Category Archives: Nautilar

Top Three AoS Lists for Garage Skirmish I (RTT)


This is the top three AoS lists for Garage Skirmish I that took place in Serbia on the 18th of November. It saw 8 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also, if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover, drop us a comment on this post, and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Army Faction: Idoneth Deepkin
Army Subfaction: Nautilar
– Grand Strategy: Overshadow
– Triumphs: Indomitable

1 x Lotann (110)
1 x Akhelian King (220)*
– Command Traits: Unstoppable Fury
– Bladed Polearm and Falchion
– Artefacts: Armour of the Cythai
– Mount Traits: Voidchill Darkness
1 x Akhelian Thrallmaster (100)**
1 x Isharann Soulrender (100)**
– Artefacts: Arcane Tome
1 x Isharann Tidecaster (130)**
– Spells: Hoarfrost

20 x Namarti Thralls (110)*
– Icon Bearer
3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (170)*
3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (170)*
10 x Namarti Reavers (160)**
10 x Namarti Reavers (160)**

1 x Akhelian Leviadon (400)
– Mount Traits: Reverberating Carapace

1 x Gloomtide Shipwreck (0)


TOTAL POINTS: (1940/2000)

Yuri Vybornov: In my list, I tried to combine all the best options Idoneth have – excluding sharks, which became a popular trend since the last Battlescroll, but will soon disappear again. Also, shark spam, in my opinion, isn’t the most thrilling way to play Idoneth and has some obvious weaknesses. So I decided to try a list of combined arms – my favourite type of list. Important note – i had only a couple of games with this army in the third edition, so I had to think theoretically about building my roster.

Heroes of the idoneth provide major buffs to the already decent units, so I packed five of them – Lotann, Thrallmaster and Soulrender for buffing and reviving, Tidecaster solely to give me access to the second Ritual if need arises (spoiler: it didn’t. Though there are always chances to meet some shooting-heavy lists, such as Hedonites, Kharadron Overlords, and Cities. In such situations, a combination of rituals of Deep-sight and creeping mist could grant me some major advantages). Akhelian King was there to do what Akhelian King does best – slaying stuff. And oh boy, did he deliver some major pain.

I’ve chosen Nautilar solely to make the otherwise lacking Leviadon worth 400 points – I knew that it was a controversial choice for the Enclave, but this sweet rend -3 on damage 4 attacks was needed, in my opinion. I think it paid off, as in all 3 games, the turtle did some heavy-lifting as well.

I also had doubts about 2 units of 3 Ishlaen, though I intended to use them as ultimate objective-grabbers. They did their job very well due to their speed, some consistent damage output, and decent survivability. These guys ain’t no joke, and now I think I will be taking them as the core part of the list as they do their part really well. It’s very easy for them to take control of the objective from other skirmish units – such as skinks, Dawnriders, or even river-trolls they faced in the 1st round of the event.

In all cases, they killed their opponents without losing any models themselves, which is very important, as they were able to continue their play until the end of the battle. After securing the objective, they also had plenty of roles to fulfil – chase down the opponent’s beaten units, assassinate heroes, and even support the main line if need be.

Finally, Namarti are Namarti – reavers were manoeuvrable shooting-support, capable of inflicting some hurt to enemy armies and sometimes even killing charging foes in unleash hell due to their bonuses «to hit». Their colleagues, thralls, backed up by Thrallmaster, Leviadon, Lotann, and Soulrender, were capable of holding their ground pretty well in all three games and inflicting solid damage in return. To round it up, the lists turned out to be quite well-balanced – it has speed, some high rends, weight of dice attacks, decent distance threats, and some decent survivability. The only weaknesses it has are inherited – idoneth strive to deliver and survive mortal wounds and playing with magic in general, which almost proved to be fatal against Seraphon and Lumineth. But their strong sides can mitigate those to some extent for sure.


Army Faction: Lumineth Realm-lords
– Subfaction: Zaitrec
– Grand Strategy: Spellcasting Savant

Sevireth (270)*
The Light of Eltharion (230)*
Ellania and Ellathor (190)*
Spells: Etheral Blessings, Speed of Hysh
Vanari Lord Regent (150)*
Spells: Protection of Hysh, Speed of Hysh
Scinari Cathallar (120)**
Spells: Merciless Blizzard, Total Eclipse
Scinari Enlightener (170)**
– Command Traits: Loremaster
– Artefacts of Power: Phoenix Stone
– Spells: Hoarfrost, Merciless Blizzard, Protection of Hysh, Speed of Hysh

Vanari Auralan Wardens (150)
– High Warden
– Spells: Overwhelming Heat, Protection of Hysh
Vanari Bladelords (360)
Bladelord Seneschal
– Sunmetal Dual Blades
Vanari Dawnriders (120)
– Spells: Overwhelming Heat, Speed of Hysh

Vanari Dawnriders (120)
– Spells: Overwhelming Heat, Speed of Hysh

1 x Hyshian Twinstones (30)
1 x Suffocating Gravetide (30)
1 x Quicksilver Swords (60)

1 x Shrine Luminor (0)

*Command Entourage – Magnificent
**Andtorian Acolytes

TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

Milan Popovic: My list has a few important things that make it joker-like. I have Sevireth that is fast and good at distraction and in chasing small heroes down. Bladelords are a good punching unit as well as Light of Eltharion. Dawnriders were in all games used as an additional screen with one unit of wardeners, but their purpose was to chase small units and to give support to Sevireth. Spell diversity I got from the Magnificent of Command Entourage battalion. The list is like a castle moving until I slingshot a unit of bladelords fully buffed that picks up important units and destroys them. Wih Enlightener that can cast speed of hysh if and his Rune of Enthlai it is possible to launch Light of Eltharion as well. It’s a well-rounded list that only suffers from spreading too much. Some small tweaks to the list would make it even more deadly. Better first strike placement with wardens, and maybe trading dawnriders for sentinels could make good change. Also, Sudden Translocation from Ellania and Ellathor makes them unreliable enough.


Allegiance: Slaanesh
Host: Godseekers
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: Selfish Desire
– Triumphs: Indomitable

Keeper of Secrets (400)*
– General
– Command Trait: Hunter Supreme
– Shining Aegis
– Artefact: Girdle of the Realm-racer
– Lore of the Pursuer: Paths of the Dark Prince
The Masque (150)**
Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh (200)*
Syll’Esske, the Vengeful Allegiance (200)*
– Lore of the Pursuer: Progency of Damnation

5 x Seekers (140)*
5 x Seekers (140)*
5 x Seekers (140)*
5 x Blissbarb Seekers (220)*
5 x Slickblade Seekers (220)**

Chaos Warshrine (180)*
Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
– Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL: 1990/2000

Miljan Otovic: The idea behind this list is to play as much as possible to HoS’ main advantage, which is, in my opinion, speed.

So, all units are fast, and the main idea behind it is to concentrate heavily hitting units and take out as many of opponents’ damage dealers as possible – as fast as possible.

For screening and objective grabbing are used Seekers, while everything else is hitting and “pinning” the opponent in the opponent’s zone. Keeping his units and damaged dealers occupied, preferably for a few turns.

Keeper of Secrets and Sigvald are attacking characters (sometimes with Mask too) and destroying support ones on 1st turn if possible.

After that, there is trading between hitting elements of the army, but at that point, it goes in favour of the HoS.

One big drawback for this list is that it is “dice dependent”. Or more “average dependent”, any early skew in opponents’ favor makes victory near impossible. “


Final Tournament Placings

To view all of the results for the tournament please follow the link below to Best Coast Pairings

Best Coast Pairings

All the Lists for this Weekend’s Woehammer GT


Top Three AoS Lists for Wardolly Weekend


This is the top three AoS lists for Wardolly Weekend that took place in Australia on the 30th and 1st of October. It involved 16 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
– Gittish Horde: King’s Gitz
– Grand Strategy: Protect da Shrine!
– Triumphs: Inspired

Dankhold Troggboss
– General
– Command Trait: Alpha Trogg
– Artefact: Glowy Howzit

Madcap Shaman (70)**
– Lore of Primal Frost: Hoarfrost
Madcap Shaman (70)**
– Lore of Primal Frost: Merciless Blizzard
Skragrott, The Loonking (230)*

6 x Fellwater Troggoths
– Reinforced x 1
3 x Fellwater Troggoths (170)*
20 x Moonclan Stabbas (120)*
20 x Moonclan Stabbas (120)*
6 x Rockgut Troggoths (340)*
– Reinforced x 1

5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics
5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (110)
5 x Sporesplatta Fanatics (90

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
**Andtorian Acolyte

Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 141
Drops: 6


– Army Faction: Sons of Behemat
– Army Type: Breaker Tribe
– Grand Strategy: Slaughter of Sorcery
– Triumph: Inspired
– Fierce Loathings: Idiots with Flags

Gatebreaker (500)*

– General
– Command Traits: Monstrously Tough
– Artefacts of Power: The Great Wrecka
Gatebreaker (500)*

– Artefacts of Power: Kingslaughter Cowl
Gatebreaker (500)**

– Artefacts of Power: Glowy Shield of Protectiness
Gatebreaker (500)**

– Nullstone Adornments: Hand-carved Nullstone Icon

*Bosses of the Stomp
– Magnificent
**Bosses of the Stomp

TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000


Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
– Enclave: Nautilar
– Mortal Realm: Ulgu
– Grand Strategy: The Creeping Gloomtide
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Isharann Tidecaster (130)*
– General
– Command Trait: Teachings of the Turscoll
Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Sea (310)*
– Artefact: Whorlshell

20 x Namarti Reavers (320)*
– Reinforced x 1
10 x Namarti Reavers (160)*
20 x Namarti Thralls (220)*

– Reinforced x 1
10 x Namarti Thralls (110)*
Akhelian Leviadon (400)*

– Mount Trait: Reverberating Carapace

2 x Akhelian Allopexes (300)*
– Razorshell Harpoon
– Reinforced x 1

Endless Spells & Invocations
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (50)

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment

Total: 2000 / 2000


Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
– Subfaction: Avengorii
– Grand Strategy: Lust for Domination
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead (900)
Vengorian Lord (280)*

– General
– Command Trait: Monstrous Might
– Artefact: Vial of Manticore Venom (Universal Artefact)
– Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon

10 x Dire Wolves (140)*
10 x Dire Wolves (140)*
Terrorgheist (240)*
Terrorgheist (240)*

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment

Total: 1940 / 2000


Final Tournament Placings

This event used Best Coast Pairings as its TO program.

Top Three AoS Lists for the Northern Ireland AOS GT


This is the top three AoS lists for the Northern Ireland GT that took place in Northern Ireland on the 5th and 6th of August. It involved 40 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords
– Subfaction: Legion of Night
– Grand Strategy: Lust for Domination
– Triumphs: Inspired

Mannfred von Carstein
Mortarch of Night (380)
– Lore of the Deathmages: Waste Away
Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (460)*
– Deathlance
– Lore of the Vampires: Spirit Gale
Vampire Lord (140)**
– General
– Command Trait: Shaman of the Chilled Lands
– Artefact: Morbheg’s Claw
– Lore of the Vampires: Spirit Gale
Necromancer (100)**
– Lore of Primal Frost: Hoarfrost

20 x Deadwalker Zombies (120)*
20 x Deadwalker Zombies (120)*
10 x Dire Wolves (140)*
10 x Dire Wolves (140)*

20 x Grave Guard (300)*
– Great Wight Blades
– Reinforced x 1

Endless Spells and Invocations
Suffocating Gravetide (30)
Malevolent Maelstrom (30)

Core Battalion
*Battle Regiment
**Andtorian Acolytes

Total: 1960 / 2000

Danny Wadeson: First off, let me congratulate Solomon Morrow, not just on 1st place but also on actually kinda having a vampire esque name. Love to see it.

The list is Legion of Night, known primarily for its teleporting, Morbheg Claw wizards who can zip in, nuke a fool with Blizzard (and this one knows all the spells thanks to Shaman of the Chilld Lands) and then TP back out in the opponent’s hero phase – sneaky!

It’s also got Mannfred, who has multiple shenanigans and doesn’t see enough play in his own faction, along with your usual smattering of MSU deadwalkers, the usual VloZD and Graveguard brick, who’re a little more appropriately costed these days but still a fantastic hammer.

Assuming you’ve heard of Soulblight before, there’s not much else to comment on here other than it being quite interesting to see msu zombies. But it has Mannfred in, so I’m happy – I’d love to know how many times he counter-charged with fight first to disrupt the opponent’s plans!

Army Faction: Skaven
– Grand Strategy: Barren Icescape
– Triumph: Indomitable

Grey Seer (120)*
– Spells: Hoarfrost
Warlock Engineer (100)*
– Spells: Merciless Blizzard
Verminlord Deceiver (400)**
– General
– Command Traits: Devious Adversary
– Artefacts of Power: Shadow Magnet Trinket
– Spells: Flaming Weapon
Master Moulder (90)**
– Warpstone-tipped Lash
Plague Priest (100)**
– Prayers: Rabid-rabid!
Slynk Skittershank (220)***

Plague Censer Bearers (90)
Rat Ogors (280)
– 2 x Warpfire Gun
Clanrats (100)
– Clawleader
– Rusty Blade
– 2 x  Clanrat Bell-ringer
– 2 x Clanrat Standard Bearer
Plague Censer Bearers (90)
Clanrats (100)**
– Clawleader
– Rusty Blade
– 2 x  Clanrat Bell-ringer
– 2 x Clanrat Standard Bearer

Warp Lightning Cannon (150)***
Warp Lightning Cannon (150)***

Skittershank’s Clawpack (220)

1 x Gnawhole (0)
1 x Gnawhole (0)
1 x Gnawhole (0)

*Andtorian Acolytes
***Grand Battery

TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000


Allegiance: Disciples of Tzeentch
– Change Coven: Guild of Summoners
– Grand Strategy: Master of Destiny

Ogroid Thaumaturge (170)*
– Lore of Fate: Shield of Fate
Magister on Disc of Tzeentch (160)*
– General
– Command Trait: Arcane Sacrifice
– Lore of Fate: Arcane Suggestion
Kairos Fateweaver (440)*
– Lore of Change: Fold Reality
Fluxmaster, Herald of Tzeentch on Disc (180)
– Artefact: The Eternal Shroud
– Lore of Primal Frost: Hoarfrost

10 x Tzaangors (180)*
– 10x Pair of Savage Blade
10 x Kairic Acolytes (120)*
– 10x Cursed Blade & Arcanite Shield
– 3x Cursed Glaives
10 x Kairic Acolytes (120)*
– 10x Cursed Blade & Arcanite Shield
– 3x Cursed Glaives

6 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (360)*
– Reinforced x 1

3 x Screamers of Tzeentch (110)*

Endless Spells & Invocations
Chronomantic Cogs (50)
Daemonic Simulacrum (70)
Tome of Eyes (40)

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment

Total: 2000 / 2000

Kieran Bailey: Just as I settle in to write the words, “now Tzeentch can use the spell Rupture to make the Incarnate go wild” I look down the rest of the list and realise that there isn’t actually a Krondspine! Atta boy, David!

So what do we actually have. Well, there’s the Guild of Summoners with their easy to score ‘Call for Change’ Battle Tactic (Summon a Lord of Change) that means that the Tzeentch player had an excellent chance of scoring 10 points for Battle Tactics and 3 points for the Grand Strategy, which is an excellent start to any game.

Leading this force there is the still very good Kairos, though overpriced – 25 points more than Kroak? Come on GW?! Along with the Eternal Shroud allowing Fate Dice to come back, Kairos’ one per turn means there should be plenty of ways to tip the odds in his favour.

One place where those odds being tipped could be handy is when sending in the Enlightened on Disc. If you can guarantee a charge and buff up the flying bird-goats with Hoarfrost then they will be able to do a truly epic amount of damage, particularly if their target’s save is reduced by one with the Arcane Sacrifice spell. The Enlightened also prevent command abilities being used in the fight phase, so could be fighting at effectively rend -4.

Another piece of tech that has become more powerful with the change to Cogs is the Tome of Eyes as this gives you the re-rolls back, though only on one caster – probably Kairos. It’s also not a predatory spell, so can get around limitations on casting those.

The only blemish on David’s path to 4-1 was a Khorne matchup that is very difficult for any magic heavy army and, in fact, most armies at the moment. Congrats on an excellent result, David – may many more come in future!


Army Faction: Idoneth Deepkin
– Subfaction: Nautilar
– Grand Strategy: The Creeping Gloomtide
– Triumph: Bloodthirsty

Akhelian King (240)*

– General
– Command Traits: Unstoppable Fury
– Bladed Polearm and Falchion
– Artefacts of Power: Potion of Hateful Frenzy
– Mount Traits: Voidchill Darkness
Eidolon of Mathlann Aspect of the Storm (300)*
– Nullstone Adornments: Pouch of Nulldust

Akhelian Leviadon (430)*

– Mount Traits: AncientAkhelian
Morrsarr Guard (340)*
– Standard Bearer
– Musician
– Lochian Prince
Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (170)*
– Standard Bearer
– Musician
– Lochian Prince

Akhelian Allopexes (300)*

– Alpha Allopex
– Razorshell Harpoon Launcher, Barbed Hooks and Blades
Akhelian Allopexes (150)*
– Retarius Net Launcher, Barbed Hooks and Blades

1 x Gloomtide Shipwreck (0)

Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1930/2000


Final Tournament Placings

1Solomon Morrow
Soulblight Gravelords
2Emmet McNickle
3David McCarthy
Disciples of Tzeentch
4David kane
Soulblight Gravelords
5Stephen Mitchell
Slaves to Darkness
6Kristoffer Mallberg
Soulblight Gravelords
7Kenneth Chambers
Blades of Khorne
8richard flood
9John Twomey
Ossiarch Bonereapers
10Jables Pickup
Maggotkin of Nurgle
11Colin Cochrane
Stormcast Eternals
12Mike O’Brien
13Brendan Mckernan
Idoneth Deepkin
14Aidan Lee
Ossiarch Bonereapers
15Adam Colgan
Idoneth Deepkin
16Rob Kelly
Soulblight Gravelords
17Craig Morrow
Gloomspite Gitz
18Adam Threlfall
19Chris Nellis
Ogor Mawtribes
20Gerard O’Brien
Gloomspite Gitz
21Ben Cochrane
22Kieran McParland
23Christopher Gill
24Adam Jarman
25Hayden mc murray
Sons of Behemat
26Shane Forde
Slaves to Darkness
27Gavin Dorrigan
Soulblight Gravelords
28James Fitzsimons
Beasts of Chaos
29Cian Doherty
30Jonnie Kelly
Flesh-Eater Courts
31rik eddon
Lumineth Realm-lords
32tomas lunney
Maggotkin of Nurgle
33David Sloan
Hedonites of Slaanesh
34Brendan McKernan
Ossiarch Bonereapers
35Gary Mullen
36John Foster
Disciples of Tzeentch
37Adam Fox
Maggotkin of Nurgle
38John Dorrian
39James Cassidy
Gloomspite Gitz
40Martin Laughlin

Top Three AoS Lists for Summer Of Sigmar 2 AOS GT


This is the top three AoS lists for Summer Of Sigmar 2 AOS GT that took place in the US on the 10th and 11th of June. It involved 44 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh
Army Type: Godseekers
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumph: Inspired

Lord of Pain (135)**
– Command Traits: Speed-chaser
– Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
Infernal Enrapturess (120)**
– Artefacts of Power: Threnody Voicebox
Keeper of Secrets (400)**
– Shining Aegis
– Artefacts of Power: Girdle of the Realm-racer
– Spells: Paths of the Dark Prince
Sigvald (205)***
The Masque (140)***
Lord of Pain (135)***
– Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master

Blissbarb Archers (150)*
Symbaresh Twinsouls (140)*
Blissbarb Archers (150)*

Blissbarb Seekers (200)**
Slickblade Seekers (200)***

*Galletian Sharpshooters

TOTAL POINTS: 1975/2000

Joshua Bennett: Good evening, first off I want to congratulate you on your 5-0. You took a slightly different approach with your list than what we are use to seeing. The first big thing is that you went with God Seekers, what was the idea behind that.?

Jeremy Lefebvre: God seekers has enchants I can take at every level that are useful. Command trait that I can use a counter punch. 2 really good artifacts, the gridle for a pile in flying keeper. ( which makes them both aggressive and defense) and the voice box, which can be used to counter a melee heavy army on their big charge then the Extra movement is nice, to get things in a little better spot if needed. The charge reroll reduces the chance of getting screwed on bad charge rolls. one of the games, I failed 4 charges on the first roll ( a 3, 2, 4 and another 3) all of the reroll charges were successful

Josh: There is a lot of debate to whether the Keeper of Secrets is worth her points obviously you feel she is. What is her role in your list?

Jeremy: She didn’t go on a killing rampage, in most of the game she killed very little. but was fat enough to get in the way and grind stuff down. The double fight was very good in the list. It helps give an extra punch to get more DP. I used it with Siggy most of the time, but not all. As it lets him fight first, then fight again right after that (strike first, cancelling out the strike last) the keeper never died, which has to say something. She has served as anvil and pin piece, she often goes to hunt little foot heroes to stomp on.

Joshua: 5-0 aside that is very impressive.

Jeremy: Thanks, it is a fun list, and can be hard to pilot. a lot of the game is in the deployment and how to move it. It’s built to have counters to most types of armies, dunno if you saw when I broke that down in the Team America chat.

Josh: I love the fact that you did not mass include the archers in this list, its great to see other things being used.

Jeremy: Thanks, I feel you want some shooting, the archers are squishy, so requires a different game plan, that is not board control. I don’t find mass archers not fun to play, or play against. Mass archers list have hard counters, and I try to build my list so there is no hard counter, and I can hang in any game

Josh: I love it thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me about this amazing list and good luck with it of your next adventure!

Jeremy: It was a pleasure, looking forward to reading your write up on the list and event.


Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords
– Army Type: Legion of Blood
– Grand Strategy: Empire of Corpses
– Triumph: Bloodthirsty

– Spells: Waste Away
Vampire Lord (130)*
– Spells: Spirit Gale
– Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master

Wight King on Skeletal Steed (160)*
Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440)**
– General
– Command Traits: Doomed Minions
– Deathlance
– Artefacts of Power: Cloak of Mists and Shadows
– Spells: Flaming Weapon

Black Knights
– Hellknight
– 2 x Standard Bearer
– 2 x Hornblower

Black Knights (220)*
– Hellknight
– 2 x Standard Bearer
– 2 x Hornblower

Black Knights (110)**
– Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Hellknight

Black Knights (110)**
– Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Hellknight

Black Knights (110)**
– Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Hellknight

Black Knights (110)**
– Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Hellknight

*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

Roland Rivera: Here we have an interesting variant of the typical Legion of Blood Soulblight list. It has the usual power-pinning elements to hold the line in Neferata and a Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon, both of which can present a 3+ ethereal save, followed by a Ward.

These are surrounded by lots of fast-moving Black Knights, which are fast bodies you can use to occupy space and capture objectives, but are also pretty potent on the charge. This charge potency is amplified by a Wight King on Skeletal Steed, which emits a bubble of rerolling charges and makes their impact hits better. The 10-man units operate more as a hammer and likely stick close to the Wight King, whereas the 5-man units are more expendable.

Last but not least, a Tunnel Master Vampire Lord can achieve some cheeky Battle Tactics by teleporting onto an objective, and is a source of chip damage by casting Spirit Gale. Overall, this is a fast-moving, hard-hitting list that has some staying power thanks to its tough Hero Monsters, and it’s easy to see why it did well, only drawing against the virtual mirror match.


Army Faction: Soulblight Gravelords
– Army Type: Legion of Blood
– Grand Strategy: Lust for Domination
– Triumph: Inspired

– Spells: Waste Away
Wight King on Skeletal Steed (160)*
Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440)**
– General
– Command Traits: Doomed Minions
– Deathlance
– Artefacts of Power: Cloak of Mists and Shadows
– Spells: Vile Transference

Vampire Lord (130)**
– Spells: Spirit Gale
– Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master

Black Knights
– Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Hellknight

Black Knights (110)*
– Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Hellknight

Deathrattle Skeletons (170)**
– Skeleton Champion
– 2 x Standard Bearer

Deadwalker Zombies (115)**

Corpse Cart
– Corpse Goad
Grave Guard (280)**
– Seneschal
– Great Wight Blade
– 2 x Standard Bearer
– 2 x Hornblower

*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1975/2000


Army Faction: Idoneth Deepkin
– Subfaction: Nautilar
– Grand Strategy: The Creeping Gloomtide
– Triumph: Inspired

Akhelian King (250)*
– General
– Command Traits: Unstoppable Fury
– Bladed Polearm and Falchion
– Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
– Mount Traits: Voidchill Darkness
Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix (320)*
Black Ark Fleetmaster (70)*

Akhelian Leviadon (460)*
Namarti Reavers (170)*
Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (360)*
– Lochian Prince
– Standard Bearer
– Musician

Akhelian Allopexes (170)*
– Razorshell Harpoon Launcher, Barbed Hooks and Blades
Akhelian Allopexes (170)*
– Razorshell Harpoon Launcher, Barbed Hooks and Blades

1 x Gloomtide Shipwreck (0)

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1970/2000

Aaron Newbom: My Idoneth list is designed to be a mobile castle. Combining the turtles +1 to save aura, the Phoenix’s -1 to wound aura, and the kings -1 to hit aura creates a massive debuff zone if you manage to make contact with me. But unlike traditional castles, I am also incredibly mobile.

Leveraging the full force of your army to crack my walls and storm the keep becomes an impossibility (except on realmstone cache 👀) and my ability to explode outwards for heavy burst damage punishes any attempt to do so that fails.

The sharks and fleetmaster exist to allow me to make small plays without breaking up the castle and the score early points.

The Phoenix is amazing in this list because unlike normal armies, your opponent MUST shoot it. And no one wants to shoot the low damage 3+/4+ save unit, resulting in almost no chip damage ever coming through.


Final Tournament Placings

Top Three AoS Lists for Silverstream Smackdown 2


This is the top three AoS lists for Silverstream Smackdown 2 that took place in New Zealand on the 11th and 12th of March. It involved 26 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Allegiance: Sylvaneth
Glade: Heartwood
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Warsong Revenant (300)*
– Command Trait: Spellsinger
– Artefact: Arcane Tome
– Lore of the Deepwood: The Dwellers Below
Treelord Ancient (330)*
Lore of the Deepwood: Verdurous Harmony
Arch-Revenant (120)*
Aspect of the Champion: Stubborn as a Rhinox

6 x Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Scythes (500)*
3 x Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows (230)*
3 x Revenant Seekers (240)*
5 x Tree-Revenants (110)*
5 x Tree-Revenants (110)*

Spiteswarm Hive (40)

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL: 1980/2000

This solid list from Lee Wilmot is almost a who’s who of Sylvaneth mainstays. The TLA and WSR combination allows aggression from turn 1, using the free tree placement to enable maximum value Warsong bombs followed by either use of the new realmspell Teeth of Gallet, or Dwellers below for better value on horde units like Squigs or massed cultists. This hero combo works with the strike and fading Kurnoth hunters – buffed by the Spiteswarm Hive – and the revenant seekers to ensure the Sylvaneth hammer is kept healthy and outputting maximum damage while the bows sit on a back objective and pick off wounds, or soften up targets, at artillery ranges. Tree revenants sneak off to pick up objectives and provide shooting protection for the warsong and archrevenant, little scamps that they are.

This lists’ real value is in how few truly poor matchups it has, it is a one drop, can alpha decently and loves the double turn, can score 5/5 Battle tactics consistently and really gives opponents few opportunities to interact with the list on their own terms. Even against lists which push the sylvaneth for board space early, like KotET and BoC the Sylvaneth units are often durable enough to weather the early storm and punch out, or alternatively simply relocate key pieces to safer locations and return to playing the objective game. Well done to Lee on his piloting – 5 games of sylvaneth is quite exhausting and mistakes are heavily punished – he’s done excellently to manage the tournament win with a 4-1-0!


Allegiance: Beasts of Chaos
Greatfray: Darkwalkers
– Grand Strategy: Protect the Herdstone
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Doombull (160)*
– General
– Command Trait: Bestial Cunning
– Artefact: Brayblast Trumpet
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master
Great Bray-Shaman (95)*
Lore of the Twisted Wilds: Wild Rampage

10 x Ungors (80)*
Mauls & Half-Shields
20 x Ungor Raiders (230)*
6 x Bullgors (390)*
Pairs of Axes
10 x Ungor Raiders (115)*
6 x Beasts of Chaos Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch (430)*

Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur (480)*

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL: 1980/2000

Brett: With the new book Beasts haven’t set the world on fire but are providing consistent results even if a little back from their recent peak. Jimmy has gone with the Ungors and a Doombull which aren’t common picks but they have their reasons. The Ungors (and Ungor Raiders) are relatively cheap and meet battleline leaving enough points for an Incarnate. That’s important. With BoC’s herdstone increasing rend on turns 2 and 4 you don’t want to commit too early. Because BoC can ambush (deploy to reserve and bring them on in the first or second round) and fade into the shadows (teleport from within 9″ of the board edge to another location 9″ from the board edge and 9″ from enemy units) they can hide very well. But to do that you need something for your opponent to focus on – the Incarnate.

They need at least 2 rounds to do that and that means you can wait until you have at least -1 rend on everything to commit. The Tzaangors can still score a Battle Tactic first round (Desecrate seems likely) while your opponent tries to deal with the Incarnate. If they don’t then he can make their life hell pretty quickly. Still the list might be a little slow without the teleport. They have access to book tactics which are pretty competitive. The Doombull’s had a bit of a glow up, one of his most useful talents is a command that allows a unit to charge in the combat phase – avoiding unleash hell. He’s a Tunnel Master (teleport) and can use his trumpet to summon Ugors (or raiders) to the cause. The Bray Shaman is along to provide exploding 6s. If anything is alive to reach -3 rend from the Bullgors or Doombull (turn 4) pretty much nothing on the opponents army is going to survive.

Only drawing to Sylvaneth and otherwise winning all of his matches is a great effort. Sylvaneth with their fire and fade, mortal wounds and desire to make you come to them is a solid counter. Otherwise an unblemished run with a new books is a great effort.


Allegiance: Skaven
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs:

Verminlord Corruptor (350)*
– Command Trait: Devious Adversary
– Artefact: Blade of Corruption
– Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Grey Seer (120)*
Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Master Moulder (90)*
– Artefact: Rabid Crown
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master

20 x Clanrats (100)*
– Rusty Blade
– 1 x Standard Bearers
– 1 x Standard Bell Ringers
20 x Clanrats (100)**
Rusty Blade
– 1 x Standard Bearers
– 1 x Standard Bell Ringers
6 x Rat Ogors (420)
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**

Hell Pit Abomination (210)
Hell Pit Abomination (210)

**Galletian Sharpshooters


TOTAL: 2000/2000

We’re honoured to have Skaven aficionado and all-around top bloke Kieren Coates join our team. Kieren is well known on the tournament circuit down under and has featured in past editions of our top three. Who better to talk about the ratmen than him?!

Kieren Coates: A classic mixed arms MSU list with the unique twist of no clan Skryre, the list features 6 independently operating threats able to choke up the board while dealing surprisingly large amounts of damage.

Opting against the 1 drop race, the list has no issues in being forced to go first with 6 rat ogres able to hop through a gnawhole with death frenzy, mystic shield, +1 to wound and +3 to charge, leaving it with an impressive 82% chance to land its charge with one reroll.

If youre able to piece through 36 wounds of pure rat meat, that will fight on death to trade back you may just be unlucky enough for the Master Moulder to roll a 3+ upon the units death to bring the whole pack back to life again for round 2

Even beyond the alpha rat ogres, there is still 20 gutter runners skirmishing with ranged mortals, 2 hell pits ready to clear out any hordes or MSU which are not able to piece through 14 wounds in one swing, one of which is likely to get a mutation for 16 wounds at a 4+ save. at only 210 points, it’s incredibly efficient, and when it dies for some unfortunate souls, it has a 1/3 chance to come back to life with D6 wounds ready to swing again.

If you do manage to hit through respawning, death frenzied rate ogres, skirmished gutter runners and horde clearing hell pits, you still have to deal with the big boss which is the verminlord corruptor with the blade of corruption, 2D6 + 2 attacks (with command trait), often hitting at 2’s, 2’s, -2 rend, 2 damage with 6’s to wound being a whopping rend 3 damage 6. Did I mention he has another horde clearing spell to back up the two hell pits?

Once youre through all of that the real humble MVP of skaven, 40 clanrats for 200 points holding the objectives still need to be dealt with, healing D3 clanrats per pack in every battleshock phase.

Overall it’s lots of melle power with chance to revive, horde clearing power and MSU skirmish combined that many lists cant manage to crack through – well done to Locky


Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
– Enclave: Nautilar
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: The Creeping Gloomtide
– Triumphs: Inspired

Sokatra, Leviadon Keeper (140)*
Isharann Tidecaster
Lore of the Deeps: Steed of Tides
– Aspect of the Champion: Stubborn as a Rhinox
Allopleuron The Turtle Emperor (250)*
Akhelian King
– Command Trait: Unstoppable Fury
– Bladed Polearm
– Artefact: Arcane Tome
– Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon

Turtle Trappers (170)*
10 x Namarti Reavers

Archelon the Ancient (460)*
Akhelian Leviadon
Mount Trait: Ancient
– Idoneth Deepkin Battleline (Enclave: Nautilar)
Carbonemys the Cleaver (460)*
Akhelian Leviadon
Idoneth Deepkin Battleline (Enclave: Nautilar)
Definitely also a Turtle (480)*
Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur

Malevolent Maelstrom (30)

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL: 1990/2000

Monster mash hasn’t been the soup of the day for a couple seasons, so it’s nice to see a few heavies make their way back into the Idoneth’s menu. The turtles are going to be very heavy hitters, especially in Nautilar where they count as batteline and get a monstrous action increasing the rend on two of their weapon profiles to -3. Ancient is present to get some extra durability out of the first turtle, but both are there to absorb damage and dish it back out.

The third “turtle” is a krondspine. The addition of the Arcane tome means that the incarnate can be bonded to either the King or the Tidecaster, depending on what the match requires. The lack of druability on Idoneth’s heroes also opens up the option of getting the Incarnate as afar away from the friendly units as possible then just shrugging your shoulders when the bonded hero eventually dies.

Past there the list is self-explanatory. The King does King things. The Tidecaster casts some tides (Steed of, specifically). The reavers fill out the last battleline slot, and act as a decent harassing unit, with the ability to make good use of the turtles’ auras.

Final Tournament Placings

Top Three Aos Lists for Small Town Throwdown: Smoke on the Water


Tournament that took place in the USA on 25th and 26th February. It involved 30 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Small Town Throwdown: Smoke on the Water (US) – 30 Players

Army Faction: Orruk Warclans
Army Type: Big Waaagh!
– Grand Strategy: Waaagh!
– Triumph: Bloodthirsty

Orruk Warchanter (120)*
– General
– Command Traits: Master of Magic
– Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork
– Warbeats: Fixin’ Beat
Orruk Warchanter (120)*
Warbeats: Get ’Em Beat
Skragrott, the Loonking (160)*
Orruk Megaboss (140)**
Wurrgog Prophet (170)**
Artefacts of Power: Glowin’ Tattooz
– Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry
Wurrgog Prophet (170)**
Artefacts of Power: Gryph-feather Charm
– Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry
– Aspects of the Champion: Abhorrant Ghoul King

Moonclan Stabbas (125)*
Moonclan Boss
– Bad Moon Icon Bearer
– Gong Basher
– Stabba
– 3 Barbed Nets
Orruk Ardboys (80)**
Orruk Ardboys (240)***
Ardboy Boss
– 3 x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearer
– 3 x Waaagh! Drummer
– 6 x Orruk-forged Shield
Orruk Brutes (450)***
Brute Boss
– Jagged Gore-hacka
Orruk Brutes (150)***
Brute Boss
– Jagged Gore-hacka

1 x Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws (70)

***Galletian Veterans

TOTAL POINTS: 1995/2000

Big Waaagh have been taking a bit of a back seat recently, with not many people playing it; but it’s great to see Gregory still repping it and grabbing the elusive 5-0 here. Big Waaagh is great, and often taken by people with Ironjawz armies who want to run a Wurgogg Prophet… and what has Gregory done? He’s taken 2! Great work here.

He’s also taken Skragrott which is interesting as he loses his access to the Gloomspite magic lore, and his Warmaster ability. However his spell (Fangs of Da Bad Moon) still has the potential to cause damage. I wouldn’t have considered it myself… but its an interesting shout.

The rest of the army is an Ironjawz core, with 15 Ardboyz and 15 Orruk Brutes as the reinforced units. They hit hard and the Brutes can cause great damage with the +1/+1 to hit/wound and extra damage from the Orruk Warchanter. Interestingly there’s no MawKrusha here, but that’s likely because of Galletian Champions – its good to see a GHB make some changes to army selection.


Allegiance: Khorne
Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Charge

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)*
Artefact: Armour of Scorn
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (300)***
– Command Trait: Mage Eater
– Artefact: Skullshard Mantle
Skarbrand (390)
Slaughterpriest (100)*
Prayer: Blood Sacrifice
Skarr Bloodwrath (110)*
Slaughterpriest (100)**
Prayer: +1 to hit
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master

5 x Flesh Hounds (100)***
5 x Flesh Hounds (100)***
5 x Flesh Hounds (100)**

9 x The Unmade (80)*

Cygor (210)***

Endless Spells & Invocations
Wrath-Axe (70)
Skulls (50)

Core Battalions
***Battle Regiment

Additional Enhancements

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Drops: 8

Peter: We’re lucky that for such a small site, we’re followed by some of the competitive players in the US and UK. As such, Gareth agree to share how his list worked for the event (though remember, this won’t apply for long with the release of the new book imminently).

Gareth: I’ve been running the same variation of this list for a few years now. I don’t play many tournaments and don’t have the brain power to change lists too much, so I just tinker around the edges. This latest iteration was a change from the list I was running last season. I removed a Khorne Daemon Prince and an Incarnate, and put in a Cygor, a second Slaughterpriest, Skarr, the Unmade, and the incantations.

The list is built primarily around the idea of giving your opponent headaches and making them doubt every move they make. Khorne has possibly more tricks than any other army right now, and this list is built to take advantage of all of them.

First let’s start with the anti-magic element, which, as with any Khorne army, is extremely strong. First off, the list has 8 unbinds; 1 from each Slaughterpriest, 1 from each unit of Flesh Hounds, 2 from the Cygor, and 1 from the Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury wearing the Skullshard Mantle. Although none of these unbinds have any bonuses to unbind the Skullshard Mantle does have the neat little rule that an unmodified roll of an 8 automatically unbinds the spell, and the caster suffers D6 MW. If you save that unbind for a wizard who has one or two wounds left, it can throw doubt into your opponent over whether they want to chance it. Rolling an 8 is only a 14% chance, but in their mind, it is much higher.

Secondly, we have the Skull Altar, which causes any miscast to do D6 MW instead of D3 MW to the caster. Came in particularly handy this weekend in one of my games: a Master of Magic rerolled a miscast into a miscast, and then promptly died!

Thirdly, we have the use of 2 blood tithe points to auto stop a spell. Note that this is not an unbind, so even if the caster has a rule that says their cast can not be unbound, we can still use 2 blood tithe to say NO!

Fourthly, we have the Hexgorger Skulls. A handy incantation that has two nice rules – wizards within 12” get a -2 to cast debuff, plus if they’re within 8” and they roll an unmodified 8 to cast, the spell is unsuccessful, the caster, and any other wizards within 12” suffer D6 MW, and the wizard can no longer cast that spell for the rest of the game! Again, that 8 is only 14%, but in their mind, it is much larger.

Fifth, we have the ignore-magic on a 6. Any time any of your units are affected by a spell or endless spell, you can ignore its effects on a 6 (and you gain a blood tithe!). In one famous game against a Teclis-Sentinel list a few months back, Teclis managed to put Searing White Light through a portal to cause D3/D6 MW to my whole army during turn 1. I rolled well, and he caused a total of 4 MW across my whole army, and I gained 5 blood tithe. Thanks!

Finally, there is the Cygor’s ability. Any time a spell is successfully cast by a wizard within 30” of the Cygor, that wizard suffers 1 MW. Now that isn’t going to dent a huge monster-hero-wizard like, say Teclis, but I faced both Gitz and Skaven this weekend, and both had 5 wound wizards with two casts a turn. Quite a few times, I was willing to not even attempt an unbind, preferring to chip off 20% of their health for free. Again, it puts doubt into your opponent’s mind – “How much do I really need to cast this spell?”

The next trick we have is the use of blood tithe. Prior to this GHB, I almost exclusively used blood tithe for hero phase move and hero phase fight. That’s changed a little now that Galletian Champions are important – our ability to summon one for just 2 blood tithe is pretty great, so I’ve been doing that a lot.
Before going into detail on blood tithe, let’s talk about Skarr. He’s in the list for one reason and one reason only – to die. He has an amazing ability that once he is dead, at the end of any movement phase (including your opponents) you can roll two dice and, on an 8,+ he comes back alive, anywhere on the board, 9” away from enemy units. That’s an amazing tech piece. I try to kill him as early as possible, and then during each of my opponent’s movement phases just take out my 9” stick and start measuring things, just to put doubt into their mind about where they can or cannot move safely.

Of course, to make sure he dies early, you need ways to kill him. That’s where he ties into blood tithe. One of my Slaughterpriests has the Blood Sacrifice prayer, which allows you to target a friendly BoK unit and cause them D3 MW in return for a blood tithe point. I was lucky that in four of my five games over the weekend, I had mystical in my deployment zone.

I placed the Skull Altar (which allows priests to re-roll prayers) within 8” of the mystical terrain, placed Skarr inside the Altar, and the Priest on the mystical. Turn 1 sacrifice Skarr, gain a tithe, and give him D3 MW. Then, since he is in the Skull Altar he can chant to bring out the Wrath-Axe, I use the Axe to cause another D3 MW on Skarr, and possibly another D3 with its secondary damage ability. Generally, this killsthis kills him, meaning I get 2 blood tithe (1 from his death, 1 from the sacrifice) in my first hero phase.

The blood tithe are then used later in the game as either a threat – using 3 to move the Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage or Skarbrand in my hero phase, giving them a much larger threat range, or, more commonly, to deny battle tactics. In your opponent’s hero phase they declare a battle tactic that involves killing something , and so you counter that by moving the thing they need to kill, out of range or behind a screen. Or, if you’re in combat in their hero phase, you spend 4 blood tithe to fight and generally cause carnage to their carefully laid out plans.
Finally, there’s the summoning aspect. Many of the new GHB battleplans or battle tactics require GCs to be on an objective for extra points or to score the tactic. Rarely are they “starting army” GCs. The ability to just summon one onto an objective for just 2 blood tithe (a Blood Master) is fantastic. Particularly if you pair it with Skarr’s revival. End of your movement phase, you revive him on to one objective, and then use him to summon a GC on to either the same objective or sometimes a second one!

Now let’s talk about the actual units that do stuff during the game. The Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury is there for one reason and one reason only – his command ability. At the start of the combat phase he can issue his command and all friendly BoK daemon units can pile-in 6”, and it’s the good 6” pile-in, meaning they can do it even if they’re outside of 3”. Note that this is an aura, but since the book is so old, none of the affected daemon units count as receiving a command ability, so are able to use other abilities at the same time. This is huge. Having, essentially, your whole army able to pile-in 6” is bonkers good. I very rarely charge any of my daemons during a game. Just move them to 3.1” away from their target unit, and then pile-in 6”.
This has multiple benefits. First if you’re going against a monster, they cannot roar you (although the reverse is also true – you cannot perform a monstrous rampage). Second, you avoid any unleash hell. Third you can play activation games – although you’re going to fight with every single one of your units, your opponent is only able to activate their units which are within 3”, which is very often none (you activate first, put in a Bloodthirster, it kills the unit, it’s your opponent’s activation, they have nothing within 3”, so then you activate with your next 6” pile-in, and so on).

The 6” pile-in also interacts with the other tech piece in a Reapers of Vengeance list – all daemons have the start-of-combat-phase command ability to fight twice, and it’s an immediate fight twice. Note this command ability can only be used if you are within 3” of an enemy. The general idea is that you pile-in 6” with a Rage thirster or Skarbrand into two units, kill a bunch of stuff in one unit on the first fight, and then activate a second time, again going 6” to kill another unit. That second 6” pile-in often allows you to jump over a screen to target something more juicy.
The Fury thirster is not that great in combat itself, typically doing only 5 or so wounds. But it does have a neat shooting attack – 4 attacks 3s/3s/-1/D3dmg that can kill a solo support hero or chip off some wounds from a screen etc.

Skarbrand is there to kill big monsters/heroes. It is relatively easy to keep Skarbrand at maximum rage for rounds 2-5. When at maximum rage, he does a guaranteed 8 MW per activation with his Carnage axe, and then has 9 attacks with Slaughter that are 4s/3s/-2/3dmg. That 4s to hit is horrible, even with the Locus of Fury ability that allows re-rolls of 1s to hit. We can mitigate that somewhat with either an All-Out-Attack (with the 6” pile-in he won’t have been roared), or earlier in the turn by using the Killing Frenzy prayer on him to give him +1 to hit. Skarbrand generally kills most heroes or does enough damage to seriously wound. If you’re going against multiple units, or a tough monster, you can use the double activate ability on him to cause a guaranteed 16 MW (with the potential of 24 or 32), and have 18 attacks.

Most seasoned Khorne players are surprised to see I don’t have a Bloodsecrator or Wrathmongers in my list. Either of these units give Skarbrand an extra attack, which works on Carnage, causing him to do a guaranteed 16 MW per activation instead of 8. That’s obviously a very nice buff, but I find Skarbrand generally kills everything he touches anyway, or is scary enough that people avoid him. Plus I hate the aesthetic of Khorne Mortals, so try to have as few mortals in my list as possible. Even my priests and Skarr are converted to look more daemon-like!

The Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is the real scary piece in the army. His job is to clear hordes and support heroes. Particularly useful in this season where both are common. His basic attack profile is 5 attacks, 4s/2s/-2/D6dmg. That D6 damage is painful, as is the 4s to hit. But, he has this one little rule that changes everything. Any 6s to wound cause 4 MW (at top bracket) to all enemy units within 8” of him. That’s bonkers. If you roll two 6s, you’re doing 8 MW. That’s enough to kill most support heroes. And 8” with a largeish base is a big area. Couple it with the 6” pile-in and a double activation, and you can wreak havoc. I tend to use Killing Frenzy (+1 to hit prayer) and the double activation on him more than on Skarbrand. 3s to hit RR1s is actually fairly consistent to get enough hits through to then get one or two 6s to wound per activation.
In my first game this weekend I faced the dreaded squig heavy Gitz list. Gitz have lots of over-lapping buffs, so tend to want to castle. They also have lots of support heroes. My Rage thirster killed 60 models in one combat phase.

Next is the Cygor. Although I’ve already spoken about his great anti-magic potential, he’s also a pretty handy monster. I tend to like monster-mash lists, so when I knew I had to include more GC in my list this season, I was looking for a non-leader monster to throw in. Cygor is the perfect match. 16 wounds means he’s tanky (even with the 5+ save). His flat 5dmg shooting attack is pretty good at finishing off a unit or solo support hero. He’s also decent in combat. For magic heavy armies he’s a good distraction. He usually is the first thing to die in my army (other than Skarr), but that means that my ‘Thirsters are not being targeted, which is fine by me!
The Unmade are included for their debuff aura. Any enemy units within 12” (which is a crazy range for a unit of 9 models) can not redeploy or rally. Redeploy is the bane of the 6” pile-in. If you run your Bloodthirsters up the table, counting on the 6” pile-in to get into combat, a 4” redeploy kills you. Unmade for 80 points is a bargain to stop that. Also, with so many 4+ rallies in the game now, stopping that is handy, too!

The only remaining piece to describe is the Wrath-Axe. As well as being there to potentially first turn kill Skarr, it is handy to just have around all game doing chip damage and move blocking. Although incantations can be moved through as if they aren’t there, you still can not end a move on top of them. The Wrath-Axe has a large base, and being able to put it on one side of your army to prevent anyone charging from that side is pretty handy.

My choice of 2nd artefact is probably worth some discussion. Many Khorne players swear by Ar’gath, the King of Blades, as the artefact of choice on a Rage Thirster. This weapon gives changes the to-hit profile on the Rage Thirster from 4s to hit to 2s to hit. But only when targeting heroes. Since I generally use Skarbrand to hit big heroes and use Rage to target hordes (hoping to kill support heroes with the booms), I don’t like this choice.
Harvester of Skulls is another choice – increase the number of attacks from 5 to 6 per activation. That’s a decent choice. An extra attack means more chances to get that 6 to wound. There’s also The Crimson Crown. This army is very command point dependent, so being able to use a command for free once per round is very useful. I can definitely see the attraction of that on the Fury Thirster. But I go for Armour of Scorn on my Rage. This gives him a 6+ ward, but 4+ wards against magic MW. I want my Rage thirster to live, and that 6+ ward is the nice little extra toughness to keep him alive a little longer. I’m very sympathetic to those who prefer Crimson Crown or Harvester of Skulls though.I’m pretty happy with this list at the moment, although with a new book on the horizon I think last weekend was probably my last competitive outing with it. Across two RTTs and the GT, I’m 10-1 with the list, which is pretty decent!


Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
Enclave: Nautilar
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: The Creeping Gloomtide
– Triumphs: Inspired

Akhelian King (250)*
– Bladed Polearm
– Command Trait: Unstoppable Fury
– Artefact: Potion of Hateful Frenzy
– Mount Trait: Voidchill Darkness
Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers (110)*
Battlemage (100)*
Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist
– Aspect of the Champion: Stubborn as a Rhinox
– Allies

6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (360)*
Reinforced x 1
20 x Namarti Reavers (340)**
Reinforced x 1
10 x Namarti Reavers (170)**
10 x Namarti Reavers (170)**
Akhelian Leviadon (460)*
Mount Trait: Ancient

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
**Galletian Sharpshooters

Total: 1960 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 100 / 400
Wounds: 97
Drops: 4

Lotann + Leviadon + Big Namarti Parties are the soup of the day for Idoneth. The combination is a great way to improve the Namarti (Reavers or Thralls) in both offense and defense. The Leviadon provides an aura giving Namarti +1 to hit so long as the target is within 12″ of the Leviadon. With the Leviadon’s large base size, that 12″ is generous. He also provides a +1 to save aura in the same zone, meaning that the Namarti may be able to hold back and reap the benefits of the save and hit bonuses from the turtle while enjoying a bonus to wound from Lotann. Ultimately, a squad of 20 will be firing 40 arrows hitting on 2s, wounding on 2s, with rend -1 and 1 damage.

The King and Morsarr Guard are here to do King and Morsarr Guard things. Both like to move fast to get in their opponents’ faces. Both like to hit insanely hard for their cost. Both like to die if you sneeze near them while unsupported. a 6-strong unit of Morsarr can blend large blobs of chaff units using their once-per-game mortal wound bomb, and the king is one of the best duellists in the game. Careful positioning can lead to a blistering number of attacks, and on-demand strike first is nothing to sniff at.


Army Faction: Slaves to Darkness
Army Subfaction: Legion of the First Prince
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Inspired

1 x Centaurion Marshal (145)*
– Artefacts: The Conqueror’s Crown
1 x Chaos Sorcerer Lord (120)*
– Command Traits: Master of Magic
– Artefacts: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Chaotic Conduit
– Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
– Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
1 x Eternus, Blade of the First Prince (235)*
1 x Be’lakor (355)***
Spells: Daemonic Speed

24 x Chaos Legionnaires (330)**
6 x Furies (90)**
6 x Furies (90)***

1 x Chaos Warshrine (185)***
– Prayers: Curse
– Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

1 x Cockatrice (105)*
3 x Gorebeast Chariots (345)***
Exalted Charioteer
– 3 x Chaos Greatblade and Lashing Whip
– Mark of Chaos: Undivided

**Galletian Veterans
***Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000)

Legion of the First prince is starting to establish itself as ‘the third way’, after Cabalists and KOTET, and for good reason – it’s a much harder and more subtle sub-faction to get your head around. It does some offer some baked in synergy – and Kyle here (for the first time in this column that I’ve seen) has leant all the way into the fluffy, synergistic version.

The core fluff of a Legion list is the overlapping benefits to taking Be’Lakor, the Centaurion, Eternus, Legionnaires (double reinforced in this instance) and plenty of furies. The synergies are thus: Legionnaires gain +1 to wound while near Be’Lakor (making them a pretty respectable sub-hammer while relatively durable for their points); Eternus gets +1 to his ‘comes back from the dead’ roll while Be’lakor is still alive – and he gains a free CP while near either Legionnaires or Furies – the latter being more likely to keep up with him while Legionnaires guard Be’lakor; lastly, the Marshal allows the big blob of Legionnaires to rally on a 5+.

The rest of the list is worth commenting on to – it’s an early example of allying in the Cockatrice from the new Beasts book, for ability on a 4+ after one of its shots connects to make the enemy unit hit on 6s – which as you can imagine, could wildly swing the outcome of a key engagement – and at only 105 pts, it’s not a hugely risky gamble.

Ths list lost only to a no-doubt more traditional Slaves list, and again to Khorne – who love lists like this without ranged threats – with the most notable win being the on-form Sylvaneth for a 3-2, which is a good result with both a highly thematic and off-meta list. Gratz Kyle!

Top 3 Lists BCP Megapost 26th February 2023


I thought as Woehammer often struggles to get all the event results out for any given week, it may be a good idea to do one post with all of the lists we intended to cover.

Below, you’ll find all the top three lists this week (that we’re aware of), along with my wildcard choices. We will post individual event results as well, and I will link them to the results below where possible.


  • Warhammer World: Matched Play Event Top 3 Article: Here
    • 1st – Fyreslayers (Greyfyrd)
    • 2nd – Gloomspite Gitz (Jaws of Mork)
    • 3rd – Maggotkin of Nurgle (Blessed Sons)
    • Wildcard – Ossiarch Bonereapers (Petrifex Elite)
  • Cherokee Open Top 3 Article: Here
    • 1st – Gloomspite Gitz (Jaws of Mork)
    • 2nd – Stormcast Eternals (Hammers of Sigmar)
    • 3rd – Lumineth Realm-Lords (Helon)
    • Wildcard – Skaven
  • Small Town Throwdown: Smoke on the Water Top 3 Article: Here
    • 1st – Big Waaagh!
    • 2nd – Blades of Khorne (Reapers of Vengeance)
    • 3rd – Idoneth Deepkin (Nautilar)
    • Wildcard – Slaves to Darkness (Legion of the First Prince)

Warhammer World: Matched Play Event (UK) – 74 Players

Allegiance: Fyreslayers
– Lodge: Greyfyrd
– Mortal Realm: Aqshy
– Grand Strategy: Master of the Forge
– Triumphs: Indomitable

Auric Runefather (120)*
– General
– Command Trait: Spirit of Grimnir
– Artefact: Axe of Grimnir
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master
Auric Flamekeeper (90)***
Auric Flamekeeper (90)***
Battlesmith (150)***
Artefact: Nulsidian Icon
– Aspect of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
Auric Runemaster (130)***
Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
– Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist
– Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
Auric Runesmiter (120)***
– Runic Iron
– Prayer: Ember Storm

15 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (450)*
– Reinforced x 2
30 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (480)**
Reinforced x 2
10 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes (160)**
10 x Vulkite Berzerkers with Bladed Slingshields (150)***

Endless Spells & Invocations
Runic Fyrewall (40)

Core Battalions
*Galletian Command
**Galletian Veterans

Additional Enhancements
Aspect of the Champion

Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 162
Drops: 10


Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
– Gittish Horde: Jaws of Mork
– Grand Strategy: Chasing the Moon
– Triumphs: Indomitable

Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)*
– Command Trait: The Clammy Hand
– Artefact: Moonface Mommet
– Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of Gork
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master
Grinkrak The Great (190)*
Skragrott, The Loonking (160)*
Lore of the Moonclans: Nikkit!Nikkit!
Squigboss with Gnasha-squig (80)**
Squigboss with Gnasha-squig (80)**

20 x Moonclan Shootas (125)*
20 x Moonclan Shootas (125)*
36 x Squig Herd (360)**
Reinforced x 2
36 x Squig Herd (360)**
Reinforced x 2

1 x Marshcrawla Sloggoth (150)*
6 x Grinkrak’s Looncourt (0)*
5 x Gobbapalooza (145)**
Spell1: Lore of the Moonclans: Itchy Nuisance
6 x Sneaky Snufflers (110)**

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment

Total: 1975 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 250
Drops: 2


Army Faction: Maggotkin of Nurgle
Army Subfaction: Blessed Sons
– Grand Strategy: Blessed Desecration
– Triumphs: Inspired

1 x Be’lakor (355)
1 x Lord of Plagues (140)*
Artefacts: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Gift of Disease
– Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master
1 x Bloab Rotspawned (320)*
Spells: Blades of Putrefaction
1 x Lord of Afflictions (230)*
– Command Traits: Overpowering Stench
– Incubatch
– Dolorous Tocsin
– Artefacts: The Splithorn Helm
1 x Orghotts Daemonspew (320)**

5 x Putrid Blightkings (250)**
– Icon Bearer
– Sonorous Tocsin Bearer
5 x Putrid Blightkings (250)**
– Icon Bearer
– Sonorous Tocsin Bearer
10 x Rotmire Creed (130)**

1 x Feculent Gnarlmaw (0)

*Command Entourage – Magnificent
**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (1995/2000)


Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers
– Legion: Petrifex Elite
– Grand Strategy: The Day is Ours!
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Liege-Kavalos (160)*
– Command Trait: Mighty Archaeossian
– Artefact: Helm of the Ordained
Mortisan Soulmason (120)*
Lore of Mortisans: Arcane Command
Mortisan Boneshaper (110)*
Artefact: Godbone Armour
– Lore of Mortisans: Drain Vitality
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master

6 x Necropolis Stalkers (340)**
– 2 x Dread Falchions
6 x Necropolis Stalkers (340)**
– 2 x Dread Falchions
10 x Mortek Guard (140)
Nadirite Blade and Shield
10 x Mortek Guard (140)*
Nadirite Blade and Shield
5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)
– Nadirite Blade and Shield

Mortek Crawler (200)
Mortek Crawler (200)

Bone-tithe Shrieker (50)

**Galletian Veterans


TOTAL: 1980/2000


Cherokee Open (US) – 79 Players

Army Faction: Gloomspite Gitz
Army Subfaction: Jaws of Mork
– Grand Strategy: Chasing the Moon
– Triumphs: Indomitable

1 x Squigboss (80)*
Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
1 x Skragrott, the Loonking (160)*
Spells: Itchy Nuisance
1 x Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)*
– General
– Command Traits: The Clammy Hand
– Artefacts: Staff of Sneaky Stealin’
– Spells: The Hand of Gork

10 x Boingrot Bounderz (280)
Bounder Boss
10 x Boingrot Bounderz (280)*
– Bounder Boss
36 x Squig Herd (360)**
12 x Squig Herd (120)**

1 x Mangler Squigs (260)

1 x Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron (50)

1 x Bad Moon Loonshrine (0)

1 x Marshcrawla Sloggoth (150)
6 x Sneaky Snufflers (110)

**Galletian Veterans

TOTAL POINTS: (1940/2000)


Army Faction: Stormcast Eternals
Army Type: Scions of the Storm
– Army Subfaction: Hammers of Sigmar
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Holy Commands: Thunderbolt Volley
– Holy Commands: Call for Aid
– Triumphs: Inspired

1 x Bastian Carthalos (300)**
1 x Lord-Relictor (150)**
Prayers: Translocation
1 x Lord-Castellant (160)**
– Command Traits: Master of Magic
– Artefacts: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Thundershock
– Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master

4 x Dracothian Guard Fulminators (480)**
5 x Liberators (120)***
– Heavens-wrought Weapon and Sigmarite Shield
– Grandweapon
5 x Liberators (120)***
– Grandweapon
– Heavens-wrought Weapon and Sigmarite Shield
5 x Liberators (120)***
– Grandweapon
– Heavens-wrought Weapon and Sigmarite Shield

3 x Aetherwings (70)*
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (240)*
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (240)*

*Galletian Sharpshooters
***Galletian Veterans

TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000)


Army Faction: Lumineth Realm-lords
Army Subfaction: Helon
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Inspired

1 x Archmage Teclis (700)*
1 x Scinari Calligrave (110)*
Spells: Overwhelming Heat
– Aspects of the Champion: Stubborn as a Rhinox
1 x Scinari Cathallar (110)*
– Command Traits: Master of Magic
– Artefacts: Silver Wand
– Spells: Total Eclipse

5 x Hurakan Windchargers (130)*
Windspeaker Seneschal
– Standard Bearer
5 x Hurakan Windchargers (130)*
– Windspeaker Seneschal
– Standard Bearer
20 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (300)*
– High Sentinel
– Spells: Protection of Hysh
10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (150)*
High Warden
– Spells: Etheral Blessings
10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (150)*
High Warden
– Spells: Solar Flare

1 x Umbral Spellportal (80)
1 x Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws (70)
1 x Rune of Petrification (60)

*Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (1990/2000)


Army Faction: Skaven
Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

1 x Verminlord Deceiver (420)
Artefacts: Shadow Magnet Trinket
– Spells: Flaming Weapon
1 x Verminlord Warbringer (400)*
– Command Traits: Devious Adversary
– Artefacts: Warpstone Charm
– Spells: Flaming Weapon
1 x Grey Seer (120)**
Spells: Skitterleap
1 x Grey Seer (120)**
Spells: Skitterleap
Aspects of the Champion: Tunnel Master
1 x Thanquol (430)**
– 4 x Warpfire Projectors
– Spells: Skitterleap

10 x Night Runners (90)*
20 x Clanrats (100)*
– 2 x Clanrat Standard Bearer
– 2 x Clanrat Bell-ringer
– Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (100)*
– 2 x Clanrat Standard Bearer
– 2 x Clanrat Bell-ringer
– Rusty Blade

1 x Warp Lightning Vortex (80)
1 x Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws (70)
1 x Lauchon the Soulseeker (50)

1 x Gnawhole (0)

*Battle Regiment
**Command Entourage – Magnificent

TOTAL POINTS: (1980/2000)


Small Town Throwdown: Smoke on the Water (US) – 30 Players

Army Faction: Orruk Warclans
Army Type: Big Waaagh!
– Grand Strategy: Waaagh!
– Triumph: Bloodthirsty

Orruk Warchanter (120)*
– General
– Command Traits: Master of Magic
– Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork
– Warbeats: Fixin’ Beat
Orruk Warchanter (120)*
Warbeats: Get ’Em Beat
Skragrott, the Loonking (160)*
Orruk Megaboss (140)**
Wurrgog Prophet (170)**
Artefacts of Power: Glowin’ Tattooz
– Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry
Wurrgog Prophet (170)**
Artefacts of Power: Gryph-feather Charm
– Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry
– Aspects of the Champion: Abhorrant Ghoul King

Moonclan Stabbas (125)*
Moonclan Boss
– Bad Moon Icon Bearer
– Gong Basher
– Stabba
– 3 Barbed Nets
Orruk Ardboys (80)**
Orruk Ardboys (240)***
Ardboy Boss
– 3 x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearer
– 3 x Waaagh! Drummer
– 6 x Orruk-forged Shield
Orruk Brutes (450)***
Brute Boss
– Jagged Gore-hacka
Orruk Brutes (150)***
Brute Boss
– Jagged Gore-hacka

1 x Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws (70)

***Galletian Veterans

TOTAL POINTS: 1995/2000


Allegiance: Khorne
Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Charge

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)*
Artefact: Armour of Scorn
Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (300)***
– Command Trait: Mage Eater
– Artefact: Skullshard Mantle
Skarbrand (390)
Slaughterpriest (100)*
Prayer: Blood Sacrifice
Skarr Bloodwrath (110)*
Slaughterpriest (100)**
Prayer: +1 to hit
– Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel Master

5 x Flesh Hounds (100)***
5 x Flesh Hounds (100)***
5 x Flesh Hounds (100)**

9 x The Unmade (80)*

Cygor (210)***

Endless Spells & Invocations
Wrath-Axe (70)
Skulls (50)

Core Battalions
***Battle Regiment

Additional Enhancements

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Drops: 8


Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin
Enclave: Nautilar
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: The Creeping Gloomtide
– Triumphs: Inspired

Akhelian King (250)*
– Bladed Polearm
– Command Trait: Unstoppable Fury
– Artefact: Potion of Hateful Frenzy
– Mount Trait: Voidchill Darkness
Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers (110)*
Battlemage (100)*
Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist
– Aspect of the Champion: Stubborn as a Rhinox
– Allies

6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (360)*
Reinforced x 1
20 x Namarti Reavers (340)**
Reinforced x 1
10 x Namarti Reavers (170)**
10 x Namarti Reavers (170)**
Akhelian Leviadon (460)*
Mount Trait: Ancient

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
**Galletian Sharpshooters

Total: 1960 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 100 / 400
Wounds: 97
Drops: 4


Army Faction: Slaves to Darkness
Army Subfaction: Legion of the First Prince
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Inspired

1 x Centaurion Marshal (145)*
– Artefacts: The Conqueror’s Crown
1 x Chaos Sorcerer Lord (120)*
– Command Traits: Master of Magic
– Artefacts: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Chaotic Conduit
– Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage
– Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh
1 x Eternus, Blade of the First Prince (235)*
1 x Be’lakor (355)***
Spells: Daemonic Speed

24 x Chaos Legionnaires (330)**
6 x Furies (90)**
6 x Furies (90)***

1 x Chaos Warshrine (185)***
– Prayers: Curse
– Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

1 x Cockatrice (105)*
3 x Gorebeast Chariots (345)***
Exalted Charioteer
– 3 x Chaos Greatblade and Lashing Whip
– Mark of Chaos: Undivided

**Galletian Veterans
***Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000)

Idoneth Deepkin – Faction Review (Jul-Nov ’22)


With the release of the Battlescroll: Galletian Reinforcements I’ve been able to go back through the data from the release of the General’s Handbook and tidy everything up. In doing so, I though it may be cool to give you a run-down of how each faction performed under the current General’s Handbook until the Battlescroll took effect.

The data used for analysing these results was taken from 110 Grand Tournaments between 3rd July 2022 and 6th November 2022.

Idoneth Deepkin

Region Comparison – Popularity

Idoneth Deepkin saw their highest popularity in Europe with 4.6% of players choosing the faction for tournament play, while at the opposite end of the world the uptake was only 1.2% in Oceania.

Region Comparison – Win Rates

Oceania had the highest win rate with 80.0% (insane!), while North America had the lowest with 44.0%.

Scandinavia was the only region which didn’t see the Idoneth achieve a 5-0 result.

Subfaction Analysis

SubfactionPlayersWin Rate
Faction Total16849.23%

There appears to be a fairly even spread between 3-4 subfactions, with Mor’Phann being the most successful of those at 55.33% and Nautilar having the least success at 41.74%. These tables often go to show how much difference the subfaction allegiance abilities can make to an army.

Top 10 Idoneth Deepkin Players

You may notice that some players have a better World/Nation ranking than players above them in this table. This is due to players playing with multiple factions. These players have been ranked on their top 4 Idoneth Deepkin results only.

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Top Three AoS Lists for the Proving Grounds


This is the Top Three AoS Lists for the Proving Grounds that took place in Canada on 22nd and 23rd October. It involved 15 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5 game tournament.

Before I jump into the Top Three AoS Lists, I wanted to remind everyone of our friendly Discord server where you can join in the conversation with the Woehammer crew and suggest articles or series for the website.

If you like what we’re doing, why not join our Patreon and help keep it going?

Also if there’s a one day or two day tournament you’d like us to cover drop us a comment on this post and we’ll have a look at it for you.

The Top Three AoS Lists

Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar (Scions of the Storm)
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

Lord-Imperatant (175)*
– Command Trait: Master of Magic
– Artefact: Arcane Tome
– Spell: Celestial Blades
Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos (300)*
Lord-Relictor (145)*
Prayer: Translocation
Knight-Judicator with Gryph-Hounds (205)*

3 x Annihilators (200)***
3 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers (240)***
2 x Dracothian Guard Fulminators (230)***
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (240)*
5 x Vindictors (130)**
5 x Vindictors (130)**

*Warlord (Magnificent Bonus: Additional Holy Command)
**Expert Conquerors
***Bounty Hunters

Holy Command: Call for Aid
Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley

TOTAL: 1995/2000

Brett: Now we’re talking, 1 of almost everything really good in the SCE book, drops be damned. The result is some really powerful mortal wound projection and good mobility with Translocation, Annihilators and Fulminators. That combined with Bastian and 30″ shooting is punishing. He’s only lost to a list that could get close enough in the early rounds. With the Annihilators only coming in from reserve the Idoneth could really get an advantage in early rounds. We never see 2x Holy Commands, but I think they are underrated. Here they are giving an extra round of shooting and an extra 10 wounds.

This is just a fun list to play with and has some of the best or most interesting units SCE can bring.

Declan: Small tournaments are great in that you can win with a good 4-1 result, and it means the number of 0-5s is hopefully limited — in this case zero! But Matthew has come out on top with a SCE list that has teleporting, armour saves, and good shooting. It’s also a list we’ve seen before but Translocation has gone out of favour recently – so it’s good to see it still being good enough to get success.


Army Faction: Idoneth Deepkin
Army Subfaction: Nautilar
– Grand Strategy: No Place for the Weak
– Triumphs: Bloodthirsty

1 x Eidolon of Mathlann Aspect of the Storm (355)**
Artefacts: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Arcane Corrasion
1 x Akhelian King (250)**
– Command Traits: Unstoppable Fury
– Bladed Polearm and Falchion
– Artefacts: Armour of the Cythai
– Mount Traits: Voidchill Darkness
1 x Lotann (115)**

1 x Akhelian Leviadon (500)*
Mount Traits: Ancient
10 x Namarti Reavers (170)**
10 x Namarti Thralls (130)***
10 x Namarti Thralls (130)***

1 x Gloomtide Shipwreck (0)

2 x Akhelian Allopexes (330)*
Alpha Allopex
– Razorshell Harpoon Launcher
– Barbed Hooks and Blades

*Bounty Hunters
***Expert Conquerors

TOTAL POINTS: (1980/2000)

Brett: This is a very interesting top 3, this list beat the one in first and was beaten by the list below in third. I haven’t seen that before. Idoneth is still throwing up a lot of variety, they haven’t taken a lot of tournaments so there is no “net list”. Here there is a return to the Allopexes/Leviadon with a supporting cast of infantry. Of course Eidolon and the Ahkelian King are here as hammers. Turn priority is important for Idoneth and would have worked in Pendelton’s favour against first place. The heavy hitters here and Reavers could do devastating damage to the small SCE units in the first turn and then deal with Annihilators. Pretty much every other list would have suffered exactly the same way, unless they had Gotrek or a Big Dragon.

Declan: Good to see IdK still doing well – even if they are Aelves. This is a relatively ‘normal’ list since the new book with Leviadon (big turtle), some sharks, a king and a Eidolon. It’s an interesting list which seems to rely on the characters, sharks and turtle… although don’t underestimate the Thralls. I prefer them in bigger units, but they can still contribute to the game.


Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
Stormhost: Hallowed Knights (Scions of the Storm)
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: No Place for the Weak
– Triumphs: Indomitable

Gardus Steel Soul (150)**
Lord-Relictor (145)**
Prayer: Translocation
Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)**
– Celestine Hammer
– Command Trait: Master of Magic
– Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
– Mount Trait: Celestial Instincts
– Spell: Thundershock
Gotrek Gurnisson (485)**

5 x Liberators (115)*
Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield
5 x Liberators (115)*
Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield
5 x Liberators (115)*
Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (240)
Everblaze Comet (100)

*Expert Conquerors
**Battle Regiment
Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley

Total: 1965 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 485 / 400
Wounds: 74
Drops: 5

Brett: And so here is an army you don’t want to get close to, Gotrek , 5+ wards and fight on death for all of those enticing Liberators. Long range shooting and a dragon are always pretty effective. This list is really banking on Everblaze, Stardrake and the Longstrikes to weaken you at range (30″ to 36″). If there is a weakness it’s the crippling lack of mobility in this force. You can teleport (or translocate them) but their scoring opportunities are going to be fewer with only 4″ to 6″ on everything other than the dragon. You really want the enemy to be coming to you which looks like what happened. His only loss was to another fight on death army. Zainthar Kai is brutal with so many attacks and they get to you fast so it makes sense.

Declan: 2 big characters! We’ve not seen Gotrek in a while and the little dwarf is here to provide a big bubble that the enemy doesn’t want to go into. He’s still a monster in combat and can safely kill most things in the game if he can roll normally.

It’s also great to see a Stardrake doing well – it’s seen as overcoasted by most players but the model is great – even I own one. It’s also a great centre piece for drawing attention to the army – something Gotrek just can’t do.


Army Faction: Cities of Sigmar
Army Type: Living City
– Grand Strategy: Take What’s Theirs
– Triumph: Inspired

Doralia ven Denst (115)**
Freeguild General (100)**
Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
– Spells: Lifesurge
Freeguild General on Griffon (290)***
– Command Traits: Ironoak Artisan
– Sigmarite Runesword
– Artefacts of Power: Spear of the Hunt
– Mount Traits: Soaring Guardian
Galen Ven Denst (115)***
Haskel Hexbane (180)***

Demigryph Knights (175)*
– Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Demigryph Knight’s Lance
Freeguild Greatswords (150)*
Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Guild Champion
Freeguild Greatswords (300)*
Standard Bearer
– Hornblower
– Guild Champion
Freeguild Crossbowmen (200)**
Standard Bearer
– Piper
– Marksman
Freeguild Crossbowmen (200)**
Standard Bearer
– Piper
– Marksman
Freeguild Guard (170)**
Standard Bearer
– Drummer
– Sergeant
– Freeguild Sword and Shield

Hexbane’s Hunters (180)**

*Bounty Hunters
**Battle Regiment
***Command Entourage – Magnificent

TOTAL POINTS: 1995/2000

Brett: Is this someone that also plays Warhammer Fantasy battles? This looks a lot like a Fantasy army (also if you are checking on Best Coast Pairings this is listed as Beastclaw Raiders but as you can see, it isn’t). Good to see the Underworlds here with Hexbane, now go see if you can find his warscroll. Huge number of rank and file combat and shooting hampered only by it’s short range. And that’s what’s happened by the looks of it, every army that needed to charge died to a hail of fire. Even the Lumineth list which was Stoneguard following their glow up in the new book. Lists with long range shooting to hit those crossbow men did a lot better. This is the first of the 3/2 lists and scored really well in all rounds (that he won) other than the last. Stoneguard are really good now.

Hard to disassemble a castle like this without shooting or spells, your best option is to play the mission and try to get tactics where you can avoid engaging. Either way try to get rid of the Demigryph Knights as soon as possible to limit his movement and remove them as a threat to your smaller units.

Declan: I’ve not reviewed a Cities of Sigmar list in a while and this one’s interesting. With both the Ven Denst’s making an appearance and with Freeguild Crossbowmen there is a ranged threat here that is not to be ignored. I’m interested in the Greatswords though.

3+/3+ is the stat-line Games Workshop are using for models and units they want to be good in combat. So the Freeguild are going to hit, and the 4+ armour save is not to be ignored. They are not cheap at 150 points for 10, but with a unit of 10 and 20, they will be able to push out some damage. It’s not seen often, as they’re probably not good enough for a 5-0, but they are great if you want to have fun and have a good paint scheme.

Final Tournament Placings

Woeful Wargaming