Getting Started in Warmaster



Warmaster is a set of fantasy miniatures wargame rules developed by the same company as produced Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and Lord of the Rings miniatures rules.

It has been given a rating of 7.2 on BoardGameGeek from 450+ ratings.

I was going to write an article about Warmaster and how to get started, but Iain has done such a great job on YouTube I’ve decided to steal link to all his shows!

For those who don’t know, Warmaster is a 10mm fantasy game (with an ancients version) which is commonly played on a 6′ x 4′ board to points values of 2,000 points. It was written by Rick Priestley and is going through something of a renaissance thanks to a number of 10mm designers releasing models for resin printing – either home printing or through a retailers like Excellent Miniatures.

The original… now changed slightly in Warmaster Revolution

Iain Standing has produced 10 videos explaining Warmaster Revolution (a version of Warmaster maintained by a committee).

1. Getting Started

2. Moving Forwards

3. Hitting Your Targets

4. Getting Stuck In

5. Up Close & Personal

6. Winners and Losers

7. Confusion

8. Characters & Flyers

9. Magic

10. End Game

Iain also has loads of great videos on most of the armies you can play.

If you’re interested in getting into Warmaster (or returning to it!) I can’t suggest you start anywhere else but these excellent collection of videos.

Cheers Iain!!

— Declan & Eeyore

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