, go away now and watch them.

Before I delve into the new content – there’s only 2 things this week – there is still nothing for Age of Sigmar. It is very difficult to see how this is value for money at the moment if you have no interest in 40k, and I understand that AoS is the smaller sibling, but it still needs some content. Fingers crossed for next week.

Loremaster – Abaddon the Despoiler

Anyone with any knowledge of Warhammer 40k has probably heard of Abaddon the Despoiler… but if you’re new to the setting or haven’t been interested in Chaos Space Marines of the past then this is for you.

Presented by Wade Pryce (and I assume written by a Black Library Author), this is a great start to the Loremaster series charting Abaddon’s first appearance in Warhammer 40k, through to the end of the Horus Heresy and his Black Crusades against the Imperium of Man.

Wade does a great job of being front man for this and the extensive use of the GW back catalogue of images was great to see as well. I found myself trying to identify where I first saw them all… and some are old as you might expect!

This bodes well for the series if they are all up that standard – hopefully we’ll have a new one soon!

Angels of Death – Episode 3 Blood and Duty

The Blood Angels and their fleet continue to investigate the populace of the planet they find themselves trapped on as the flagship – commanded by a very well written & drawn Ship-Mistress – is trapped by docking claws and being boarded and attacked from space. Meanwhile the Blood Angels on the planet must discover where the Genestealer hybrids are coming from.

A good series, getting better. Once again great use of red as a spot colour to the black & white included not using it for some effects I thought they would – and much better for breaking that expectation. This is their ‘flagship’ programme on WarhammerTV / Warhammer+ and it is definitely good.


Another good week, but with only 2 releases and still nothing for AoS I’m concerned they may be slowing down and getting through their pre-made / pre-recorded things a little too quickly. Sure there’s the 40k app, but still no sign of the AOS app, or any WarCom article about it.

I’m still happy to have the subscription, but my liking what’s on offer has a lot to do with the Blood Angels appearing each week.

— Declan

Kill Team – Genestealers


The beginning of a journey into an unknown

I am fortunate to have met many friends through wargaming and boardgaming, and sometimes these two groups even collide in a gloriously fun way! Kill Team is one of the rulesets that I can play with those more interested in boardgaming, or not interested in buying & painting a 2,000 point army.

So when one of these friends asked if I was playing Kill Team at a holiday we have soon, I immediately said yes… and started thinking about what I could take. I didn’t want to buy new toys… pile of shame is far too large anyway… so I was limited to Imperial Guard, Blood Angels, Orks and Tyranids. Looking at what others were planning on bringing (Tau, Guard or Orks; Sisters of Battle; Iron Warriors; Necrons) I decided to bring something very different – so Tyranids it was.

The Kill Team

Tyranids have a number of options for their Kill Teams consisting of 2 fire teams from: Tyranid Warriors, Genestealers, Tyranid Swarms (Hormagaunt / Termagaunt). I had loads of all these available, but Genestealers looked to be very different from the other armies being taken, so I picked two Genestealer Fire Teams with Rending Claws & Scything Talons.

The first Fire Team, with the Feeder Tendrils being the Genestealer Leader

I grabbed a few models, some new (see above), and some old (see below) to make the individual Fire Teams clearly different. To add a little variety I found a ‘Stealer with Feeder Tendrils… he was different enough to be my Leader.

Needless to say none of the extras that are on the models are included in Kill Team, so it didn’t matter that some of them have mutations on them. Perfect for adding a bit of variety.

2nd Fire Team is more old school!

The second unit was the gorgeous monopose sculpts from the Space Hulk era. I grew up with these guys, so it was great to get them painted.


I wanted a scheme I could do quickly, and I’d just picked up Talassar Blue (GW Contrast Paint), so I decided to start with this. The ‘Stealer models have lots of detail on them, and the contrast worked wonderfully, giving great coverage over a simple zenithal highlight (Chaos Black & Grey Seer spray paint). It’s such a vibrant colour and may become my favourite contrast paint!

After a quick Teclis Blue drybrush to show some highlights, I checked my colour wheel, and it suggested orange as a contrast colour… perfect! I picked out the teeth, talons and nails and I had the units finished in a little over a day.

Fortunately, I have a bunch of Sector Imperialis bases already painted, so a quick snip of the bases and reglue and the unit was finished.

Hope you like them, and I’ll let you know how I get on later this month!

The Kill Team core book is available from SCN Hobbies in Corby; or – most likely – from your FLGS!

— Declan

Book Review – The Solar war


by John French

Review by Declan Waters

The Solar War is the beginning of the end in the epic Horus Heresy series from Black Library.

With the Horus Heresy reaching 54 books, countless short stories and novellas I admit to finding it difficult to keep up-to-date with the storyline – and I read a lot, and have known the story since I was 11! As such, it was a great decision to ‘restart’ the series numbering to allow readers to get back on track with the ‘Siege of Terra’ series.

Horus’ fleet has arrived at Sol and must get to the Emperor’s palace on Terra – fortified by Dorn – but first he must fight through the remaining loyal fleet of the Emperor.

The book returns to some of the characters from the start of the series – Mersadie & Logan – and is was fun to read their story of the start of the invasion.

The book includes mass space battles, many (many) deaths as the loyalists attempt to slow down Horus’ treachery.

I did struggle at times with the number and names of the ships many introduced to be destroyed and I did sometimes have to re-read a passage to work out if a destroyed ship was loyalist or traitor. Although they have restarted the numbering, it is difficult to see how anyone who is new to the lore could understand what is happening in the story. Definitely a book for those already invested in the Heresy – although fine if you’ve not read all the previous books.

The pace feels significantly quicker than the rest of the series, so don’t expect another 50 books for the Siege of Terra, but I’m looking forward to the next in the series.

A promising start to the Siege…

Rating: 3 out of 5.

The book is available from Black Library direct, your friendly local book store, or audible (audiobook)